
jiē chù chuán bō
  • contact transmission;contagion;contact infection
  1. 艾滋病病毒大半是经异性性接触传播的。

    Heterosexual contact is responsible for the bulk of HIV transmission .

  2. 对某学院新生HBV日常生活接触传播的探讨

    STUDY ON HBV TRANSMISSION BY DAILY LIFE CONTACT Double Sera Investigation of HBV Infection in Students of a College

  3. SARS-CoV是一种新型的单链RNA人畜共患病病毒,该病毒主要通过近距离气溶胶和亲密接触传播,在家庭和医院有显著的聚集现象。

    SARS-CoV is a kind of novel single RNA virus which can arose zoonosis .

  4. 结论:SARS通过密切接触传播,流行病学史和病原学检查是重要的诊断依据。

    Conclusions SARS is transmitted by close contact . Epidemiological investigation and etiological examination are important for diagnosis .

  5. HIV感染途径分别为:经血液传播(单采血浆)75.00%,经性接触传播18.75%,经母婴垂直传播6.25%。

    The routes of HIV infection : blood transmission 75.00 % , sexual & transmission 18.75 % , the vertical transmission from mother to child 6.26 % .

  6. 16名HIV感染孕产妇中,经性接触传播占813%(13/16),经血液传播占187%;有3人其配偶为HIV抗体阳性。

    Of the 16 HIV-infected pregnant women , 13 were infected by sexual contact ( 81.3 % ), 3 were by blood transmission and 3 partners were HIV-positive .

  7. 乙型肝炎病毒通过与受感染者的血液或体液接触传播&与人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的方式相同。

    Hepatitis B virus is transmitted by contact with blood or body fluids of an infected person – the same way as the human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) .

  8. 61.6%~88.5%的人知道感染上艾滋病病毒(HIV)的孕妇可能将HIV传给胎儿。但是仅有14.7%~29.9%的人知道正确使用安全套能预防艾滋病经性接触传播。

    61.6 88.5 % people know that mothers with HIV can transmit HIV to their babies , but only 14.7-29.9 % people know that using condom correctly can prevent AIDS transmission ;

  9. HSV-2易经性接触传播,可形成亚临床感染、潜伏感染、复发感染,目前尚无特效药物控制其发生和复发。

    HSV-2 can be transmitted easily through sex . It can form subclinical , latent and recurrent infection .

  10. APP通过飞沫传播或感染动物接触传播,定植于猪下呼吸道表皮细胞。

    The A. pleuropneumoniae organism is transmitted via respiratory droplets or through direct contact with infected animals . It colonizes the epithelial cells of the lower respiratory tract of pigs .

  11. 结论Mg、Mpe可能通过性接触传播,与尿道炎和宫颈炎有一定相关性,对STI人群中的Mg、Mpe感染问题应作进一步的研究。

    ~ Conclusion : Mg and Mpe can be transmitted by sexual activities and there is an association of Mg and Mpe with NGU and cervicitis .

  12. AsC作为传染源通过母婴传播、医源性传播、血液及血制品污染、生活密切接触传播及性传播,使易感人群成为新的HBV感染(HBVinfection,HBI)。

    AsC serves as the source of infection to make easily infected group new HBV infectors through mother-baby transmission , iatrogenic infection , blood and blood product pollution , child-to-child transmission and sexual transmission .

  13. 春夏季EHF流行,主要系家庭内感染,以鼠污染食物传播和鼠源性接触传播为主;

    EHF was epidemic in spring and summer season in the stationed area mainly because the infections were among family members . Food contaminated by mice or close contact with mice played an important role .

  14. 中国自1985年发现首例AIDS病人以来,HIV感染者和病例报告人数呈明显上升趋势,至2009年累计报告艾滋病病毒感染者和病人约32万人,性接触传播占了56%。

    China since discovered the first case of AIDS patients from 1985 , HIV infected and the number of case reports showing a rising trend , the cumulative report in 2009 , shows that patients infected with HIV is about 32 million people , sexual contact accounted for 56 % .

  15. 感冒和流感都很容易通过接触传播。

    Cold and flu can spread all too easily through touch .

  16. 马尔堡病毒通过血液和其它身体接触传播。

    Marburg virus is spread through blood and other bodily fluids .

  17. 通过血液和身体接触传播。

    It 's spread through direct contact with blood and body fluids .

  18. 这种疾病通过与动物的接触传播。

    The disease is spread by contact with animals .

  19. 这种病毒是通过身体接触传播的。

    The virus is transmitted via physical contact .

  20. 脊髓灰质炎通过粪-口接触传播,可通过口服疫苗预防。

    Polio is spread by faecal-oral contact and can be prevented by an oral vaccine .

  21. 传播途径主要为近距离飞沫和密切接触传播。

    Close face to face contact with infected droplets is the main form of transmission .

  22. 专家表示,该病通过近距离的接触传播。

    Experts say it requires close contact .

  23. 乙肝病毒与艾滋病病毒一样不会通过饮食或日常接触传播。

    Hepatitis b , like hiv , cannot be transmitted through food or casual contact .

  24. 艾滋病病毒侵入人体后通过什么途径摧毁免疫系统?当艾滋病病毒通过性接触传播时,病毒必须穿过组织屏障进入人体。

    What route does HIV take after it enters the body to destroy the immune system ?

  25. 经性接触传播占79.94%,其中非婚传播占62.91%;

    Sexual transmission was acounted for 79.94 % and non-married transmission was accounted for 62.91 % .

  26. 乙型肝炎可以经血液、母婴感染及性接触传播的疾病。

    The routes of Hepatitis B transmission are : Blood contact , perinatal transmission and sexual contact .

  27. 它不仅能通过性接触传播,而且还可以依靠其他直接或间接的途径交叉传染,对公众健康危害较大。

    This virus not only can spread through sexual contact but also by direct or indirect ways .

  28. 传播途径主要是非婚性接触传播,占67.54%;

    The unlawful sexual contact was a major route of transmission of STD ( 67.54 % ) .

  29. 而且因为它很容易通过体液接触传播,所以官员们并不愿涉险。

    But because it spreads easily through contact with bodily fluids , officials are taking no chances .

  30. 类似的,败血症鼠疫通过皮肤创口和血液接触传播。

    Similarly , septicemic plague is spread only through breaks in the skin and by blood contact .