
  • 网络host range
  1. 小麦黄矮病(BYDV)寄主范围的研究

    On the host range of barley yellow dwarf virus in Wheat

  2. 核盘菌SclerotiniaSclerotiorum(Lib)debary是一种放线状子囊真菌,其寄主范围和地理分布十分广泛,是一种相当严重的世界性植物真菌病害。

    Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ( Lib ) de Bary - a filamentous Ascomycete fungus with a wide host range and geographical distribution , which is one of the most non-specific , omnivorous and successful plant pathogens .

  3. 灰霉病是一种世界性的重要病害,病原为灰葡萄孢(BotrYtiscinerea),其寄主范围广,常造成严重的经济损失。

    Gray mould caused by Botrytis cinerea is one of the important world diseases , and always results in significant economic losses .

  4. 根据病毒的粒子形态、血清反应、交互保护作用、物理性质、介体种类、在香蕉上的症状特点及寄主范围,广州地区香蕉花叶病病原病毒被鉴定为CMV的一个株系。

    A strain of CMV causing the banana mosaic in Guangzhou district was identified on basis of particle morphology , serology , cross-protection , physical properties and host ranges .

  5. TRSV的寄主范围颇广;

    The TRSV had a wide spectrum of host .

  6. 立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctoniasolani)是一类十分重要的植物病原真菌,寄主范围广泛,可引起包括水稻、小麦、玉米等重要作物在内的多种作物菌核病的发生,危害十分严重。

    Rhizoctonia solani , a group of important plant pathogenic fungi , can cause serious disease in a variety of crops , such as rice and wheat .

  7. 灰葡萄孢(BotrYtiscinerea)寄主范围广泛,能够侵染水果、蔬菜等200多种植物,常给农业生产造成重大的经济损失。

    The host of Botrytis cinerea is widespread , which can infect more than 200 kinds of plants , concluding fruits , vegetables and so on , and this caused serious economic losses to agriculture .

  8. 根据香草兰白绢病的症状,病原菌的形态、培养性状和寄主范围,将该菌鉴定为齐整小菌核菌(Sclerotiumrolfsiisacc)。

    A causal agent was isolated from vanilla ( Vanilla planifoli ) inflicted with vanilla southern blight and identified as sclerotium rolfsii sacc according to its symptoms , colony morphology , cultural characters and host ranges .

  9. 一字竹笋象的寄主范围及其受害类群划分

    The Host Range of the Bamboo Shoot Weevil , Otidognathus davidis

  10. 块状耳霉的分离、鉴定、培养和寄主范围

    The isolation , identification , culture and hosts of Conidiobolus thromboides

  11. 寄主范围已鉴定有8科20种植物。

    Solani , contained 20 species of plants among 8 family .

  12. 蔬菜肾形线虫的寄主范围和侵染特点

    On the host ranges and infection characters of reniform nematode on vegetable

  13. 新疆地区小麦白粉病寄主范围的探索

    The host range of Wheat Powdery Mildew in Xinjiang region

  14. 生物测定证明其寄主范围主要限于藜科。

    Its host range is very narrow , only limited to Chenopodiaceae .

  15. 玉米粗缩病的病毒寄主范围研究

    On the host range of maize rough dwarf virus disease

  16. 植食性昆虫切断植物分泌管道的行为是否促进寄主范围扩张?

    Do canal-cutting behaviours facilitate host-range expansion by insect herbivores ?

  17. 小麦全蚀病菌的致病力及寄主范围测定

    On Pathogenicity and Host Range of Pathogen of Wheat Take - all

  18. 番茄灰霉病菌寄主范围及致病力分化研究

    Study on Host Range And Pathogenicity Differentiation of Botrytis Cinerea

  19. 水稻齿矮病毒寄主范围的研究

    On the host range of rice ragged stunt virus

  20. 河北省和北京地区小麦白粉病菌寄主范围研究

    The Host Range of Wheat Powdery Mildew in Hebei Province and Beijing Region

  21. 朱顶兰红斑病的研究(Ⅱ)寄主范围及危害状

    On the Red Spot of Amaryllis vittata (ⅱ): Host Range and Disaster Symptom

  22. 棉花枯萎病菌的寄主范围及其轮作防治

    Host range of Fusarium Wilt of cotton and its control by crop rotation

  23. 几种热带作物白粉菌寄主范围研究

    Host Ranges of Powdery Mildew in Several Tropical Crops

  24. 本病原寄主范围较广。

    The host range of crinkle spiro-plasma was wide .

  25. 宁夏地区小麦白粉病寄主范围研究

    Host range investigation of Wheat Powdery Mildew in Ningxia

  26. 黄瓜细菌性角斑病病原菌与寄主范围鉴定

    Identification of the pathogen of angular leaf spot of cucumber and its host range

  27. 该菌的寄主范围广泛;

    This pathogen had wide range of hosts ;

  28. 水稻矮缩病的研究Ⅲ寄主范围

    On rice dwarf virus disease ⅲ host range

  29. 小麦蓝矮病病原的鉴定分类及其寄主范围的研究

    Study on Identification and Classification of the Pathogen and Host Range of Wheat Blue Dwarf

  30. 核果类果树根癌病菌寄主范围及抗性研究初报

    Primary Studies on the Host Range and its Resistance to Crown Gall of Stone Fruits