
mēn sǐ
  • suffocated;stifle;smother;asphyxiate
闷死[mēn sǐ]
  1. 他要么是闷死的,要么是冻死的。

    He either suffocated , or froze to death

  2. 这些塑料袋闷死过不少人。

    These plastic bags have suffocated enough people .

  3. 我可以打开窗户吗?这里面都快把人闷死了!

    Can I open a window ? It 's suffocating in here !

  4. 这样好些了,我刚才在那个小房间里快闷死了。

    That 's better . I was suffocating in that cell of a room

  5. 如果你把窗户全部关起来,我就会闷死。

    If you shut all the windows , I will suffocate .

  6. v.使窒息;闷死煤矿工差点被瓦斯闷死,好在他们及时逃出。

    smother The gas almost smothered the coal miners but they got out in time .

  7. 理查德·福斯特曼和杰米·塔兰两人将调查结果写进《无辜者之死》一书中。1994年,在警察的审讯中,华内塔·霍伊特承认她的孩子并非死于SIDS,而是她亲手闷死的。

    As Richard Firstman and Jamie Talan recount in their book , " The Death of Innocents , " under questioning by police in 1994 , Waneta Hoyt confessed that her children had died not from S.I.D.S. but , rather , because she had smothered them .

  8. 但那就像个大斗蓬要把我闷死了。

    But it was Iike a heavy cloak that stifled me .

  9. 老在一个地方呆着会把人闷死的。

    It 's so gloomy to be stuck in one place .

  10. 掉落的手绢一定会闷死你。

    Drop a handkerchief and it will return to smother you .

  11. 我现在整天想的都是她,快郁闷死了。

    I always think of her as soon as depressed died .

  12. 他闷死她然后把她的脸按到猪食里?

    He strangles her and puts her face in pig food ?

  13. 难道一个人就得在自己的地窖里活活闷死吗?

    Must a man stifle to death in his own cellars ?

  14. 我不想在乡村医院被闷死。

    I do not intend to suffocate in a county hospital .

  15. 闯入者试图用枕头把她闷死。

    The intruders tried to stifle her with a pillow .

  16. 你确实被个塑料袋套上给闷死了。

    Ned : You were strangled to death with a plastic sack .

  17. 你在哪我快闷死了

    Where are you ? I 'm dying over here .

  18. 这个人真的看起来像是被闷死的。

    The guy definitely looks like he was mugged .

  19. 是有人在有意想用这张床把我闷死在躺着的地方。

    It was intended that the bed would smother me where I lay .

  20. 我得出去逛逛,我快闷死了。

    I had to get out of there . it 's so stifling .

  21. 你妻子要闷死你儿子。

    Your wife tried to smother your son .

  22. 我们用他的枕头闷死了他。

    We smothered him with his own pillow .

  23. 我在这么热的房间里要闷死了。

    I 'm stifling in this hot room .

  24. 许多狗在热烘烘的汽车里给闷死了。

    Many dogs have suffocated in hot cars .

  25. 煤矿工差点被瓦斯闷死,好在他们及时逃出。

    The gas almost smlthered the coal miners but they got out in time .

  26. 他不是想把你给闷死吗?

    Dinn 't he try to choke you ?

  27. 那个闷死他的枕头可能不是绿色的。

    Maybe the pillow used wasn 't green .

  28. 你女儿就是被它闷死的。

    It was used to smother your daughter .

  29. 烟雾差点儿把我闷死了。

    The smoke and fumes almost suffocated me .

  30. 奥赛罗用枕头闷死了德斯德莫那。

    Othello suffocated Desdemona with a pillow .