
  • 网络corporate consciousness;Corporate Conscience
  1. 随着Internet的不断普及和技术推广,越来越多的企业意识到仅仅依靠产品的差异化越来越难以获得竞争优势,从而将注意力转向服务的差异化。

    With the continuing popularity of the Internet and its technology promotion , more companies realize that only rely on the product differentiation , makes it more difficult to obtain the competitive advantages , and thus it turns their attention to service differentiation .

  2. 猎头公司光辉国际(KornFerry)全球首席运营官斯图尔特卡普兰(StuartKaplan)表示:企业意识到,自己在创造力和问题解决能力方面开始丧失优势。所以,它们开始聘用设计师、工程师和律师。

    Companies realised they were starting to lose their edge in creativity and problem-solving so they started to hire architects , engineers and lawyers , says Stuart Kaplan , global chief operating officer at Korn / Ferry , the executive search firm .

  3. 进行感情投资,增强企业意识;

    We should carry on emotion investment and strengthen enterprise consciousness ;

  4. 在我国有越来越多的企业意识到社会责任报告的重要性,并设有专门的社会责任部门编制正式的社会责任报告。

    More and more companies have realized the importance of preparing the CSR reporting .

  5. 企业意识到服务不能够在内部使用,因为它们是不可信的。

    Enterprises realize that services are not used internally because they cannot be trusted .

  6. 这些企业意识到,包容多元化意味着承认各种种族的存在,也包括人数最多的种族。

    They actually recognize that embracing diversity means recognizing all races , including the majority one .

  7. 越来越多的企业意识到绩效管理是企业获取竞争优势的核心竞争力。

    More and more enterprises are on to the human resources management which makes their core competitiveness .

  8. 同时,越来越多的企业意识到人力资源获取体系建设的重要性,充分重视获取、培育、激励和留住员工的积极作用。

    Meanwhile , more and more enterprises realize the importance of the system of human resources obtaining .

  9. 在这种复杂多变的竞争环境下,越来越多的企业意识到电子商务的重要性和趋势性。

    In this complex competitive environment , more and more enterprises realize the importance and trend of e-commerce .

  10. 越来越多的企业意识到企业文化建设在企业的经营发展过程中起着重大的作用。

    More and more enterprises realize that corporate culture development plays an important role in the business development of enterprises .

  11. 随着全球一体化的发展,越来越多的企业意识到供应链管理的重要性。

    With the development of globalization , more and more enterprises start to realize the importance of supply chain management .

  12. 面对这样的情况,越来越多的中国企业意识到了企业社会责任的重要性。

    Then , more and more Chinese companies realized the importance of corporate social responsibility in the past 20 years .

  13. 经济全球化和新经济的发展使众多企业意识到创新是制胜于现在与未来的方法。

    Globalization and the new economy have made many firms aware that innovation is the way to gain constant competitiveness .

  14. 随着中国最近几十年来经济快速发展,世界各地的企业意识到中国市场大量未开发的巨大机遇。

    With China 's remarkable economic growth in recent decades , businesses worldwide are sensing tremendous opportunities in the largely untapped Chinese market .

  15. 然而,尽管企业意识到发展品牌需要投资,仍有许多因素使它们停滞不前。

    Yet , while companies realise the need to invest in developing their brands , a number of factors still hold them back .

  16. 在企业意识到现代分工越来越细、个人知识和精力有限等问题,团队的组建日益频繁。

    Aware of modern enterprises in the increasingly fine division of labor , personal knowledge and energy limited , team has become increasingly frequent .

  17. 越来越多的企业意识到科学管理的紧迫性和重要性,传统的管理模式已经很难适应目前国际和国内的发展形势和要求。

    There are more enterprises that have been aware of the significance of scientific management aimed at adapting to the demand of the domestic economy .

  18. 最终,这些企业意识到,在新事物上投入不足就会错失良机,随后开始拼命弥补,想要弥补错误,然而此时已经希望渺茫。

    Eventually these companies realize their error of not focusing enough on the new thing , and then the company fights desperately and hopelessly to recover .

  19. 当下,我国白酒市场的竞争越来越激烈,已经有部分企业意识到做好供应链管理对企业的发展意义重大。

    The competition in Liquor market has become increasingly fierce nowadays . Some enterprises have realized the importance of good supply chain management on enterprise development .

  20. 越来越多的企业意识到客户关系管理是赢得市场竞争的重要武器。

    More and more managers from enterprise accept that customer relationship management ( CRM ) is one of the most important weapon to win the game .

  21. 随着营销环境的变化,很多企业意识到传统的营销策略已经不能满足企业竞争的需求。

    With the changing of marketing environment , enterprises are aware of the traditional marketing strategy has been unable to meet the needs of enterprise competition .

  22. 越来越多的企业意识到逆向物流的重要性,逆向物流逐步成为提升企业竞争力的有效手段。

    More and more enterprises are aware of the importance of reverse logistics . Reverse logistics gradually become an effective way to improve the competitiveness of enterprises .

  23. 越来越多的企业意识到构建一套科学系统的绩效管理体系对企业的发展是至关重要的。

    Now , more and more enterprises realize that building a scientific system of performance management system is crucial to the development of the enterprise in drastic rival .

  24. 越来越多的企业意识到打造企业雇主品牌的重要性,致力于雇主形象的塑造,提高雇主品牌认知度是品牌塑造的重要环节。

    More and more enterprises have realized the importance of employer branding and dedicated to shaping employer image , in which improve employer brand awareness is an important part .

  25. 近年,激烈的市场竞争和技术的快速模仿与更新使中国企业意识到靠产品差异性竞争已日益困难。

    In recent years , Chinese companies are experiencing fierce market competition , fast technology evolving and imitation . It becomes more difficult to compete only on the product level .

  26. 随着市场竞争不断加剧,越来越多的企业意识到顾客抱怨管理的诸多益处,以及其在提高顾客满意度上的重要性。

    With the market competition is increasingly intensifying , more and more enterprises realize the influence of customer complaint on customer satisfaction , loyalty and the importance of customer complaints management .

  27. 随着信息化时代的到来以及市场竞争日益激烈,越来越多的煤炭企业意识到需要建立信息化管理系统。

    With the coming of information age and the increasing market competition vehemence , more and more coal enterprises are becoming aware of the demand to establish the information management system .

  28. 随着经济环境迅速变化和市场竞争日益激烈,越来越多的企业意识到,拥有一批敬业的员工可以提高企业的竞争力。

    With rapidly changing economic environment and the increasingly fierce market competition , more and more enterprises realize that has a group of dedicated employees is the most fundamental enterprise competitive advantage .

  29. 很多企业意识到项目前期策划和研究对于房地产项目开发的重要性,但是在具体的操作中却由于种种原因出现很多问题。

    Many companies have realized the importance of early research for the development of real estate projects , but there are various problems in the specific operation because of a lot of reasons .

  30. 现在已经有不少企业意识到了战略管理的重要性,将战略管理提升到重要的位置上来,加大投入,开始制订适合自身发展的经营战略。

    Now some of the enterprises have already been aware of the importance of strategic management . They have invested more and started to define the operation strategy corresponding to their actual situation .