
fú zhòu
  • spell;charm;amulet;incantation;mojo;Taoist magic figures or incantations
符咒 [fú zhòu]
  • [Taoist magic figures or incantations] 道教在纸符上写以咒语,用于作法

符咒[fú zhòu]
  1. 我希望这个符咒会给你带来好运。

    I hope this charm will bring luck to you .

  2. 没有符咒我们无法叫醒女王。

    And without the charm , we couldn 't wake the queen .

  3. 这条项链上附有会给人带来灾难的符咒。

    The necklace was cursed .

  4. 这个江湖骗子吹牛说他能用符咒治好各种疾病。

    The charlatan boasted that he could charm off any disease .

  5. adj.轻微的,不重要的他因为不适呆在家里一天。n.符咒;

    slight He stayed home for a day because of a slight illness .

  6. 如果使用KISS(KeepItSimpleStupid)这道符咒,您可以快速地创建一个XML文件,并得到一个新的、可以运行的外观。

    If you use the KISS ( Keep It Simple Stupid ) mantra , you can quickly create an XML file and get a new look and feel up and running .

  7. 符咒vt.使着迷这名演员不是很帅但是有种魅力。

    The actor is not very handsome but has great charm .

  8. spell:符咒,魅力Freddy迷住了他,是我把他从中解救出来的。

    Freddy had him under some kind of spell . I was the one who got him to break out of it

  9. 朱莉叶回答道:“因为我在地理考卷上是这样写的。”n.祈祷;祈祷(习惯);祈祷文;经文做祈祷祈祷会符咒教堂vt.&vi.打断(别人的话等);阻止;截断vt.暂停;

    And Julie replyed , " Because that 's what I put in my geography exam ! " eg. give prayers ( = say one 's prayers ) prayer meeting prayer paper the house of prayer

  10. 但只有到了这时,符咒才失灵,魔力才消失。

    Only now was the spell broken , the magic extinguished .

  11. 我感到她的出现,因她符咒般的力量。

    I felt her presence , by its spell of might .

  12. 使用或好象使用符咒;施魔。

    To cast or seem to cast a spell on ; bewitch .

  13. 也许一个符咒已经给你披上了。

    Perhaps a spell was cast on you as well .

  14. 像被符咒迷住一样注意力集中。

    Having your attention fixated as though by a spell .

  15. 他们想找符咒来解决。

    They 're looking for the charm , to sort it all out .

  16. 我的立即投符咒至少被50%花费的增加。

    My instant cast spells have increased in cost by50 % at least .

  17. 什么类型的符咒你正在做吗?

    And what kind of spells are you doing ?

  18. 而且,依凭我这首诗中的符咒。

    And , by the incantation of this verse .

  19. 那些是一个男巫士的符咒。

    Those spells are the work of a sorcerer .

  20. 具有魔力的符咒、咒语、把戏等

    A magic spell , word , trick , etc

  21. 哈利、罗恩和荷米恩在靠窗的位置上坐在一起,荷米恩正在检查他们两个的符咒功课。

    Harry , Ron , and Hermione sat together next to a window .

  22. 护符和符咒在锡兰依然很常见。

    Charms and spells are still common in ceylon .

  23. 魔法师对她施以符咒。

    The sorcerer cast an evil spell on her .

  24. 我被你的爱情符咒镇住了。

    I 'm under the spell of your love .

  25. 他拼命搜索他的脑袋,老想找出那道早被忘得一干二净的护身符咒。

    He sought in his heAD for an incantation that had faded clean away .

  26. 他说符咒是面镜子面具。

    He said the charm was a mirrormask .

  27. 我曾经下过最毒的符咒。

    I 'm the worst dry spell ever .

  28. 艾达公主的符咒失去了威力。

    Princess ida 's spell lost its potency .

  29. 梵文管这些话叫符咒。

    These words are called mantra in Sanskrit .

  30. 像是被符咒抓住了兴趣一样。

    Capturing interest as if by a spell .