
  1. 室内摆放的整体家具系列延用了70年代的谦和风。

    The whole furniture line follows an unassuming style , inspired in the70 's.

  2. 家具的装饰形态以室内环境中起装饰作用的整体家具形态和家具单体的装饰两种形式出现。家具装饰形态的表现取决于家具的色彩、材料、结构、功能、工艺。

    The decorative form of furniture expresses in two styles of decoration-furniture unit and holistic furniture form which work in indoor environment , and the performance of it rests on color , materials , structure , functions , and techniques .

  3. 信息时代人民生活水平的改变呼唤整体厨房家具设计。

    The improvement of the living standards of people in IT times is calling an overall modern furniture de-sign .

  4. 最后,通过分析目前定制家具市场的现状及问题,提出了几点在现有基础之上,推广整体化家具设计的市场策略及营销模式。

    Finally , through analyse and customize furniture current situation and issue of market at present , propose some market tactics and marketing mode about on the existing foundation , how to popularize the whole furniture design .

  5. 整体床组合家具方便有实惠。

    The whole bed combination furniture convenient have benefits .

  6. 主营产品:室内门,整体衣柜,浴室家具,花园地板。

    Porduct : Interior Door ( compete set ), Closet ( including hardware ), Bathroom Furniture , Garden Flooring .

  7. 就整体而言,美式家具传达了单纯、休闲、有组织、多功能的设计思想,让家庭成为释放压力和解放心灵的净土。

    On the whole , the American furniture convey the pure , leisure , organized , versatile design ideas , to release pressure on the families of the pure land and the liberation of the soul .