
dié fàng
  • Stacking;superpose;pile;put things one on top of another
  1. 林罗斯夫人坐下来,双手叠放在腿上。

    Mrs Ringrose sat down and folded her hands in her lap .

  2. 衣服叠放成整齐的一摞。

    The clothes were folded in a neat pile .

  3. 他在把衣服一件件叠放进手提箱中。

    He was piling clothes into the suitcase

  4. 她女儿帮她把衣服一件件叠放进手提箱中。

    Her daughter helped her pile clothes into the suitcase .

  5. 慢慢地,在把盘子整齐叠放上架时我学会了怎么让Y等于Z。

    I learned how to make Y equal to Z while placing dished in stacks .

  6. DVD盒自动生产线铁块叠放机械手的优化设计

    Optimal design of the iron stacked manipulator of DVD-box automatic production line

  7. 不像垫0B大小的发射者,以及其他美国宇航局发射台,火箭将在垫答兴建叠放水平,而在一个坡道说谎。

    Unlike those launched from Pad0B , and other NASA launch pads , rockets constructed at Pad0A will be stacked up horizontally , while lying on a ramp .

  8. Y-40的深度约为12层楼或9辆双层巴士叠放在一起的高度,今年6月开始对外营业。

    Operating since June , the pool has a diving height of a 12-storey building , or nine doubledecker buses placed on top of each other .

  9. 她坐着,两手文静地叠放在膝盖上。

    She sat with her hands folded demurely in her lap .

  10. 杂志成堆地叠放在桌子。

    The magazines were stacked in heaps on the table .

  11. 这些附加的区域可以使用选项卡显示,或者垂直叠放显示。

    These additional areas can be shown in tabs or stacked vertically .

  12. 三相垂直叠放户外空心干式电抗器的设计

    Design of Vertically-Stacking Outdoor Hollow Dry Three - Phase Reactors

  13. 约翰给她画了两手叠放坐在椅子上的肖像。

    John painted her sitting in a chair with her hands folded .

  14. 离开的时候请把课本整齐地叠放在桌子上。

    Please pile your textbooks neatly on the table as you leave .

  15. 结果是按这些值叠放的视图。

    The result is a cascade of the views offset by these values .

  16. 存放区里的骨灰是叠放在一起的,不对外展示。

    Behind the door cremains were stacked up and stored out of sight .

  17. 他把看过的旧报纸都叠放在书柜里。

    He folded all the old newspapers and put them in the book cabinet .

  18. 应用多级可选套筛叠放在一起,筛分效率高。

    Through stacking multiple-stage changeable sets of sieves , screening efficiency has become higher .

  19. 有没有可能把烘干机叠放在滚筒洗衣机上面,这样危险吗?

    Is it dangerous to have the dryer mounted on top of a Washer ?

  20. 将剩下的酸奶糊状物、香蕉切片和草莓再按照上述步骤继续叠放。

    Repeat layers 1 more time with remaining yogurt mixture , banana slices and strawberries .

  21. 叠放她把盒子一个个地摞起来。

    to form a pile She piled the boxes one on top of the other .

  22. 你要做出桌面姿势,双手叠放在肩膀上。

    You 're going to come into your tabletop position . Hands are stacked under your shoulders .

  23. 那些塑料扶手椅靠墙叠放着,地毯闻起来像是洗发水的味道。

    The plastic molded chairs were stacked along the walls , and the carpet smelled like shampoo .

  24. 左侧卧,双腿弯曲,臀部叠放在一起,左腿放在右腿后面一点点。

    Lie on left side with legs bent , hips stacked and left leg slightly behind right .

  25. 女士:双腿并拢或紧密交叉,脚底朝向地面,双手叠放在膝盖上。

    For ladies : legs together or crossed tightly with one hand crossing on top of the other .

  26. ⅲ、将中冷器和散热器叠放在一起时的间隙用适当的材料予以消除。

    ⅲ、 Using suitable material to eliminate the clearance between inter cooler and radiator when these two put together .

  27. 带组合部件的房间。将这些房间叠放在一起可以表示一个建筑物。

    A room for grouping equipment . Stack the rooms to represent a building . One suite and nine singles .

  28. 分析了层状压电压磁介质的磁电力耦合效应和不同的叠放顺序对场变量的影响。

    The magnetism-electricity-force coupling effect of the magneto-electro-elastic media and the effect of different congruence order on field variables are analyzed .

  29. 当他再次醒来时,发现土陶碗里盛着更多的食物,他的衣服整齐的叠放在身边。

    When he awoke there was more food in earthenware bowls and his clothes were beside him in a neat pile .

  30. 一旦你有了自己的袋子,你会发现它们大多能方便整齐地叠放在你的衣柜或厨柜里。

    Once you have your bags you will find that most fold neatly and easily in your closet or a kitchen cabinet .