
  • 网络History of Yunnan
  1. 滇越铁路是云南历史上的第一条铁路。

    The Yunnan-Vietnam Railway was the first railway ever built in the history of Yunnan .

  2. 大理白族在历史上创造的南诏大理文化,在云南历史、中国历史乃至世界历史上都产生过重要影响。

    Nanzhao and Dali ethnic cultures created by Bai Nationality have exerted its great influence on the history of Yunnan , of China , and of the world .

  3. 楚雄彝族是云南历史悠久的少数民族,其支系众多,服饰明显有别。

    The Chuxiong Yi nationality is the old-line minority in Yunnan province .

  4. 云南历史地震记载与强震目录再析

    Re-analysis of Historical Earthquake Records and Strong Earthquake Catalog of the Yunnan Area

  5. 云南历史强震活动图象

    Historical strong seismicity pattern in Yunnan activity show

  6. 本课题是关于云南历史城镇发展的区域性问题研究。

    This thesis is a study which probed into the regional development of Yunnan historic town .

  7. 论云南历史文化旅游资源的内涵、类型、特色和价值

    On the Contents , Kinds , Characteristics and Values of Yunnan ' Historic and Cultural Tourism Resources

  8. 由此产生的名人故居建筑是云南历史文化遗产的重要组成部分,如何发掘云南名人故居的建筑特色,更好的对其进行保护与利用,是本文研究的缘起。

    Many former residences of celebrities are important parts of Yunnan historical and cultural heritage , so how to explore the feature of local architectural heritage has profound influences in Yunnan architectural history and urban context .

  9. 通过对大理政权建立的过程、疆域、军事势力、经济文化发展水平、境内的民族的论述,得出大理政权时期是云南历史上的重要阶段。

    By discussing the process of setting up the Dali Regime , its territory , military force , the level of economic and cultural development and the nationalities within its boundaries , there comes the conclusion that the time of the Dali Regime is an important phase in Yunnan history .

  10. 云南在历史上已有过抓住机遇,发展自己的成功经验。

    Yunnan has been seized the opportunity in history to develop its own successfully .

  11. 简评王宏道对云南民族历史文化研究的贡献

    Brief Comment on the Contribution of Wang Hong-dao 's National History and Culture Research in Yunnan

  12. 云南油画远离历史主题现象考

    Investigating Phenomenon of Yunnans Oil Painting Far away from Historic Theme

  13. 云南回族抗争历史现象透视

    Phenomenon Perspectives of the History of Yunnan Hui People 's Struggle

  14. 20世纪云南学术的历史演进

    A Historical Account of Yunnan 's Academic Studies in the 20th Century

  15. 建水古桥的作为一种非常特殊的桥梁建筑形式,在云南的桥梁历史中非常少见。

    Jianshui old bridge is a special architectural forms , is very rare in the history of Yunnan .

  16. 而西南边疆的重要组成部分云南,不论历史还是现实都有其独特的发展特点。

    An important part of the southwest border of Yunnan , regardless of history or reality has its own unique characteristics of the development .

  17. 第四部分评析中法滇越界务交涉对近代云南久远的历史影响。首先,界务交涉推动了近代云南资本主义的发展和对外贸易的繁荣,有力地刺激了云南经济的发展。

    The fourth part Analyse that remote historical influence of Yunnan in the negotiations border affairs between Sino-French , the prosperity of promoting the development of capitalism of Yunnan at first and foreign trade , development of the strong amazing economy of Yunnan ;

  18. 云南建水是中国历史文化名城。

    Jianshui is a famous historical and cultural city in Yunnan , China .

  19. 云南地方的古代历史记载与史学

    The Historical Records of Ancient Yunnan and Historical Studies

  20. 云南悠久丰富的历史文化是云南旅游开发的重要资源。

    There are rich historic cultures in Yunnan Province .

  21. 云南少数民族文字历史石刻档案述评

    Stone sculpture Archives of Yunnan Minority Language History

  22. 云南民族工作的历史经验:民族就是民族

    Nationality Is Nationality : The Historical Experience From The Nationality 's Work In Yunnan Province

  23. 大理是云南开发较早、历史悠久、人文荟萃的地区,并且一度成为云南政治、经济、文化的中心。

    It had been taken as a center of polity , economy and culture in the ancient .

  24. 云南跨境民族多元历史文化与身份认同民间节日中的集体记忆与身份认同&以广西壮族族群为例

    The Multi-histories and Multi-cultures of the Cross-border Ethnic Groups of Yunnan and their Identities The Collective Memory in Folk Festivals and Ethnic Identities

  25. 这些著述涵盖经、史、子、集诸多方面的内容,涉及云南乃至全国的历史、社会、时政、学术、文化等。

    The books includes scripture , history , collection , refer history , society , current affairs , academic , culture , and so on .

  26. 二是较深入的研究了新疆与云南边境贸易的历史和现状。

    Second is more quantitative analysis method used in this paper , research on Yunnan border trade with the history and present situation deeply , with strong empirical analysis .

  27. 传统历史街区保护是一个古老而又崭新的课题,我国历史悠久,历史文化名城众多。大理是云南开发较早、历史悠久、人文荟萃的地区,并且一度成为云南政治、经济、文化的中心。

    The conservation of traditional and historic districts is an old theme with some new questions . It had been taken as a center of polity , economy and culture in the ancient .

  28. 滇越铁路的建成通车,给云南的社会与历史带来了深远的影响,在各个社会历史阶段发挥了不可替代的作用。

    Opened to traffic of Dian-Viet Railway , had a profound impact to the social development and history of Yunnan , and had played an irreplaceable role in various social and historical stage .

  29. 识别为危险段的有些是历史上曾经记载到6级以上地震的,而其中有些是云南1000多年地震历史记载以来不曾记载到6级以上地震的地区。

    There were earthquakes larger than magnitude 6 recorded in the history on some determined dangerous segments , but on some other dangerous segments there were no such records in the 1000-year seismic documents of Yunnan province .

  30. 本文用云南地区丰富的历史和现代地震的烈度资料,研究了云南划分的8个地震带区的烈度哀减与震级的定量关系。

    Based on the abundant historic and recent earthquake intensity data , the quantitative relation between the intensity attenuation and magnitude along the confined 8 earthquake belts ( or areas ) in Yunnan Has been studied in this paper .