
  • 网络Spatial graphics;space pattern
  1. 基于GIS建立空间图形数据库的方法

    Method on Establishing Space and Figure Database Based on GIS

  2. 利用Matlab编制软件绘制斜齿锥齿轮副齿面接触的空间图形。

    Space figure of gears contact was drawn up by Matlab .

  3. 利用GIS创建的空间图形数据库是进行其他地质研究的基础,可为下一步进行矿产预测提供多源图层及空间信息资料。

    The GIS based spatial graph database is a basis for geological research .

  4. GIS的核心是建立空间图形库与属性数据库的联动关系。

    The core of GIS is to establish an interactive relationship between the spatial graph database and the attribution database .

  5. 根据该结构模型,实现了在SqlServer关系型数据库中对空间图形数据进行存储、拓扑运算和拓扑分析的操作。

    According to the given data structure model , we realize the operation of storage , topologic arithmetic and topologic analysis for spatial graphical data in RDBMS based on SQL Server .

  6. 实时改变空间图形的x,y,z轴的坐标值或旋转角度,对空间图形的实时控制,实现对空间图形的漫游和多角度观察。

    Real-time graphics changes in space x , y , z-axis coordinate value or the rotation angle , graphical real-time control of space to achieve roaming space graphics and multi-angles .

  7. 其基本思路是充分利用GIS强大的空间图形和属性数据管理功能,实现对地质环境数据的分层次管理。

    The basic way of thought is that the layered management of the geological environmental data is realized by means of making the best use of the powerful spacial graph and property data management ability of GIS .

  8. 并对应用地理信息系统(GIS)二次开发工具绘制野生动物种群分布图,以及如何将属性数据库与空间图形数据结合进行了研究。

    Furthermore , the drawing of maps about the distribution of wild animal variety by applying the second developing tools of geography information system ( GIS ) and the combination of prosperity data with spatial graph data were studied .

  9. 目前GIS管理数据是以中间件技术为主流,利用现有关系型数据库管理属性数据,采用中间件管理空间图形数据,造成空间图形数据与属性数据存储与管理分析的割裂问题。

    Currently , the middle ware of GIS technology makes use of the current relational database to manage the data , and GIS adopts it to manage the spatial data , which results in save and management of spatial data and non-spatial data splitted into pieces .

  10. 高速飞行体空间图形的识别与处理

    Distinguishing and Processing for Space Graph of the High-Speed Flying Object

  11. 随机点群目标空间图形的表达与识别

    The representation and identification of spatial graphics for random point cluster

  12. 《空间图形》教学初探

    A Primary Study of the Teaching of Space Figure

  13. 关于空间图形对称性的注记

    Note on the " Symmetry " of Space Figures

  14. 空间图形的定比分点公式

    The Formula on Definite Proportion in Three-dimensional Figure

  15. 空间图形的对称性初探

    A Research on the Symmetry of Space Figures

  16. 总体分解法空间图形识别(二)

    Spatial Pattern Recognition By Decomposition of Mixtures (ⅱ)

  17. 平面图形中有定比分点公式,在空间图形中也存在同样的定比分点公式。

    The formula on definite proportion exists not only in plane figure but also in three-dimensional figure .

  18. 中学生空间图形认知能力发展与数学成绩关系及其与智力的相关性研究

    Relevance between the Development of Secondary Students ' Ability to Recognize Spatial Pattern and Mathematics Achievements and Intelligence

  19. 正如空间图形与空间数字可以相互转换一样,两种空间信息技术也存在内在的关系。

    As transformation can be made between mapping and numerical information , two spatial information techniques have intrinsic relationship .

  20. 该系统可实现船舶运动轨迹的空间图形显示,具有四种放大和缩小比例尺。能够通过数据库中设计的航线自动给出船舶运动轨迹。

    This system having four scales can automatically display space motion trajectory for ships by setting route plan in database .

  21. 系统不仅能够对大量的空间图形数据进行查询与维护,还能够对数据进行分析,利用直观的空间概念达到方便、快捷的分析管理地图的目的。

    And it queries and administrates spatial data fast , and conveniently analyzes the data with the intuitionistic space concept .

  22. 以实验室平台为实例,利用该算法绘制出并联六自由度平台的完全可达空间图形。

    Then take the 6-DOF platform in Zhejiang University for example , the full reachable workspace was searched out and plotted .

  23. 提出用平行节点数据结构组织虚拟手模型,用空间图形变换法实现手势合成;

    A parallel node structure was proposed to organize virtual-hand model and three-dimension space transformation was applied to synthesize gesture of the hand .

  24. 将空间图形数据存入关系型数据库是当前数据库和地理信息系统领域研究的热点和前沿。

    It is currently one of the research focuses in the fields of database and GIS for Spatial graphical data to storage in RDBMS .

  25. 本文针对国内外一些对点群目标的自动综合方法中存在的弊端,提出了一种新的自动综合模式&空间图形的表达、识别与综合。

    This paper analyzed some automatic generalization of point cluster and put forward a new pattern which is representing , identifying and generalizing spatial graph .

  26. 本文对《空间图形》教学中重视概念教学和培养空间想象力作一些探讨。

    This article discusses the importance of the teaching of conception and how to train the students ' space imagination in the teaching of " Space Figure " .

  27. 掌握常见的曲面方程的识记规律,不仅能轻松建立空间图形,而且为多元函数积分学的学习打下坚实的基础。

    To master the law of common surface equation , not only can easily establish a space graphics , but can lay a solid basis for learning multi-function .

  28. 以空间图形变换为基础,建立平头刀有效切削轮廓的数学模型并计算刀触点处刀具的曲率半径。

    Based on space alternate coordinate , the mathematical model of the effective cutting shape is established and the effective curvature radius is calculated on the cutting contact point .

  29. 本论文则针对以多维属性为主,空间图形为辅的数据,开展该类数据组织管理方法的研究。

    However , this paper is targeted to carry out such methods of data organization and management studies mainly aim at multi-dimensional attribute and spatial data as a supplement to .

  30. 图形的千差万别反映了它们成因机制、行为特征及演化差异的信息,对地理空间图形的研究可以反演空间事物的分异演化规律。

    The difformity of these graphs reflected the diversity of their formative mechanism , behavior character and development phase . Thus the research for geography spatial graph could educe the evolvement law .