
  • 网络enterprise mergers and reorganizations;enterprise acquisitions and reorganizations;M&A merger and acquisition
  1. 二是促进企业兼并重组。

    Second , we will encourage mergers and reorganization of enterprises .

  2. 国有建筑企业兼并重组的优化模型

    Optimal model for combination and reorganization of national construction enterprises

  3. 企业兼并重组的可靠性分析

    Analysis of the Reliability of Enterprises Mergence and Recombination

  4. 山西煤矿企业兼并重组中的信息化整合对策研究

    The Information Integration Strategies in the Merger and Reorganization of Shanxi Coal Enterprises

  5. 企业兼并重组取得新进展。

    We made progress in enterprise mergers and reorganizations .

  6. 文章还总结了资本主义企业兼并重组的发展历程。

    The article also summarizes the evolution of merger and restructuring of capitalist enterprises .

  7. 采取有力措施,推进企业兼并重组。

    We have taken strong measures to facilitate the merger and reorganization of enterprises .

  8. 企业兼并重组过程中应注意的几个问题

    Problems in Enterprises ' Annexation and Reorganization

  9. 但是在山西煤矿企业兼并重组过程中,也存在一些问题,值得引起足够的重视。

    But in shanxi coal enterprise restructuring , merger , there were some problems worth cause enough attention .

  10. 煤矿企业兼并重组整合中的全过程投资控制探讨

    On the whole process control over investment activity in the course of coal mine company merging , regrouping and conglomeration

  11. 会议决定,加快装备制造企业兼并重组和产品更新换代,促进产业结构优化升级,全面提升产业竞争力。

    Council decided to speed up mergers in equipment manufacturer and upgrade of products . Also to promote the optimization of industrial structure , enhance industrial competitiveness .

  12. 指出资本主义企业兼并重组已有一百多年的历史,经历了五次高潮,极大地促进了资本主义企业的发展。

    It is illustrated that this evolution has a history of more than one hundred years with five peaks and greatly promotes the development of capitalist enterprises .

  13. 企业兼并重组后内外部环境发生变化,由此引发企业信息系统的重构。

    After the merger and reorganization of enterprises , the inside and outside environment are changed , which then result in re-configuration of information system in the enterprise .

  14. 第四部分是兼并重组中遇到的问题及解决的对策,第五部分是山西煤矿企业兼并重组成功的原因及启示。

    Part 4 is problems encountered and solutions in merger and reorganization . Part 5 is factors and implications for successful merger and reorganization of coal industry of Shanxi Province .

  15. 认为清华同方面临着信息产业及能源政策的支持、科技进步、企业兼并重组、客户品牌意识增强等机会。

    , Ltd , regards the company faces to the opportunities of policy support in information and energy industry , scientist promotion , enterprise combination , increase of market consumption .

  16. 结果发现,产品的差异化不仅影响产品定价策略,还将深层次地影响市场结构中的企业兼并重组;

    We find that product differentiation does not only affect the pricing strategy , but also impose influence on the firms ' merger and restructuring in the market structure to deep extent .

  17. 近几年来,以央企为代表的国有企业兼并重组浪潮,对电力企业特别是大型电力集团影响很大。

    In recent years , with the central enterprises as the representative of the state-owned enterprise annex to recombine tide , has been on the electric power enterprise especially large power group influence .

  18. 烟叶是行业发展的基础,随着我国卷烟品牌扩张和企业兼并重组步伐不断加快,烟叶的基础性地位更加明显。

    Tobacco is the base of development of tobacco industry and its fundamental status is becoming more and more dominant with the expanding of famous cigarette band and the recombination of tobacco enterprises in our country .

  19. 第三部分是政府在煤矿企业兼并重组中的作用,其中阐述了规划指导、出台政策措施等政府在煤矿企业兼并重组中发挥的作用。

    Part 3 is concerned about role in merger and reorganization of coal industry for government , in which layout guidance , policies and measures the government has played in merger and reorganization of coal industry .

  20. 我们采取经济和技术的措施,大力推进节能减排,推进企业兼并重组,提高产业集中度和资源配置效率。

    We will take economic and technological measures to boost energy conservation and reduce emissions , and promote merger and reorganization of enterprises to raise the level of industry concentration and the efficiency of resource allocation .

  21. 经济性规制改革从财税体制、定价机制、烟草计划管理体制、烟叶种植管理制度、烟草企业兼并重组、烟草流通体制改革和多元化经营战略等方面进行分析。

    Economic regulation includes taxation system reform , pricing mechanisms , the tobacco program management system , management system of tobacco cultivation , tobacco company mergers and acquisitions , tobacco and diversified distribution system and other aspects of business strategy analysis .

  22. 第四章,阐述区域城镇结构整合的主要途径,提出借鉴经济结构调整企业兼并重组的方式,对区域城镇结构进行优化整合,并从理论和实证上论述城镇兼并重组与经济结构优化调整的异同。

    The fourth chapter raises the main path of regional urban construction integration and puts forward a manner of adjusting enterprise recombination based on economic structure . This Chapter also points out the difference between urban recombination and optical economic structure theoretically and practically .

  23. 从世界钢铁业跨国并购的现状到世界钢铁业跨国并购的特点出发,得出世界钢铁业并购趋势正向发展中国家转移,中国市场成为跨国钢铁企业兼并重组、进行全球化战略的目的地。

    Concluding that the trend of M & A in the steel industry in the world transfer to developing countries , and the Chinese market has become the destination of the international iron and steel enterprises mergers and acquisitions , the important part of their globalization strategy .

  24. 国际大型的石油石化企业相继兼并重组,以埃克森美孚、BP阿莫科为代表的大公司,通过强强联合,形成了超级跨国集团,经济势力与竞争优势更加明显;

    The huge international petroleum cooperation , likes BP-Amoco and Exxon-Mobil etc , become super multinational cooperation by combining and reforming , and has more economical and competitive strengths .

  25. 企业兼并与重组中的会计问题研究

    Study of Accounting Problems of Enterprise 's Merger and Reorganization

  26. 论企业在兼并重组中的核心竞争力

    Study for The Core Competences of Enterprise in Annex Reorganization

  27. 世界高科技企业兼并、重组的特征与战略

    Characteristics and Strategies in the Course of Mergers and Acquisitions Between High tech Firms

  28. 我国国有钢铁企业大规模兼并重组已经在如火如荼地进行。

    In China , large-scale merger and reorganization for state-owned iron and steel enterprises is imperative .

  29. 动漫品牌的竞争力优势是动漫企业兼并与重组的关键要素。

    The competitive advantage of animation brand is the fatal chips of corporate mergers and restructuring .

  30. 所以,提升煤炭资源整合的发展进程、对煤矿企业进行兼并重组是一项紧迫的任务。

    Therefore , it is an urgent task to enhance development process of integration of coal resources in coalmine enterprises .