
sì shēnɡ
  • four tones of classical Chinese character pronunciation;four tones of modern standard Chinese pronunciation;tone of a Chinese character
四声 [sì shēng]
  • (1) [the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics]∶古汉语字调有平声、上声、去声、入声四声

  • (2) [the four tones of modern standard Chinese pronunciation]∶中国普通话的字调有阴平、阳平、上声、去声四声

四声[sì shēng]
  1. 房间外面响起四声震撼内脏的爆炸——凯丽装在那里的莲花反坦克雷爆炸了

    Outside the chamber there were four gut-jarring detonations-the LOTUS antitank mines Kelly had set up .

  2. 超流Hell中第一声、第二声和第四声声速的测量

    Measurements of first , second and fourth sound - velocity in superfluid hell

  3. 本文介绍用子波变换法(wavelettransform,WT)进行非特定人汉语四声的识别。

    In this paper , a method of tone recognition of Chinese based on wavelet Transform was introduced .

  4. 选取适合汉语语音基频提取的小波函数,给出基频提取的应用实例和基于FCM模糊聚类分析的汉语四声调值识别结果。

    The wavelet function is selected to detect the Chinese speech pitch . The pitch detection and Chinese four-tone recognition based on FCM algorithm are taken as examples to show the practical application .

  5. 用此方法把汉语四声作一个HMM模型,使汉语400个基本音节的识别率达96%以上.若加上精确四声识别则可识别汉语的1200种声音。

    For the 400 Chinese syllables , the recognition rate is more than 96 % . If the four tone is added , the 1200 Chinese basic speech can be recognized with high performance .

  6. 三声开始是中间的声音,然后降低再回到中间来(像whoa这个词这样的),四声是从高高的调儿降到低声(跟下令似的)。

    The third tone sort of starts at middle voice then drops to low voice then goes back up to middle voice ( like in whoa ) while the fourth tone starts high and quickly drops to low ( as in giving a command ) .

  7. 没错,有时候我真的搞不清楚中文的四声。

    Right , sometimes I feel really confused about Mandarin tone .

  8. 汉越音的八个声调与中古汉语的四声八调有着较为整齐的对应。

    Middle Chinese four tones separate to uper tone and lower tone .

  9. 它与四声字调标示法之间又有着怎样的关系?

    What relationship between it and the method with the four tones ?

  10. 隐马氏链模型识别汉语四声声调

    A Hidden Markov Model Applied to Chinese Four-Tone Recognition

  11. 语调则不受语速、音域宽度和四声的影响。

    Underlying intonations however are not influenced by speed , pitch or tones .

  12. 一种新型前向神经网络用于汉语四声识别

    Chinese Tones Recognition Based on a New Neural Network

  13. 汉语四声的数学奥秘&频率变比3∶2

    A mathematical profound mystery of Chinese word tone & frequency change proportion 3:2

  14. 关于普通话的四声识别问题

    On the recognition of the " four - tone " of Chinese pronunciation

  15. 普通话有四声,想要说的流利必须掌握数千个汉字。

    The language is tonal , and fluency requires mastering thousands of characters .

  16. 声调一般有四声;

    Generally speaking , the tones include four intonations .

  17. 论《四声猿》的悲剧主题

    On the Tragic Theme of the Sorrowful Ape

  18. 我认为这只是四声杜鹃。

    I think this is an Indian Cuckoo .

  19. 他所提倡的“四声”,引起了声律说的广泛流行;

    He masterminded the " four tones " which greatly popularized the theory of rhyming .

  20. 朝鲜《四声通解》在对外汉语语音教学上的价值

    The Value of Korean " SiShengTongJie " in Teaching Chinese Pronunciation as a Foreign Language

  21. 四声模糊识别方法

    Fuzzy Tone Recognition for Chinese Speech

  22. 8月27日,伴随着四声爆炸声,整座岛屿都开始猛地喷发起来。

    On the 27th of August the island erupted violently in a series of four explosions .

  23. 关于四声与佛经转读关系的研究综述

    Overview on Research of " the Four Tones " and the Translating Reading of Buddhist Sutras

  24. 对于日本和韩国留学生来说,他们最大的问题是汉语四声中的第二和第三声的发音。

    The biggest problem for Japanese and Korea students is the pronunciation of the second and their tone .

  25. 在徐渭的代表作杂剧《四声猿》中,有两篇值得我们注意,那就是《雌木兰》和《女状元》。

    We should pay more attention to two drama which were named Ci Mulan and N ü Zhuangyuan .

  26. 声调包括第一、第二、第三、第四声和轻声。

    The tones include the first , second , third , and the fourth tones and the neutral tone .

  27. 而汉语是以四声为特征,所以我国的歌曲中一字多音是常见的。

    But the Chinese is character by four tones , so one word with many tones is very common .

  28. 这不仅表现在四声的发明上,也表现在永明体的建构上。

    It was demonstrated in the invention of Chinese four tones , also in the construction of Yong Ming Style .

  29. 其中也包括有五声性的四声、五声、六声和七声调式。

    Nanyang folk song has a mode of five tone , which includes four , five , six and seven tones .

  30. 对16例失语症患者进行汉语四声的听理解与朗读检查评价,其中12例非流畅性失语,4例流畅性失语。

    The evaluation of four-tone examination in 16 cases of aphasic patients ( 12 having nonfluent aphasia and 4 fluent aphasis ) were performed .