
jì shēng wù
  • parasite
寄生物[jì shēng wù]
  1. 埃博拉病毒是蝙蝠身上的完美寄生物。

    The Ebola virus is the perfect parasite for a bat .

  2. 两种寄生物-单种寄主的功能反应研究

    The Functional Response of Two Parasite - one Host

  3. 虽然黑猩猩每天有一大半的时间都是在巢中度过的,科学家们几乎没有在它们的巢中发现任何跳蚤或虱子,然而却在我们的家中发现了数百种寄生物,其中包括一些已特别适应了与人类在室内生活的寄生虫。

    Even though the chimps spend more than half the day in bed , the scientists also found hardly any fleas2 or lice in their nests , whereas our homes have been found to have hundreds of these parasites3 including some specially4 adapted to living indoors with humans .

  4. 转Bt基因棉对棉田寄生物非亲和效应的研究

    Non-compatibility Effect of Transgenic Bt Cotton to Parasitoids

  5. 然而,英国伦敦帝国理工学院的FrankvanVee指出,拟寄生物不是唯一能够控制毛虫数量的因素。

    Frank van Veen of Imperial College , United Kingdom , points out , however , that parasitoids are not the only things that can control caterpillar numbers .

  6. 但是目前大都集中在对PO的活性进行研究,分子方面也主要是涉及PPO基因的克隆,只有少量关于寄生物寄生对寄主昆虫PPO基因表达量影响方面的研究。

    In the molecular aspect it was primarily about cloning of PPO gene and there was only a little report on the influence of parasitization of parasites on the PPO transcription of their hosts .

  7. 论文的另一位作者、美国新奥尔良Tulane大学的LeeDyer说,许多同样的拟寄生物也广泛分布于农田中。

    Many of the same parasitoids are also widespread in agricultural areas , says co-author Lee Dyer of Tulane University in New Orleans , Louisiana , United States .

  8. 昆虫免疫是寄主昆虫抵御寄生物侵袭的一种防卫机制。

    Insect immunity is a defense mechanisms against attack by parasitoids .

  9. 食品卫生和寄生物病研究和训练合作中心

    Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Food Hygiene and zoonoses

  10. 三种寄生物与一种寄主的系统模型研究

    Studies on systems model of three parasitoid one host interaction

  11. 我们只是在地面上爬行的寄生物。

    We 're mere parasites , crawling over the surface .

  12. 寄生物和病原菌诱导的昆虫行为改变

    Behavioral modifications in insects induced by parasites and pathogens

  13. 宿主和寄生物的辩证关系寄生物考古学简论

    To learn English Dialectic Relationship of Host and Parasite

  14. 拟寄生物与寄主关系适合性的免疫学基础

    Relation . Immunological Basis for Compatibility in Parasitoid-Host Relationships

  15. 致病性这一术语是指寄生物引起疾病的能力。

    The term pathogenicity denotes the ability of a parasite to cause disease .

  16. 可以用许多方法破坏寄生和寄生物之间的相互关系。

    The relationship between host and parasite can be disarranged in many ways .

  17. 如果是这样,未曾预料的降雨可能会破坏拟寄生物“追踪”它们毛虫宿主的能力。

    If so , unpredictable rains might disrupt the parasitoids'ability to'track'their caterpillar hosts .

  18. 因此,在寄生物和腐生植物之间,并没有截然明显的界线。

    Therefore , there is no sharp and clear distinction between parasites and saprophytes .

  19. 多物种寄主&拟寄生物系统相互作用的趋化模型分析

    Analysis of Chemotaxis Model for Multi-species Host-parasitoid Interactions

  20. 疟疾是通过蚊子的寄生物传播的。

    Malaria is caused by a mosquito-borne parasite .

  21. 这样的生物体称为病原体,是属于寄生物。

    Such an organism is called an agent of disease ; it is a parasite .

  22. 寄生物病,寄生虫病由寄生物感染引起的病变。

    A disease resulting from parasitic infestation .

  23. 为植物根系内寄生物,可对农作物造成严重的危害。

    Are root endoparasites that are capable of causing considerable damage on a variety of crops .

  24. 摘要作为一门新兴学科,寄生物考古学近几十年来在国外得到了迅速的发展。

    As a new subject , paleoparasitology archaeology has rapidly developed during the past decades overseas .

  25. 寄生振荡电路对液体轨姿控发动机电磁阀门阻值测试影响研究杀寄生物的,除寄生虫的

    Research on parasitical monofier circuit influence on liquid orbit attitude control engine solenoid valve resistance test

  26. 病毒是专性的细胞内寄生物。

    Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites .

  27. 兼性寄生物是甚麽?

    What is a facultative parasite ?

  28. 他们发现,在降雨量变化最大的年份里,入侵毛虫的拟寄生物显著减少。

    They found that the caterpillars had significantly fewer parasitoids in years when rainfall was most variable .

  29. 内寄生动物任何一种寄生于其他动物体内的动物,如绦虫通常是作为寄生物生活在活着的动物体内。

    Any of various animals , such as tapeworms , that live within other animals , usually as parasites .

  30. 《物权法》在物业管理活动中的体现通常是作为寄生物生活在活着的动物体内。

    Representation of the Real Right Law in property management living within a living animal usually as a parasite .