
  • 网络Back in time;Time-going-backwards
  1. 时间倒流18个月,巴西在这段时间一直在努力,但是对人称“大菲尔”(BigPhil)的斯科拉里(Scolari)的任命起到了作用。他让球队重新拾回失去的信念。

    Rewind 18 months and they looked like they 'd be struggling , but the appointment of ' Big Phil ' Scolari has been inspired , and he 's brought a belief to the team that was previously missing .

  2. 我们不能让时间倒流。

    What we can 't do is go back within time .

  3. 跟着彩虹走,可是你不能让时间倒流。

    Follow the rainbow , and you can 't turn back time .

  4. 我们无法让时间倒流,无法重修旧过。

    Neither can we turn back time nor mend those old mistakes .

  5. 如果我能让时间倒流。

    If I could have those moments back .

  6. 让时间倒流,这对中国有意义么?

    Does it make sense for China to turn back the hands of time ?

  7. 那么你的观点什么呢?让时间倒流这对中国有意义么?

    So what is your opinion ? Does it make sense for China to turn back the hands of time ?

  8. 在游戏中,达哈卡似乎用模糊的话语说话,但实际上,它是反过来说话的,你可以通过时间倒流听到。

    During the game the Dahaka appears to speak in a bizarre language but in actuality it talks in backward speech , able to be heard by reversing time .

  9. 约翰·大卫·华盛顿在片中饰演一位特工,他得知可以令时间倒流的秘密武器后,就火速开始了寻找罪魁祸首的任务,后者是肯尼思·布莱纳格饰演的一名残酷成性的乌克兰军火商。

    John David Washington stars as a secret agent who learns about mysterious weapons that move backwards through time , and then dashes off on a mission to find the man responsible , a sadistic Ukrainian arms dealer played by Kenneth Branagh .

  10. 我希望时间可以倒流。

    I hope that time can come back .

  11. 时间不能倒流。

    Time past cannot be called back again .

  12. 如果我们快于光速,时间就会倒流。

    If we can somehow go faster than light , time might reverse itself .

  13. 要是时间能倒流,一定好好和你做朋友

    And if time could turn the clock back , and you must make good friends

  14. 如果时间可倒流。

    If time may flow backwards .

  15. 时间能够倒流吗?

    Can time move backward ?

  16. 很好,继续挠你的头,时间会倒流的。

    Joey : That 's good , just keep rubbing your head . That 'll turn back time .

  17. 钱德勒:哦,糟了,不不不不……乔伊:很好,继续挠你的头,这样下去时间会倒流的。

    Chandler : Joey : That 's good , just keep rubbing your head . That 'll turn back time .

  18. 如果时间可以倒流,我希望我依然是个无知的孩子,一个单纯的小孩!

    If time can flow backwards , I wish I were still an innocent child , a simple and pure kid !

  19. 我从来不会想起时间可以倒流的这种话,因为时间可以倒流的话,这一切的一切就不会如此珍贵。

    I have never thought time can go back ; because if we can turn back time , everything won 't be as memorable and appreciated .

  20. 时间的沙漏能倒流吗?

    Can sand flow upward in the hour glass ?

  21. 回想起自己很少抽时间陪伴爱侣,卡莱尔非常地后悔,恨不得时间可以倒流。

    He sat there thinking about how little time he had spent with her and wishing so much he had a chance to do it differently .