
  • 网络Non verbal symbols;nonverbal symbol;nonverbal sign;non-verbal sign;nonlinguistic sign
  1. 非语言符号传播中的性别差异

    Gender Differences in Communication of Nonverbal Symbol

  2. 非语言符号与构建语境导向的关系探析

    On the Relationship of Nonverbal Sign and Construction of Contextual Orientation

  3. 同伴交往(peerinteraction)指同伴之间运用语言符号和非语言符号交换意见、传达思想、表达情感和需要的交流过程。

    Peer interaction is the communication process in which peers exchange ideas , convey thoughts , and express emotions and needs by using linguistic and non-linguistic symbols .

  4. 关于创建体育非语言符号新学科理论体系的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Foundation Sports Non-language Mark New Discipline Theory System

  5. 体育信息传递过程中非语言符号的初步研究

    Preliminary Research on Nonverbal Symbols in the Process of Transmitting Sports Information

  6. 论非语言符号在现代社会交往中的作用

    The function of non-verbal symbol system in modern social communication

  7. 非语言符号在信息传播中的特点与功能

    The Function of Non-linguistic Symbols in English Teaching

  8. 浅谈跨文化交际中的非语言符号

    An Overview of Non-verbal Signs in Intercultural Communication

  9. 非语言符号特征论

    On the Features of Non - linguistic Symbols

  10. 宋词中非语言符号作用

    The Function of Non-linguistic Symbols in Song Poetry

  11. 手势语是一种重要的非语言符号,在人际交往中发挥着重要的作用。

    Gesture , an important non-linguistic sign , plays a key role in communication .

  12. 非语言符号的信息功能

    The Communicative Function of Non - linguistic Symbols

  13. 教师的非语言符号传播

    Teachers ' Nonverbal Symbols in Class Teaching

  14. 语言符号的表达称为“可说”,非语言符号的表达称为“不可说”。

    Language expression can be termed " sayable " and non-linguistic expression " unsayable " .

  15. 广告语英译时非语言符号因素的影响及对策

    The Influence of Non-language Symbols in Translating Chinese Advertisement into English and the Corresponding Solution

  16. 非语言符号和所指之间也存在这种自然关系。

    The paper holds that there exists such natural relationship between the signified and nonverbal signs .

  17. 非语言符号的文化结构

    The cultural structure of non-verbal symbols

  18. 附加符号[字符],特殊符号体态语是通过人的姿态和表情来传递信息的非语言符号。

    Body language is the nonverbal sign which transmits information by human people 's posture and expression .

  19. 体育既是传播媒介,同时又是传播内容。体育传播的重要特点之一,是以非语言符号作为主要传播介质。

    One of the important characters of sport media was the non-verbal symbol as the communication medium .

  20. 文中就非语言符号在新闻采访中的意义,表现形式及其运用等三方面进行阐述。

    The meaning , style and application of non-language symbol in news interview are discussed in the paper .

  21. 非语言符号具有语义指代和暗示的功能,起着暗示思维的作用。

    Non-language symbol has the functions of semantic reference and hint , and the functions of provoking mind .

  22. 另一方面,非语言符号自身又能通过信息传递实现一定的欺骗、干扰等功能。

    On the other hand , nonverbal symbols themselves can put fraudulence and interference into effect by transmitting sports information .

  23. 按照接收渠道的不同,将非语言符号分为视觉、听觉、其他感觉类三种。

    According to the differences of receiver channels , the nonlinguistic symbols are divided into visual , auditory and other sensory .

  24. 交际过程是符号过程。交际中说者把要表达的意义赋码于语言符号、副语言符号以及非语言符号。

    The process of communication is semiosis in which the speaker encodes his intentional meaning in linguistic , paralinguistic , and non .

  25. 非语言符号受众对它的会话含义可以有某种程度上的超越。

    On the contrary , audience can transcend the meaning of nonverbal conversation to a greater degree because its meaning is less confined .

  26. 在国外传播学研究中,教育传播已成为传播学下的一个独立的分支学科,教师的非语言符号传播研究作为其三大研究主题之一,已具有一定的成熟性。

    Instructional Communication research abroad has three separate branches , and teachers ' nonverbal immediacy as one of them already has become mature .

  27. 广告英译时,如何解决一些非语言符号,即语言的文化内涵。

    When translating Chinese advertisement into English , people often have trouble in how to deal with the hidden meaning inside the language symbols .

  28. 广告商借助一切语言和非语言符号来推广宣传其产品或服务,以达到劝服消费者采取购买行为的目的。

    In order to persuade potential consumers to buy their products or services , advertisers utilize all the verbal and nonverbal symbols in advertisements .

  29. 非语言符号独立于语言行为而存在,在交际活动中常用以辅助言语交际,起到了传达了语言之外其他信息的作用。

    Nonverbal sign , separate from verbal behavior , is usually applied to assist verbal communication and it expresses the meanings beyond the capacity of language .

  30. 论语言符号的三重性&任意性、理据性与象似性的统一试论语言符号与非语言符号的共性与个性

    On the Unification of Trinal Properties & Arbitrariness , Motivation and Iconicity of Linguistic Sign . ; Verbal Symbols and Non-verbal Symbols : Similarity and Disparity