
Through the comparative studies on Q-C1 meteorite , C1 meteorite , and other carbonaceous chondrite , the Q-C1 meteorite 's origin is inferred that they were results if gas-liquid-solid condensation , gas-solid condensation and hydrous effect in border sheet of nebular disk .
Mark : I 'll show you my cloud drive sometime .
Accretion Disk and Angular Momentum Loss During Formation of a Star in the Nebular Disk
Maybe you 're the techie whose friends and parents ' friends call repeatedly with questions about uploading photos to the cloud or sharing videos online .
This paper analyses the structure of the outer edge region of the solar nebular disk , and shows that no formation zone of comets can exist there .
We propose a model for the formation of a star in a nebular disk on the basis of the accretion disk theory and the phenomena observed in recent years .
The team hopes this study leads to further analyses , like extending virtual flavor technologies for multisensory interactions like toasting drinks , or even sharing digital signatures of beverages stored in a virtual cloud .
With iHealth , you also get access to a browser-based cloud dashboard that collects data from all of the company 's devices you might own .