
jiē chù bù liánɡ
  • poor contact;loose contact
  1. 它克服了铁底松动、接触不良等问题。

    Practice showed that this design was workable to overcome the loose contact problems .

  2. 低压配电箱中的开关触点和接线端子因接触不良容易产生故障电弧。

    The switch contactors and connecting terminals of the low voltage switchbox can occur failure arc easily for the loose contact .

  3. GIS中绝缘子与电极接触不良时闪络特性的分析

    Research on the flashover behavior between electrode and insulator caused by bad contract in GIS

  4. 电缆接点处接触不良磁电机断电器臂接触点

    Poor contact at the junction of cable magneto breaker arm point

  5. 检查相应控制回路是否断线或接触不良。

    Check whether the control circuit is disconnected or contacted well .

  6. 单个电极接触不良对腹部电阻抗断层成像的影响

    Influence of bad contact of single electrode on electrical impedance tomography

  7. 从而能对因接触不良导致的接触失效作出合理预测。

    Thereby , the failure from contact badness can be predicted reasonably .

  8. 车轴轮座接触不良的超声波检测

    The Supersonic Inspection on Contact Failure of Axle Wheel Seat

  9. 接触不良有时会造成断电。

    A poor contact causes power to fail occasionally .

  10. 信号线接线端子可能接触不良。

    The signal terminal is probably not firmly fixed .

  11. 气候控制面板显示器故障,或存在断路或接触不良。

    Climate control panel display defective or has open circuit or loose contacts .

  12. 收音机因导线系统接触不良而不响了。

    The radio wasn 't working because of a loose connection in the wires .

  13. 对针脚的操作可能会导致接触不良!

    Operations on pins can cause contact problems !

  14. 发动机电控系统线路断路和接触不良故障分析

    Trouble Analysis of Broken Circuit and Improper Contact of Circuit of Engine Electronic Control System

  15. 由于长期使用继电器触点上接触不良。

    The touch points are not firmly connected due to long time usage of relay .

  16. 接触不良了。

    We 've got a loose connection .

  17. 反馈接点接触不良。

    Bad connection of feedback terminals .

  18. 有时候电线老化,接触不良时就会这样。

    Sometimes that happens when the cable gets old and the connection isn 't as good .

  19. 面板上的真运动与相对运动转换按钮接触不良。

    The change button between relative motion and true motion in the panel does not touch firmly .

  20. 结果:发现某一电极接触不良,则对应它的那一部分图像的灰度会发生明显的变化,而图像其他部分的灰度则变化很小。

    ( RESULTS : ) Bad contact of one electrode affected only part of the image , with some visible changes .

  21. 从根本上解决机械电位器因接触不良而产生的噪声、漂移等问题。

    It radically solves the problems , which are lead by bad contacts of mechanical potentiometer , such as noise and excursion .

  22. 结论:得出了单个电极接触不良对成像的影响的规律,对长期监护中电极接触不良问题的监测提供了依据。

    CONCLUSION : We have found out the influence of bad contract of a single electrode , which provides premise for long-term monitoring .

  23. 本文对将射频法应用于高压开关柜内部绝缘和接触不良等几种故障的在线监测进行了初步的探索。

    In this paper , the radio frequency signal used to on line monitor the partial discharge in high voltage switchboard is studied .

  24. 针对现有的电位器拉线式水轮机导叶接力器位移变送装置中存在的接触不良、易磨损、输出信号不可靠的问题进行了分析。

    A hydraulic turbine leaf of transmit water current relay machine displacement transmission device is designed based on the principles of capacitance sensor .

  25. 分析了接地导纳型继电器运行中因接地碳刷与转子大轴接触不良引起一点接地信号误发的原因。

    The reason for the misoperation of the rotor grounding relay is the unstable touch of the ground carbon brush with the rotor shaft .

  26. 通过对寿命试验中失效的产品进行失效分析,判定失效的产品主要的失效模式为接触不良。

    It is determined that main failure mode for failed products is bad contact through failure analysis on products , failed during life test .

  27. 有线耳机电连接的质量影响了整个系统的可靠性,它的接触不良会导致系统发生故障或者不良、导致音频传输失败或者失真。

    The electrical connection of wired headset affects the quality of the entire system reliability and its poor contact will cause malfunction of the system .

  28. 可摘义齿在长期使用后,常由于人造牙咬合面过度磨耗导致咬合接触不良、咀嚼效能降低。

    Excessive abrasion on the occlusive surface of artificial teeth in removable denture may lead to lower masticatory efficiency after being used a long time .

  29. 经查是与四通阀线圈串联的控制继电器触点接触不良,电阻增大,致使电压降低。

    The check is in the series of coil and four-way reversing valve control relay contact resistance increases , the bad , the contacts the voltage reduced .

  30. 沥青路面的早期破坏现象表明,重载、超载是导致路面损坏的主要原因,同时路面层间接触不良也是导致沥青路面早期损坏的重要原因。

    The phenomenon of initial damage of pavement in China indicates that heavy load and bad interface conditions are the main reason of directly damage of pavement .