
  • 网络reduplication;reduplicative words;reduplicated word;reiterative locution
  1. 本文对汉语中叠音词汉译英的方法作了探讨,认为单音词(或字)重迭后,词性词义发生变化的叠音词,宜采用意译方法;

    This paper explores the approach too translate Chinese reduplications into English , it also points out that the method of liberal translation should be adopted to the reduplications of which meaning , syntactical functions and morphological features change after the monosyllabic word is overlapped ;

  2. 简论英语叠音词

    On Reduplicative Words In English

  3. 论汉语古诗中叠音词的英译

    On the English Translation of Reduplicated Words in Chinese Ancient Poems

  4. 叠音词的定义与分类;

    First , the definition and classfication of reiterative ;

  5. 南宋选词范式研究叠音词和重叠式的区别

    The Difference Between Words with the Same Vowel Formation and Reduplication of Words

  6. 《殷周金文集成》所见叠音词的初步研究

    A Tentative Study on Reduplicated Words in Yin Zhou Jin Wen Ji Cheng

  7. 现代汉语中,叠音词与重叠式很容易发生混淆。

    In modern Chinese reiterative locution and reduplication are likely to be confused .

  8. 叠音词的句法功能;

    Fourth , the syntax function of reiterative ;

  9. 不同年龄儿童使用的错误的叠音词形式也在本文中详细描述。

    The error patterns of geminate word used by children of different ages are described as well .

  10. 从修辞的角度出发,探讨了汉语古诗中叠音词的英译方法。

    This paper discusses the English translation of reduplicated words in Chinese ancient poems from the perspective of rhetoric .

  11. 双音节词中合成词占优势,同时还有一定数量的连绵词和叠音词。

    The compound words does Advantage in the two-syllable adjectives which also include number of rhymed words and duplication phrases .

  12. 上古的叠音词构成短语,由偏正结构到主谓结构到述补结构,由跟名词结合到同动词、形容词结合。

    The overlapped phrase from ancient language has attributive and adverbial group , subject-predicate structure and complement structure , combining with nouns , verbs , and adjectives .

  13. 第四部分,概括总结叠音词的语用功能,指出叠音词具有写人、状物、拟声、调节韵律、概括强调等语用功能。

    The third chapter summed up reduplicated words , and points out that the pragmatic functions of reduplicated word has written , blocky onomatopoetic pragmatic functions and so on .

  14. 在汉语广告里,尾韵和叠音词能增强广告的音乐性和节奏感,而如对偶、顶真、回文诗、藏头诗等特别的修辞手法能增强广告的原创性和新颖性。

    Consonance and reduplicative sound words help enhance musicality and rhythm while a particular figure of speech such as antithesis , anadiplosis , palindrome and acrostic contributes to originality and novelty of advertisements .

  15. 汉语叠音词的修辞功能与其语用规律的关系是一种辩证的互为存在的关系,修辞功能影响其语用规律,语用规律又彰显其修辞功能。

    The relationship between the rhetoric function and pragmatic rule of the Chinese duplication phrases is dialectical and interdependent . The rhetoric function affects the pragmatic rule whereas the pragmatic rule manifests the rhetoric function .

  16. 在现代汉语语音教学中,叠音形容词变调常作为一条重要的音变规律提出。

    In modern chinese phonetics , tone sandhi of reduplicated adjectives , which is due to the influence of Beijing dialect , is often taught as an important sound change pattern .