
  • 网络fashion watch
  1. ralphLauren即将推出其第一款手表系列产品,均使用机械驱动(与大多数其他时尚品牌手表不同);最便宜的一款钢表售价将达5450英镑。

    Ralph Lauren is about to launch its first range of watches , all using mechanical movements ( unlike most other fashion brands ); the cheapest , a steel chronograph , will cost 5,450 .

  2. 虽然Shinola最畅销的就是这些颇为时尚的手表该公司预计,今年的销售量在15万至18万只之间它也设计和制造自行车、皮具等精心制作的高端产品。

    Although those stylized watches are its biggest sellers the company expects to sell between 150,000 and 180,000 this year it also designs and makes bicycles , leather goods and other well-crafted , high-end products .

  3. 这个belty运用现代科技追踪健康状况,水的摄入量,和动作,但你要花395美元,可能更值得买一个时尚的智能手表或运动手环。

    The Belty is great that it uses technology to track fitness , water intake , and posture , but for $ 395 , you might be better off getting the same in a stylish smart watch or activity tracker . 6 .

  4. 作为一款时尚奢侈品,苹果手表在中国显然拥有非常光明的前景。

    Apple Watch 's promise in China as a fashionable luxury item is already clear .