
  1. 通过电化学聚合,在铂丝表面修饰一层具有导电性能的聚苯胺薄膜,外层涂PVC膜(含四苯硼酸-可乐定活性物质)。

    Polymeric films is reported . Platinum wire is modified by conductive polyaniline and then with a film of PVC ( containing electroactive species ) .

  2. 以左氧氟沙星与四苯硼酸根形成的缔合物为电活性物质,研制了一种左氧氟沙星PVC膜涂层玻璃电极,并对其响应性能进行了系统研究。

    The levofloxacin selective electrode prepared by coating the mixture of levofloxacin and sodium tetraphenylboron association complex with PVC membrane on a glass electrode is reported .

  3. 四苯硼酸钾衍生物为载体的锂离子选择性电极

    Lithium Ion-Selective Polymeric Membrane Electrode Based on Potassium Tetraphenylborate Derivatives

  4. 本文介绍了四苯硼酸黄连素石墨涂膜电极的制作和应用。

    This paper introduces the preparation and Application of berberine-tetraphenylborate-graphite selective electrode .

  5. 四苯硼酸钾重量法测定氟硼酸钾含量

    Determination of Potassium Borofluoride Content with Potassium Tetraphenylborate Gravimetric Method

  6. 以四苯硼酸-美西律离子缔合物为活性材料,制成了美西律选择性涂丝电极,并对影响该电极性能的诸因素进行了较详细的研究。

    The coated wire of mexiletine selective electrode made with ion-association complex of mexiletine-tetraphenylborate was studied .

  7. 四苯硼酸铷由水至直链一元醇中的标准迁移热力学函数

    The Standard Thermodynamic Function of Transfer of Rubidium Tetraphenylborate from Water to Straight - chain n - Alkanols

  8. 该方法的测定结果与四苯硼酸钾重量法基本一致,且方法简便、快速。

    The test result of the method is basically identical with that of potassium tetraphenylborate method . The method is simple and rapid .

  9. 复混肥料中钾含量的测定采用四苯硼酸钾重量法,新标准GB15063-2001《复混肥料(复合肥料)》颁布实施后,测定方法中的分析步骤有所改变,取消原标准中加甲醛步骤。

    Determination of potassium content for compound ( mixed ) fertilizers usually adopts Potassium tetraphenylborate gravimetric method , but the analytical procedure has been changed since the new standard has been implemented , " Adding formaldehyde solution " was cancelled .

  10. 四苯(基)硼酸钠十水合物偏三甲苯甲醇烷基化制备均四甲苯的工艺研究

    Sodium tetraborate decahydrate synthesis of 1,2,4,5-tetramethylbenzene by alkylation of 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene with methanol