
  • 网络TOP;cloud top height
  1. 云层厚度小、云顶高度低、云系结构不均匀是此次降水云系的主要特点。

    Small cloud depth , low cloud top height , inhomogeneous structure are the main characteristics of the precipitation cloud .

  2. 作业过后,云顶高度有降低趋势,雷达回波整体变化并不明显,降水略有增加。

    After the operation , the cloud top has the tendency to lower , the overall change of radar echo is not obvious , and the precipitation increases slightly .

  3. 云顶高度对紫外辐射反演臭氧总量的影响

    Effect of the Cloud-Top Height on Back-Scattered Ultraviolet Radiation Measuring Total Ozone

  4. 强降雹由后一种传播方式造成,初始回波从半空生成,云顶高度较高,强中心位于云体中上层。

    The cloud top is high and the center of echo locates in the high and middle layer of cloud .

  5. 本文将数字摄影测量技术引入到云顶高度的计算和云雪区分中,其中的关键技术就是同名像点影像匹配技术。

    This paper brings digital photogrammetry into distinguishing cloud and snow , and the key technology is image matching between conjugate point .

  6. 目前,普遍采用重投影技术先解算云移动速度,并把最大风速或平均风速作为修正项解算云顶高度,其解算精度受重投影的精度限制,并且风速和云顶高度分开解算。

    Currently , cloud-top-height is solved by using re-projection firstly , then by using maximum wind speed or average wind speed as correction term .

  7. 其中云顶高度可达对流层顶的上冲强对流云对对流层与平流层之间的空气交换有重要的影响。

    The convective overshooting is the deep convective clouds which penetrating the tropopause layer . They affect the air exchange between the troposphere and the stratosphere .

  8. 云顶和云底高度除了随季节变化显著外,还有明显的区域特征。

    Altitude of cloud layer also changes with territories apparently , besides obvious seasonal variation .