
  1. 陈叔宝文学群体也有文章创作的群体性倾向,他们的文风呈现出绮靡艳冶、细腻婉致、滑稽娱情等特征。

    The literary groups of Chen Shu Bao also tended to groups creation , their style of writing were bright , delicate and funny .

  2. 公元583年,后主陈叔宝继位,荒淫无道,不理政务,并且大修宫室,耗费了大量钱财,使经济又遭破坏。

    In 583 , the later emperor Chen Shubao came into the power , he paid no heed to the governments except hurling money on extravagant life and spectacular palace . The accumulation of the wealth was drained in the south .