
  1. 在企业组织管理状态预警指标体系的应用研究中,主要以问卷的方式,收集了K公司管理人员以及一般员工对该公司组织管理状态的评价。

    Questionnaire is adopted to evaluate organizational management status of K corporation using this early-warning index system .

  2. 基于大规模定制的企业组织管理创新模式探析

    Analysis of enterprise organization management innovation model based on mass customization

  3. 企业组织管理状态预警指标体系构建的研究

    Research on Construction of Early-warning Index System of Enterprise Organizational Management Status

  4. 学习型组织:现代企业组织管理新方式

    Learning type organization is the new type organization management in modern enterprise

  5. 企业组织管理理学硕士专注于医疗服务管理。

    Business organizational management with concentration in health services management M.S.

  6. 基于社会物理学的企业组织管理预警机制研究

    A Study on Social Physics-Based Early-Warning Mechanism of Enterprise Management

  7. 新经济时代企业组织管理模式的创新

    The Innovation of the Enterprise Organization Management Mode in the New Economic Era

  8. 企业组织管理并行工程

    On the Organizational Management of Enterprises in Concurrent Engineering

  9. 方法通过对比,借鉴国内外企业组织管理方面的经验。

    Methods The organizational and management experience at home and abroad were compared .

  10. 中小企业组织管理评审中模糊综合评价模型

    A Compositive Appraisal Model of Organization Management Review of the Middle and Small Businesses

  11. 合作博弈与企业组织管理

    Cooperation Game and Enterprise Organization Management

  12. 很多创新活动没有达到预期效果的原因是企业组织管理模式不适应创新活动管理的要求,因此从企业组织层面建立适宜创新的、行之有效的创新活动的组织管理模式是非常有必要的。

    The reason is that the enterprise organization mode is not fit with the innovative activity .

  13. 企业组织管理理论系统分析

    Systematic Analysis of Organizational Theory

  14. 本文以企业组织管理状态为监测对象,构建其预警指标体系。

    This paper constructs enterprise 's system of early-warning indexes starting from status of its organizational management .

  15. 由此,建立了一个有一定科学性、合理性和可操作性的企业组织管理状态预警指标体系。

    Hence , a system of enterprise organizational management status early-warning index with somehow science , reasonability and manipulatability is created .

  16. 合并重组后,公司企业组织管理模式和内部控制环境发生了变化,从而导致其企业管理工作中许多问题亟待改善。

    After the reorganization , corporate organization , management models and financial management environment has changed , which brings the company many problems about its old management model .

  17. 合作竞争不仅成为一种新的生产方式,其更为深远的意义还在于对企业组织管理和人的经济行为的影响。

    Coopetition not only becomes a new productive method , its more profound meaning is the influence on the management of enterprises and the persons ' economic behavior .

  18. 博弈论一般划分为非合作博弈与合作博弈,其中有关合作博弈的理论知识,在企业组织管理实施过程中,具有十分有益的指导借鉴作用。

    In general , game theory is divided into two parts : non-cooperative game and cooperative game , in which cooperative game theory has more instructive effect on enterprise organization and management .

  19. 本文提出了企业组织管理预警系统评价指标体系,采用层次分析法和模糊集合论确定了企业组织管理预警系统动态指标的权重并进行综合评价,介绍了在武汉某集团公司应用的示例。

    An evaluation index system on the forewarning system of enterprises organizational management is provided . The weights of the dynamic indexes are determined by AHP . And fuzzy theory is used for comprehensive evaluation .

  20. 人力资源的开发与管理是现代企业组织管理中的一个重要问题,如何科学地、合理地组织和开发人力资源已成为企业生存和发展的关键所在。

    Human resource development and management is an important issue in modern enterprises organization management . How to organize and develop human resource with scientific and reasonable became key aspect for enterprises surviving and development .

  21. 动态联盟作为一种全新的企业组织管理模式,其最早用于制造业,随着理论的成熟和发展,目前已被广泛应用于各个行业和领域。

    Dynamic alliance as a new model of corporation organization and management is firstly used in manufacturing industry . With the maturity and development of the theory , it has been widely used in various industries and fields .

  22. 将企业组织管理中普遍运用的行为科学理论引入高校德育教育工作,可改进和完善高校德育教育思路和方式方法。

    This paper introduces the behavioral science theory , which is generally used in the business management , into moral education in colleges and universities in order to improve and perfect the thinking patterns and methods employed in ideological work .

  23. 本文以西安石化气体分馏项目为研究对象,研究和运用了知识管理的基本理论和方法,重点探讨建立适应知识创新的企业组织管理问题。

    In this paper , Xi ' an Petrochemical gas fractionation project as the research object , research and application of knowledge management , the basic theory and methods , focusing on the establishment of an innovative organization to adapt to the knowledge management problems .

  24. 观察员工不同个体特征对培训有效性的影响有无显著差异,分析员工不同个体特征对培训效果的影响程度,为企业组织管理者从员工角度提升培训效果与企业培训后评估提供参考。

    Observation of workers with different individual characteristics affect whether the effectiveness of the training , employees of different individual characteristics of the training effect , evaluation of reference to enhance the effectiveness of training and corporate training managers of the business organization from a staff point of view .

  25. 所开发的PDM系统包含系统登录功能、电子文档管理功能、工程项目管理功能、个人文件夹管理功能、编码管理功能以及企业组织人员管理功能。

    The main functions include login function , documents management function , projects management function , personal files management function , code management function and personnel management function .

  26. CIM不仅仅是一项技术,更是企业组织和管理生产过程的一种哲理、思想和方法,而CIMS则是这种思想的具体体现。

    CIMS is not only a technique but also a way of enterprise organization and manufacture process management . CIMS exactly is a embodiment of certain philosophic theory , concept .

  27. 因而传统实体企业组织和管理模式都发生了翻天覆地的变化&无论是企业的兼并重组、战略联盟、投资决策、业务重组(BPR)、敏捷制造(AM)。

    Thus traditional entity enterprise organization and management pattern have occurred earth-shaking change - no matter enterprise reshuffle , strategic alliance , investment decision and business process reengineering ( BPR ), agile manufacture ( AM ) .

  28. 敏捷企业的组织管理模式及其生产制造系统

    Paradigm of Organization Management and Production Manufacturing System for Agile Enterprises

  29. 企业自组织管理的特征与比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of Organizational Management and Self-organizational Management in Enterprises

  30. 建筑企业组织项目管理成熟度模型研究

    Study of organizational project management maturity model of construction enterprises