
  • 网络muggy weather;oppressive weather
  1. 北京夏季高温闷热天气的气候特征和2008夏季奥运会

    Climatic Characteristics of Estival Muggy Weather in Beijing Related to 2008 Olympics

  2. 6月份高温天气较多,但闷热天气很少。

    There are many hot weather days but few muggy weather days in June .

  3. 总而言之,河蟹生态养殖池塘PVC底层增氧机使用规律为:晴天中午开,日出前夕勤开;阴雨天夜间长开;闷热天气延长开,大风天气可少开。

    In short , ecological aquaculture pond bottom crabs PVC aerator rule is : sunny noon open , before sunrise frequently open ; rain night always open ; Hot weather extended open , windy weather may be less open .

  4. 针对近年来频繁发生的高温闷热天气,应用石家庄地区17个站近29年的气温、相对湿度和市区8个自动站气温观测资料,采用EOF方法,分析了高温、闷热日数分布特征。

    Based on the observation data of temperature and relative humidity of 17 stations and the temperature data of 8 automatic weather stations in Shijiazhuang , by means of EOF technique , the high temperature and muggy weather distribution characteristic is analyzed .

  5. 郑州市近50年高温闷热天气气候特征分析

    Analysis on Weather over Zhengzhou During the Past 50 Years

  6. 但是天气预报员表示,飓风“朱利奥”会带来更多的闷热天气。

    Forecasters say Julio though will bring more hot and muggy weather .

  7. 石家庄的高温闷热天气

    High Temperature and Muggy Weather in Shijiazhuang City

  8. 高温天气和闷热天气的平均持续日数均约为3天。

    The average duration of the hot and muggy weather are both 3 days .

  9. 肉在闷热天气容易腐败。

    Meat will readily taint in close weather .

  10. 8月份高温日数非常稀少,但闷热天气日数还有一定数量。

    And there are very few hot weather days but several muggy days in August .

  11. 在这座城市经历了数日的闷热天气之后爆发了藻类爆发事件。

    The algae pollution broke out after the city had undergone a couple of steaming humid days .

  12. 当他无法忍受闷热天气时,洪力决定尝一下这招。

    When he couldn 't bear the heat any longer , he decided to give it a shot .

  13. 与此同时,首都和其他城镇的民众在斋月期间忍受着高温闷热天气,却经常被切断电力供应。

    Meanwhile people in the capital and other towns , suffering sweltering temperatures during the fasting month of Ramadan , are frequently bereft of electricity .

  14. 一旦与挥发性有机化合物结合,氮氧化合物就会在低压闷热天气造成烟雾或地面臭氧污染&导致人类呼吸系统问题。

    When combined with volatile organic compounds , NOx can create smog or ground-level ozone pollution in hot stagnant weather – causing respiratory problems in humans .

  15. 乌兹别克斯坦准备的很好,他们很难适应柬埔寨的闷热天气,我们在首场比赛就取得胜利,我感到很满意。

    Uzbekistan prepared well and it was difficult getting used to the heat in Kuala Lumpur but I am satisfied to have a win in our first game .

  16. 西班牙红十字会7月27日表示,横扫欧洲的高温闷热天气近日使得该国东部海岸地区的水母泛滥成灾,并迫使那些度假者不得不为此而退避三舍。

    Sweltering temperatures sweeping Europe have brought a plague of jellyfish to Spain 's eastern seashores , forcing holidaymakers to stay out of the sea , the Red Cross said on Thursday .

  17. 对于60岁以上的老人来说,寒冷天气、强对流天气、闷热天气和大雪天气对男性的影响明显大于女性;

    For the human group of sixty or over , the influence of weather , such as cold , severe convective , muggy and heavy snowing weather , is greater on men than on women ;

  18. 在东京都市圈和其他地区,民众对高峰时间节电15%的号召做出了令人敬佩的响应,这一号召迫使企业调整工作时间,并让员工在办公室里忍受闷热天气。

    The population has responded admirably to calls for cuts of up to 15 per cent in peak-time electricity use in Greater Tokyo and other areas , which have forced companies to shift working hours and left workers sweltering in their offices .

  19. 闷热的天气根本没有缓解。

    There was no respite from the suffocating heat .

  20. 下午闷热的天气使他疲惫不堪。

    The oppressive afternoon heat had quite tired him out

  21. 雨季开始时,我们预料有闷热的天气。

    We may expect muggy weather when the rainy season begins .

  22. 这种治疗没有为21岁的孟宽(MungHkwang)带来多少帮助,不久前的一天,在闷热的天气里,他躺在茅草屋顶的中心宿舍里,浑身发抖。

    The treatment did little to help Mung Hkwang , 21 , who despite the sweltering heat lay shivering recently inside the center 's thatch-roofed dormitory .

  23. 他厌恶这闷热的天气。

    He is sick of this hot , sticky weather .

  24. 是这闷热的天气使我兴味索然。

    It is the heavy weather and heat that make me dull .

  25. 这听起来可能比较腻,但其实非常适合在闷热的天气里品尝。

    It might sound rich but is a good match for sultry weather .

  26. 闷热的天气导致我们很多的不舒服。

    The sultry weather caused us much discomfort .

  27. 儿童基金会说,夏季闷热的天气让这些问题更加难以应对。

    It says these problems are made even more difficult by the sweltering summer heat .

  28. 这天气与其说暖和不如说闷热。天气太闷热了!我都没法呼吸了。

    It is sultry rather than warm . It 's stifling ! I can hardly breathe .

  29. 我讨厌闷热的天气。

    I hate sultry weather .

  30. 在闷热的天气下,人们都喜爱在杨柳树荫下乘凉及闲谈。

    In the sultry weather people take rest and enjoy chatting under the shadow of podul willow .