
  • 网络synergistic effect;stack effect;availability cascade;duplicate effect
  1. 两种重组质粒协同作用,可产生叠加效应,达到有效抑制延缓肝纤维化发生的目的。

    Two recombinant synergies can generate stack effect to achieve the goal to delay the effective suppression of liver fibrosis .

  2. 绕射波的叠加效应分析

    Analysis of stack effect of diffracted waves

  3. 西湖水中Ca和Mg元素主要来源于陆地原生矿物的化学风化,尤其是碳酸盐风化;Na和K元素则主要来源于海洋物质的叠加效应。

    Ca and Mg come from the chemical weathering of minerals , especially of silicate while Na and K are controlled mainly by oceanic material .

  4. 此外,本文详细地探讨了多组分矿物细掺料在HPC中的超叠加效应。

    Furthermore , the super-compound effects on fine mineral mixture in HPC were discussed detailedly .

  5. BT与CTS之间的协同作用机理可能为:简单叠加效应或缓释效应。

    The cooperated mechanism between BT and CTS may be the effect of simple pile up or the effect of releasing slowly .

  6. 板群的施工对4m范围内土体孔隙水压力的增长有叠加效应;

    The construction of group drains is of superposition effect on the increase of pore water pressure within a range of 4m ;

  7. 屡遭非议但往往判断准确的英国气象局(metoffice)指出,鉴于下一个厄尔尼诺事件显然正在酝酿中,并将与人为的气候变化构成叠加效应,2010年很可能打破1998年的纪录。

    With another El Nio apparently developing now and superimposing its effect on man-made climate change it is more likely than not that 2010 will beat the 1998 record , according to the much-maligned but often accurate UK met office .

  8. 目的探讨SN在改善小鼠胶原性关节炎(CIA)关节症状、抑制体液免疫和细胞免疫方面与甲氨喋呤(MTX)的异同以及与MTX是否有叠加效应。

    Objective To investigate the immunosuppression effects of sinomenine ( SN ) on the humoral and cellular immunity , as well as the curative effi - ( cacy ) of SN on collagen-induced arthritis ( CIA ) mouse .

  9. 而磁场与温度的叠加效应在一定范围内(50Hz,3.84mT,30℃)才对洋葱根的生长及根尖细胞的增殖产生重要作用。

    Significant effect of combined magnetic field ( 50 Hz , 3.84 mT ) with temperature ( 30 ℃) on root development and cell division is also observed .

  10. 养分循环再利用的作物增产效益在试验的10a中有着逐年增长的趋势,表明以堆肥形式循环回田养分的作物增产作用有着明显的残效叠加效应。

    During the ten years of experiment , the effect of recycled nutrients on crop yields appeared an increasing trend , implying the existence of an accumulative effect from successive application of recycled compost on crop yields .

  11. 另外,研究发现用CaCl2和GA混合处理种子,可以起到两者在生理和代谢上的互补和叠加效应,增强种子的抗旱能力。

    In addition , the previous research showed that seed-soaking treatment with the mixture of calcium chloride ( CaCl_2 ) and gibberellins ( GA ) can gain the complementation on physiology and metabolism of the two different effect , which strengthen the ability of drought resistance of the seed .

  12. 结论持续性双侧STN-DBS在术后1年内并不改善帕金森病患者对多巴胺能药物的反应性,而可以与多巴胺能药物产生叠加效应,改善帕金森病症状。多巴胺能药物对鲤鱼生长激素分泌活动的影响

    Conclusion The continuous bilateral STN-DBS may not change the responsiveness to levodopa after one year of stimulation . Effects of Dopaminergic Drugs on Growth Hormone Secretion of Common Carp at Different Ages and in Different Stages of Ovarian Development

  13. 尽管在冲击试验总平均值上,大多数区域达到大于27J的水平,但在一组(3个冲击试样)数据内的离散性很大,估计与小尺度刚体内超声波回波叠加效应-拍有关。

    Although , the average impact test of majority region is greater than 27J , but there are a group of date ( three impact specimens ) discrete highly , estimated that concerning with superimposed ultrasonic echo effect " beat " in small-scale rigid body .

  14. 体育对上海世博会园区后续利用的叠加效应

    Superposition Effect of Sports on Follow-Up Use of Shanghai World Expo Area

  15. 噪声交易收益率具有叠加效应。

    Noise trading yield has a character of superimposed effect .

  16. 掷标枪时的速度叠加效应及其训练

    Speed Repeating Effect in Javelin Throwing and its Training

  17. 工期索赔中的叠加效应和发散效应分析

    To Analyse on Piling Up Effect and Weakening Effect in Claiming for Extension of Time

  18. 人工油松林系统水土保持功能的叠加效应

    Accumulation Effects on Function of Soil and Water Conservation in Artificial Chinese pine Forest System

  19. 用氧化钙和石膏复合激发的效果要优于单独激发,说明氧化钙和石膏具有叠加效应。

    The effect of superimposing activation of calcium oxide and gypsum was better than separateness .

  20. 施工和材料因素叠加效应对灌注桩质量的影响

    Impacts on the quality of poured piles caused by the complex effects of construction and materials

  21. 发现随着石墨烯尺寸的均匀增大,叠加效应并不明显。

    We found that the multiple effect is not obvious with the increasing uniform of grapheme size .

  22. 上市公司选择不同的财务政策,其最终目的是希望通过不同的财务政策叠加效应,实现对每股收益的扩张。

    Listed companies choose different financial policies , its ultimate purpose is the expansion of earnings per share .

  23. 结果提示,阈下心肌缺血及其叠加效应是造成心绞痛阈值多变的主要原因之一。

    The results show that one of the major causes for fluctuation of anginal threshold is the cumulation of STMI .

  24. 也就是说,冻融循环和碱-硅酸反应对砂浆体或混凝土结构的复合作用,表现为一种超叠加效应。

    On other words , the compound effect of freezing-thawing cycle and alkali-silica reaction to concrete and mortar construction is super-superposition reaction .

  25. 自适应抗混叠滤波器在数据采集中的应用工期索赔中的叠加效应和发散效应分析

    Design of Anti-aliasing Filter for Data Acquisition To Analyse on Piling Up Effect and Weakening Effect in Claiming for Extension of Time

  26. 研究表明,影响西湖水化学组成的主要因素是大气降水、化学风化过程和海洋物质的叠加效应。

    The results show that atmospheric precipitation , chemical weathering and oceanic material all contribute to the chemical composition of Xihu Lake .

  27. 虽然国内外学者对风险分析与测度有较深入的研究,但目前对技术创新风险传导及叠加效应研究较少。

    Although scholars study the risk analysis and measurement , technology innovation risk conduction and superposition effect research is still in the blank .

  28. 高掺量下钢渣与矿渣有良好的复合超叠加效应,且二者的最佳比例为3∶7。

    There was a good super-composite effect between steel slag and blast furnace slag at high replacement level and their optimal proportion was 3:7 .

  29. 前一、二年轮作作物对水肥料的消耗有叠加效应,且随耕作年限递减。

    It has cumulation effect that No.1 and No.2 year rotation grains absorb soil water and nutrients , which decrease by rotation year adds .

  30. 既有有机涂料高韧高弹性能,又有无机材料耐久性好等优点,达到了二者性能上的优势互补,起到复合叠加效应。

    It integrates the advantages of organic material as toughness and flexibility and advantage of inorganic material as good durability , so makes composite effect .