
  1. 此次宴请是陈光标的又一次另类的慈善和环保行动。之前,他还试图收购《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes),在北京充满雾霾的街头免费派发罐装新鲜空气,以及在街上撒钱。

    All this added to his bizarre track record , which now includes trying to buy The New York Times , handing out ' Fresh Air ' containers on the streets of polluted Beijing and giving out cash on the streets .

  2. “罐装空气”绝非河南独有。以爱造噱头闻名、一度想收购《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)的中国巨富陈光标早在2012年就卖过这种罐头。

    The canned-air idea is hardly unique to Henan : Rags-to-riches Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao , known for his splashy publicity stunts , including his past efforts to woo the owners of the New York Times , began selling such cans in 2012 .

  3. 住在简陋房屋中的纽约居民希尔斯(AntoneHills)对美联社(AssociatedPress)表示,他认为陈光标是一个好人,在向美国提供帮助。

    I think he 's a good guy and he 's helping our country , ' Antone Hills , a shelter resident , told the Associated Press .

  4. 但并非所有人都认同陈光标的浮夸的慷慨行为。

    But not everyone is taken with Chen 's flashy generosity .

  5. 不过也有一些人为陈光标辩护。

    A few , however , came to the billionaire 's defense .

  6. 陈光标飞到台湾,向那里的穷人捐赠了25万美元。

    Chen flew to Taiwan to give $ 250,000 to poor people .

  7. 徐永光在2011年的那篇文章中呼吁陈光标提升自己的专业精神。

    In that 2011 article , Xu called on Chen to improve his professionalism .

  8. 陈光标总是想着贫穷地区的穷人。

    Chen Guangbiao is always thinking of the poor people in the poor areas .

  9. 上周,陈光标在《纽约时报》上刊登了一则广告。

    Last week , Chen took out an ad in the New York Times .

  10. 同时最近的大陆首善陈光标台湾慈善行遇到的争议。

    Mainland capital city while the recent Taiwan Chen cursor Charity Walk encountered controversy .

  11. 对陈光标摸不着头脑的并不只有美国人,过去4年里,中国的记者们也一直在试图搞清楚他到底是怎么一回事。

    Journalists in China have been trying to figure him out for the past four years .

  12. 北京一位人脉广泛的商务顾问告诉我,陈光标游走在主流之外。

    A well-connected business consultant in Beijing told me that Chen is far outside the mainstream .

  13. 根据视频解说,陈光标在大垃圾桶内呆了有30分钟。

    According to commentary on the video , Chen stayed in the bucket for about 30 minutes .

  14. 陈光标说,他希望通过这次午餐告诉美国中国是有慈善家的。

    Chen said he was hoping the lunch would show the US that there are Chinese philanthropists .

  15. 陈光标是江苏省一家资源再生企业的执行总裁。

    Chen Guangbiao is CEO of Jiangsu Huangpu Recycling Resource ( a resource recycling company ) in Jiangsu Province .

  16. 据《南华早报》报道,陈光标称他知道众多美国报刊都是由犹太人掌控的。

    Chen said he was aware that many American papers were Jewish-owned , the South China Morning Post reported .

  17. 去年八月,陈光标在微博上上传了两段视频,表示自己接受了挑战。

    Last August , Chen uploaded two video clips to his micro blog that showed him taking the challenge .

  18. 与此同时中国国内的一些人也说,陈光标的钱花在自己国家身上会更好。

    Amid all that hostility , back home , some Chinese are saying Mr. Chen 's money would be better spent in his own country .

  19. 数百名纽约流浪汉的恼怒清楚地表明,中国富豪陈光标无法轻松赢得美国人的芳心。

    An uproar from hundreds of homeless New Yorkers made it clear that Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao can 't easily win the hearts of Americans .

  20. 不过,围绕着陈光标访台的争议表明,大陆对台投资仍是一个高度敏感的话题。

    As the controversy around Mr Chen 's visit shows , however , there is still a high degree of sensitivity over Chinese funds in Taiwan .

  21. 陈光标还试图收购《纽约时报》,尽管没有成功,但这是他发展更紧密中美关系活动中的一部分。

    Chen has also tried unsuccessfully to buy the New York Times as part of his ongoing campaign to develop closer ties between US and China .

  22. 据《纽约每日新闻》报道,陈光标兑现了所有诺言&他确实唱了《天下一家》,还唱得深情款款。但是他忘了一件事:援助金。

    He made good on all his promises We are the World was indeed sung , and sung buoyantly but he forgot one thing : the money .

  23. 陈光标在12月24日发布了一张自己被现金墙包围的图片(他自称图片中的现金总额为2.3亿美元),引起了中国流行门户网站搜狐记者的兴趣。

    A Dec. 24 picture of Chen surrounded by what he said was $ 230 million in cash got reporters at the popular Chinese web portal Sohu working .

  24. 陈光标宴请的菜单包括芝麻吞拿鱼、牛排和淋上鲜奶油的浆果。

    Mr. Chen , who made his money in the recycling business , served up a menu of sesame-seed-encrusted tuna , beef filet and berries with cr è me fraiche .

  25. 按照典型的中国方式,陈光标的贡献通过数字呈现在人们眼前:他从废墟中救出130条人命,还向灾区捐赠了1亿多元的善款。

    In typical Chinese fashion , his contributions were summarized in numbers : 130 people dug out from the rubble , more than 100 million RMB donated to the area .

  26. 陈光标呼吁公众要对富人参与慈善活动给予更多的理解和宽容,因为有些媒体会经常猜疑富人进行慈善捐款的真诚度。

    Chen called for more tolerance and understanding for the charity activities of the rich , as some media constantly doubt the sincerity of the wealthy on the charity pledge .

  27. 陈光标――是的,就是连名片都很出名的那位――在纽约市中央公园的洛布船屋请250名流浪汉吃了一顿豪华午餐。

    Mr. Chen yes , he of the infamous business card treated 250 homeless guests to an expensive lunch at Loeb Boathouse in New York City 's Central Park on Wednesday .

  28. 观察陈光标心态的一个有趣方法是看他的英文名片,这是他给美国记者的众多材料之一。

    One interesting insight into Chen 's mindset might be to look at his English-language business card , one of a number of promotional materials he gives out to U.S. journalists .

  29. 陈光标2008年还是一位名不见经传的企业家,直到四川地震发生后,他将60台拆卸机器和120名员工派往灾区协助救援队拯救幸存者。

    Chen was a little-known entrepreneur in 2008 until he sent 60 of his demolition machines and 120 workers to help rescue teams pull out survivors of the earthquake in Sichuan Province .

  30. 通过在中国回收生活垃圾和建筑材料发家的陈光标,用夸张的宣传来推动慈善事业,近年来一直受到媒体关注。

    Making his fortune from recycling domestic waste and construction materials in China , Chen has been in the media spotlight in recent years for his dramatic publicity stunts promoting philanthropic causes .