
zhěng xiū
  • rebuild;renovate;repair;restore;mend;refurbish;Restorations;face-lift;refit
整修 [zhěng xiū]
  • [mend;rebuild;renovate] 整治修理

  • 整修水利工程

整修[zhěng xiū]
  1. 他们准备将旧家具整修一番。

    They are going to renovate the old furniture .

  2. 正是整修窝巢的时候。

    It is time to renovate the nest .

  3. 他们整修房子做得一塌糊涂。

    The work they did on the house was a botched job .

  4. 该镇最近进行了整修。

    The town has recently been given a facelift .

  5. 他花了7万英镑整修他的游艇。

    He spent £ 70 000 refitting his yacht .

  6. 这条船已经全面整修了。

    The ship has undergone a complete refit .

  7. 博物馆已闭馆整修。

    The museum has been closed for renovation .

  8. 酒店停业整修。

    The hotel is closed for refurbishment .

  9. 许多建筑需要整修。

    Many of the buildings are in need of repair

  10. 里卡多·博菲利是一名加泰罗尼亚的建筑师,这座整修过的机场就是他设计的。

    Ricardo Bofill , the Catalan architect , has designed the revamped airport .

  11. 这家餐馆已经重新整修了——之前发现存在火灾隐患。

    The restaurant has been refurbished — it was found to be a fire risk

  12. 詹金森促成了老美术馆的重新整修。

    Jenkinson instigated a refurbishment of the old gallery

  13. 约翰20世纪60年代开始整修那幢房子时,它已有40年都无人照管了。

    When John began to restore the house in the 1960s , nothing had been touched for 40 years .

  14. 道路正在整修中。

    The road is under repair .

  15. 每次回店里“囤货”的时候,她信心洋溢。整个香水配对过程不足20分钟,感觉就像做了一次个性整修。

    Done in under 20 minutes , a perfume profiling session feels like a personality refitting .

  16. 驻足观看,这里发生了天翻地覆的变化:房屋重新被整修过,条件也优于从前,成群的牛羊正在欢快地吃着青草,地里的庄稼也成排地生长着。

    Look and behold3 . It 's like a completely different place -- the farmhouse is completely rebuilt and in excellent condition , there are plenty of cattle and other livestock4 happily munching5 on feed in well-fenced pens , and the fields are filled with crops planted in neat rows .

  17. 民兵II三级整修计划的有效性

    Effectiveness of the Minuteman II Stage III Refurbishment Program

  18. 广泛地Theinteriorhasrecentlybeenextensivelyrestored.室内最近大规模地整修过。就这一题目他已经写了大量的东西。

    He has written extensively on the subject .

  19. 热轧H型钢端部翼缘斜度超标判定及整修工艺探讨

    The judgement and the exploration of renovation process on out of square in the end of HR H-beam

  20. 陷入资金短缺的联合国(UN)将着手进行一项耗资20亿美元的翻新工程,将其曼哈顿总部整修一新。

    The cash-strapped United Nations is about to embark on a $ 2bn refurbishment to bring its Manhattan headquarters up to date .

  21. 因此,我们穿过了城市的中心大道,决定在保罗-伊丽莎白天然食品餐厅(PaulandElizabeth'sNaturalFoodsRestaurant)用餐。这个餐厅位于一家整修一新的商场里。

    And so we cross the town 's Main Street and settle upon Paul and Elizabeth 's Natural Foods Restaurant , located in a refurbished department store .

  22. 希望RAM的闭馆整修早日完成,新的展览筹备顺利,我们一起期待九月的来临。

    I sincerely hope that the renovation project of RAM will be successfully completed and look forward to the new exhibition in September .

  23. colonycapital去年与杰克逊成立了一家合资公司,以整修荒废的梦幻庄园,使之免于被没收拍卖,该公司没有就其计划发表评论。

    Colony capital , which saved Neverland from a foreclosure sale last year by forming a joint venture with Jackson to spruce up the dilapidated property , has not commented on its plans .

  24. 不过,最好的建筑往往是最不显眼的——从纽约的高线公园(HighLinePark)到整修一新的伦敦国王十字车站,它们都无缝融入公共空间。

    Yet the best architecture is often the quietest , taking what is there and knitting it into a public space - from the High Line park in New York to the restoration of King 's Cross station in London .

  25. 安检情况:因为机场内外都正在整修,所以它开设了新的LAXIsHappening网站,提供每个航站楼的使用指南。

    Security lowdown : With construction inside and out , the airport has created a new LAX Is Happening website that offers travel tips for each terminal .

  26. 例如按照英国的GreenDeal计划,消费者可以为替换老旧锅炉等房屋整修举措申请贷款,并通过支付溢价电费的形式予以偿还。

    Under the UK 's Green Deal scheme , for example , consumers can take out a loan for home improvement measures such as getting rid of an old boiler and pay it back through a surcharge on their electricity bills .

  27. 纽约建筑师安娜贝勒·塞尔道夫(AnnabelleSelldorf)正在整修这两个现存的较老的建筑,景观设计公司里德·希尔德布兰德(ReedHilderbrand)正在重新布置庭院。

    The New York architect Annabelle Selldorf is renovating both of the existing older structures , and the landscape firm Reed Hilderbrand is reconfiguring the grounds .

  28. 本文介绍了FPS型发动机磨损整修剂研制,讨论了它的极压型、抗磨性、功能性和经济性。

    This paper introduces the development of friction-reducing treatmenter for FPS Type engine , and discusses its properties of extreme pressure , wear resistance and function and economy .

  29. 乌菲齐博物馆的发言人马尔科·费里(MarcoFerri)说该博物馆从2006年开始整修,但是有些房间没有升级安装气候控制系统。

    Marco Ferri , a spokesman for the Uffizi , said the museum has been under renovation since 2006 but that some rooms have not yet been upgraded with climate control .

  30. 最后,他说,他想通过扩展和整修狭小的大堂来让歌剧院更受欢迎。半个世纪前,为了节省成本,这幢建筑的设计师华莱士·K·哈里森(WallaceK.Harrison)不得不按比例缩小了大堂。

    Toward that end , he said , he wanted to make the Met more welcoming by expanding and renovating its cramped lobby - which the building 's architect , Wallace K. Harrison , was forced to scale back to save money half a century ago .