
  1. 你孤身作战,没有时间能浪费在那些想要制造戏剧性事件或破坏你目标的人身上。

    You are only one person , and you do not have time to waste on people who would rather cause drama or mess up with your purpose .

  2. 时间能证明一切,给予一切,改变一切,也能消灭一切。

    Time proves , delivers , alters and eradicates ad infinitum .

  3. 这样的方式保证了RTOS时间能比Linux提供更高的可靠性(可预见性)。

    Such an approach ensures a higher reliability ( predictability ) with the RTOS time than Linux is capable of providing .

  4. 热养护时间能被缩短4h,经济合理的热养护时间是8h。

    The time of heat curing can be shorten 4 hours , the economical and adequate time are 8 hours .

  5. 就像限制PPT的张数一样,限制你演讲的时间能迫使你将自己的语言浓缩提炼。

    Just like the constraint on the number of slides , a constraint on your speaking time will force you to edit mercilessly .

  6. 只有时间能治愈感冒。

    The only thing that can cure a cold is time .

  7. 你什么时间能来参加我们的野餐呀?

    A : When can we expect you for a picnic ?

  8. 取决于你多长时间能在电话上接待这客人。

    Depending on how soon you can attend to the guest .

  9. 你知道衣服多长时间能洗好吗?

    Do you know how long the laundry service will take ?

  10. 时间能理解爱,时间也能考验爱。

    Time can understand Love ; and Time can also test Love .

  11. 那个网球场什么时间能打网球?

    What time can I play tennis in that court ?

  12. 时间能疗伤这句老话是对的。

    There 's truth in the saying that time heals all wounds .

  13. 我很忙,车多长时间能来呢?

    I 'm very busy , how soon will the bus come ?

  14. 适宜的后熟时间能提高杏鲍菇的产量和品质。

    The appropriate after-ripening time could improve the yield and quality of P.eryngii .

  15. 那个游泳池什么时间能游泳?

    What time can I swim in that pool ?

  16. 问题是,你的颠峰时间能持续多久呢?

    The question is , how long can you play at peak performance ?

  17. 如果时间能抵消感伤,我愿意无限制燃烧。

    If time can offset sentimentality , I am willing to unlimited burning .

  18. 他们说时间能始愈一切创伤。

    They say that time heals all things .

  19. 这个衬衫多长时间能准备好?

    How soon will this shirt be ready ?

  20. 我多么希望时间能走得快些。我希望明天就是星期六。

    How I wish time could go quickly . I wish tomorrow was Saturday .

  21. 你多长时间能把它们做好?

    How soon can you have them ready ?

  22. 但是只有时间能真正揭开谜底。

    But only time will tell for sure .

  23. 因为那时还没有足够的时间能让微波炉解冻它。

    It takes the microwave time to warm up your dinner enough to unfreeze it .

  24. 只有时间能验证我们的爱!

    Only time could verify our love !

  25. 时间能给我们缓刑么?

    Will time reward us some reprieve ?

  26. 我不知道这个方法是否可行,但时间能证明一切。

    I don 't know if this method will work , but time will tell .

  27. 在这些情况下,只有时间能让你恢复过来。

    In these cases , time to heal is the only thing that can help .

  28. 我没法保证要多长时间能把你弄出来。

    I 'm not sure how soon I 'll be able to get you out .

  29. 结果,课余时间能做这么多事会连你自己都吃惊呢。

    And you 'll be surprised at what you get done with the extra time .

  30. 时间能使得人人都变老?

    Time can make everybody old .