
  • 网络Symbolism;Semiotics;semiology
  1. 朗格的美学思想建立在新符号论的哲学基点上。

    Langer is built on philosophy base of new symbolism .

  2. 朗格的符号论思想将艺术符号看作是一种有机的整体形式,本文由此揭示了其艺术作为独立自足的文本世界的观点;

    Langer 's theory on symbolism of arts regards the artistic symbol as organic and entire form . From this , the thesis reveals Langer 's point about taking art as independent and self-sufficiency texts world .

  3. 抽象与原型&音乐符号论

    Abstraction and Archetype - Study on the Symbol of Music

  4. 符号论美学与艺术门类之基本幻象

    Basic Illusion of the Symbolic Aestheticism and the Artistic Category

  5. 符号论美学:艺术形式的诗学研究

    Semiotic Aesthetics : Poetic Study on Forms of Art

  6. 4符号论哲学的艺术创造论对翻译研究的意义。艺术语言学:哲学的反思

    The bearing of semiotic discussion about artistic creativity on translation studies . Artistic linguistics : reflection upon philosophy

  7. 无论是对话理论、接受美学理论还是符号论美学思想理论都对文学作品的多元解读提供了有力的理论支持。

    No matter dialogic theory , recipient theory and symbolic theory , they provide strong theoretical sustain to the multi-interpretation of literary works .

  8. 符号论研究将文化批判理论成功的应用于广泛的电视节目制作当中具有重要的实践意义。

    The theory of the symbol studies and criticizes theory applying to the extensive TV programme successfully and having important practice meanings in culture .

  9. 德国学者卡西尔的符号论美学理论,作为其独特的符号哲学的一个重要组成部分,对20世纪西方美学产生了广泛而深远的影响。

    The theory of symbolic aesthetics , as an important part of Cassirer s symbolic philosophy , possesses a wide and profound influence on western aesthetics in the20th century .

  10. 符号论美学兴起于二十世纪六十年代,符号学理论也成了当代哲学及其他许多学科领域核心的理论之一。

    The semiotics theory of esthetics emerged in the 20th century 60 's , Which had become one of core theories of the contemporary philosophy and other many disciplines domain .

  11. 符号论是可以被应用于大众传媒的一切研究:词汇,图像,交通标志,花卉,音乐,医学甚至更多。

    Semiotics is the study of everything that can be used for communication : words , images , traffic signs , flowers , music , medical symptoms , and much more .

  12. 然后经过功能转化论、审美及符号论等设计审美理论中家具造型的折衷运用原理和构建方式基本勾勒出折衷主义家具造型设计方法的框架。

    After the function transformation theory , aesthetic and symbolism , such as design aesthetic theory in furniture modelling the compromise in the use principle and constructing the basic way to draw the outline of eclecticism furniture modelling design method framework .

  13. 作为文化的研究的工具,符号论所代表的是一个与传统批判主义的根本决裂,就它本身固有的意义来讲是对一种审美对象或是文本的第一阐释。

    As a tool for the study of culture , semiotics represents a radical break from traditional criticism , in which the first order of business is the interpretation of an aesthetic object or text in terms of its immanent meaning .

  14. 康德对美的普遍性的论述对后来西方美学思想的直接影响主要表现在现象美学和符号论美学对普遍性的强调上。

    There are a directly influence on the west aesthetics by Kant 's study about the esthetical universality . The influence mainly manifests in the phenomenology and semeiology , for both of them emphasize the universality in the study of beauty .

  15. 从抽象的意义到具象的符号&论广告编码的意识形态化

    Abstract on figurative meaning of the symbols : Ideological code of advertising

  16. 布鲁默和库恩在符号互动论上的异同

    On the Similarities and Differences of Symbolic Interactionism Between Brummer & Kuhn

  17. 师生互动:基于符号互动论的分析与改进

    Teacher-Student Interaction : Analysis and Improvement in the Perspective of Symbol Interaction Theory

  18. 扎根理论源于后实证主义和符号互动论,是质性研究中的核心研究方法之一。

    Grounded theory is one of the core research methods in qualitative research .

  19. 非语言符号特征论

    On the Features of Non - linguistic Symbols

  20. 情境知识与社会互动&符号互动论的知识社会学思想评析

    Situational Knowledge and Social Interaction & On the Sociological Approach of Knowledge in Symbolic Interactionism

  21. 消失的登陆点&社会心理学视野下的符号互动论与传播研究

    The Lost Landing Pot & Symbolic Interactionism and Communication Research in the View of Social Psychology

  22. 20世纪80年代以来,众多传播学者纷纷赋予芝加哥学派以思想登陆点的重要的地位,将其主体理论符号互动论视为最切实可行的源头。

    Many communication researchers have regarded the Chicago School as a landing pot in ideaistic history and symbolic interactionism as the most feasible resource since 1980s .

  23. 从符号互动论学者戈夫曼角色表演前后台理论入手,可以分析当代中国高校学生的政治社会化模式的发展过程。

    This essay applies the front and back stage theory by Ervin Goffman to analyze the political and social development pattern of university student in present-day China .

  24. 基于1994~2002年对上海青年性文化所做的人种志研究,通过符号互动论来阐释有风险的性行为。

    Based on ethnographic research on youth sex culture in Shanghai from 1994 to 2002 , this paper outlines a symbolic interaction approach to understanding risky sexual behaviors .

  25. 追寻美梦的实现论中原文化断裂对元曲团圆剧的影响团圆:悲剧审美趋向的符号象征论中国悲剧大团圆结局意义

    Pursuing the Realization of Great Dreams & On the Effect of the Culture Breakage in Central China upon Yuanqu Opera On Meaning of Happy Ending of Chinese Tragic Play

  26. 在这些研究中,论元结构是一组要素的序列,它使用不同的符号标出论元的内部和外部的地位。

    In these analyses the argument structure of a predicate is a set of elements , with the external or internal status of an argument indicated by various notational devices .

  27. 从意象说到意象符号系统论&对中国诗歌的意象审美思考

    The Discussion From " Imagery Doctrine " of Classical Poetics in China to " Imagery Note System " of Modern Doctrine & The thought on imagery aesthetic to Chinese poetry

  28. 前言:从“符号互动论”的角度看,中西医结合是当代医家在共同创造的文化圈内的符号互动。

    As to Symbolic Interactionism , the integration of Chinese Medicine and western medicine is a symbolic interaction in the cultural circle created by modern doctors of both western and Chinese medicine .

  29. 符号互动论认为个体在一定程度上通过内化知觉到的他人对自己的看法来定义自己,即反思自我评价会在一定程度上影响自我概念。

    Symbolic interaction theory came up with that the individuals define themselves by the internalization of perceived others ' evaluations of themselves . Namely , reflected-self appraisals will be affect self-concept to a certain extent .

  30. 本文试图以教育社会学中符号互动论的相关理论为理论支撑点,探讨当前初中英语课堂师生互动中存在的问题,并分析影响师生互动的因素。

    This paper tries to base on the related theory of the symbolic interaction theory of the sociology of education , the author discusses the problems which exist in the teacher-student interaction , analyzes the effected factors .