
  • 网络Diecai Hill;Folded Brocade Hill;Hill of Folded Brocade;Piled Silk Hill
  1. 当地人:在我们桂林,有三座山特别出名,分别是叠彩山、伏波山和你刚才看到的象鼻山。

    Local : In Guilin , there are three very famous mountains : the Piled Festoon Hill , Fubo Hill and the Elephant Trunk Hill you just saw .

  2. 桂林的著名山峰有独秀峰、叠彩山、伏波山、象鼻山、七星山和骆驼山等。

    Of the hills of Guilin , the most famous are Solitary Beauty Peak , Folded Colours Hill , Elephant Trunk Hill , Seven Star Hill and Camel Hill .

  3. 中区以漓江公园为中心,包括叠彩山、伏波山、象鼻山、榕湖和杉湖等景观。

    In the centre of the city is Li River Park near which are such scenic attractions as folded colours hill , Fubo hill , elephant trunk hill , banyan lake , fir lake and some others .