
  • 网络space life science
  1. 国际空间生命科学战略规划工作组

    International Space Life Sciences Strategic Planning Working Group

  2. 为进行空间生命科学探索研究,研制成功用于返回式卫星搭载的小型生物舱。

    A small biocabin was developed for space life sciences research on board the recoverable satellite .

  3. 空间生命科学的研究,对实验设备提出了很高的要求。

    Space life science research makes high requirement on laboratory equipment .

  4. 21世纪空间生命科学和空间生物技术发展机遇与挑战

    Opportunities and challenges of development of space life science in the 21st century

  5. 未来的空间生命科学

    Space life science in future

  6. 空间生命科学:一门极具挑战性且蕴藏着重大发现的新兴学科

    Space Life Science : A New Scientific Field with a Real Challenge and a Chance for Important Discoveries

  7. 近年来,航天诱变育种已成为空间生命科学研究方面的重要内容之一。

    In the past few years , spaceflight mutation breeding has become a big characteristic in the study of space life science .

  8. 由于空间生命科学实验的特殊环境,要求实验设备具有体积小、功耗低、重量轻、可靠性高、自动化程度高等特点。

    Due to special environment of space life science experiments , it requires that laboratory equipment has small size , low power consumption , light weight , high reliability , and automation characters .

  9. 在空间生命科学研究中,大多数实验需要保证生物样品(除了实验因素的影响外)在整个飞行周期中存活,以利于进一步的科学实验研究。

    In space biology research , most of biological samples need to be protected against the influence of nonexperimental factors in order to keep samples alive through the whole space experimental process , which is propitious to further study .

  10. 国际空间站生命科学研究进展

    Progress in Study of Life Sciences aboard International Space Station

  11. 空间实验室生命科学任务

    Spacelab Life Sciences mission

  12. 美国宇航局空间生命与自然科学部主任马歇尔波特菲尔德说,宇航员们深刻认识自己的能力来掌握长时间飞行为今天的太空生活奠定了基础。

    The astronauts ' insights into their own ability to handle long-duration flight laid the groundwork for life in space today , says Marshall Porterfield , director of NASA 's Space Life and Physical Sciences Division .