
jì tuō
  • entrust to the care of sb;leave with sb;entrust to the care of sb.;leave with;place hope on;settled place for life;take shelter;settle down
寄托 [jì tuō]
  • (1) [entrust to the care of sb.;leave with]∶委托别人照料

  • 寄托侍者。--唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

  • 寄托孩子给别人看带

  • (2) [place hope on]∶寄理想、情感于某人或某事物上

  • (3) 托身,安身 [settled place for life;take shelter;settle down]

  • 无可寄托。--《荀子.劝学》

寄托[jì tuō]
  1. 民主党人把希望寄托在下次选举上。

    The Democrats are pinning their hopes on the next election .

  2. 有些人在工作期间把自己的孩子寄托给他人。

    Some people farm their children out while they go to work .

  3. 希望寄托在青年人身上。

    Our hopes are placed on the young people .

  4. 4Don'tputallyoureggsinonebasket!不要把一切希望寄托在一件事上大多数人应该考虑找一份兼职工作来赚取一些收入,因为很难知道你是否会被解雇,或何时会丢掉主业。

    Most people should think about getting a side job to bring in some income , because it is hard to know if or when you will be let go from your main job .

  5. 这种用茶祭祀的遗风,实是一种精神寄托。

    This custom of tea fete is actually a sprit bailment .

  6. 俄国和美国都把实现他们黄金时代的希望寄托于未来。

    Both Russia and America looked to the future to fulfill their millennial expectations .

  7. 她一直把所有希望都寄托在得到那份工作上,所以当他们聘用了别人后,她整个人都垮掉了。

    She had been pinning all her hopes on getting that job , so she was devastated1 when they chose someone else .

  8. 上一次的活动失败了,所以我们把所有的希望都寄托在下一次活动上,以挽救我们的企业。

    The last event was a failure , so we 're pinning all our hopes on the next one to save the business .

  9. reston依赖于,寄托于…上,基于你的成功有赖于你的努力。

    Your success rests on your efforts .

  10. 意大利宣布建立一个新的贸易轴心,从而将希望寄托在即将成为欧盟(EU)轮值主席国的法国身上,在世界贸易组织(WTO)内推动两国的主张。

    Italy has hitched its wagon to the forthcoming French presidency of the European Union , declaring a new trade axis to push their case within the World Trade Organisation .

  11. 乐观主义者反驳称,生产率出现迅速提升只是时间的问题,并把希望寄托在硅谷(SiliconValley)等美国IT中心的创新上。

    Optimists counter that it is just a matter of time before we see an upsurge in productivity , pointing to innovation in American IT hubs such as Silicon Valley .

  12. 对下一代JBoss项目来说,它还寄托了成为最先进的服务器运行时环境的愿景。

    It encompasses the vision for a state-of-the-art server runtime environment for the next generation of JBoss projects .

  13. 如果收购委员会不进行干预,皮博迪最后的希望就要寄托在Macarthur的股东身上了。

    If the panel does not intervene , Peabody 's final hopes rest with Macarthur 's shareholders .

  14. 在苹果公司外面,摆着一台显示乔布斯照片的iPhone,用以寄托对这位苹果创始人和前CEO的哀思。2011年10月6日,旧金山,苹果总部

    An iPhone displays an image of Steve Jobs as it sits with a memorial to the Apple founder and former CEO outside an Apple Store , Wednesday , Oct. 5 , 2011 in New York .

  15. 或者,就像演员爱德华·诺顿(EdwardNorton)在纽约电影节上的一次简短交谈中睿智表达的那样,“你不能把自己的情绪健康寄托在这上面。”

    Or , as the actor Edward Norton sagely put it , in a brief chat at the New York Film Festival , " You can 't hang your emotional health on it . "

  16. Foxmarks公司计划继续免费提供Foxmarks软件,他们把盈利的希望寄托在未来的其他产品上。

    The company plans to keep Foxmarks free , but is hoping to make money from future , unspecified products .

  17. 据Hasna,可持续性是一个过程,讲述了一个发展的各个方面影响到人类生命的寄托。

    According to Hasna , sustainability is a process which tells of a development of all aspects of human life affecting sustenance .

  18. GFT的市场策略师戴维莫里森(DavidMorrison)表示:我们把太大的希望,寄托在中国增长和中国将会拉动世界这一怪诞说法上,以至于一旦出现裂纹,交易员们就开始担心。

    David Morrison , market strategist at GFT , says : We have put so much emphasis on Chinese growth and this bizarre notion that this will pull the rest of the world up with it , that when cracks begin to show traders start to worry .

  19. 但每个人都把希望寄托在不同的地方。

    But each person stores his hope in a different place .

  20. 因此公司把希望都寄托在这部新电影上。

    So the studio had everything riding on this new film .

  21. 它寄托着母亲对孩子的爱,也包含着孩子对母亲的爱。

    It represents the love mother for children and vice versa .

  22. 艾玛对我说信仰是她的寄托。

    She tells me faith is a great comfort to her .

  23. 她是他唯一的寄托,是他的希望。

    She was his only success , his one hope .

  24. 在风俗中,寄托他们优美健康的生活理想;

    In customs , implant the graceful healthy living ideal ;

  25. 骡子既无足以自豪的祖宗,亦无可以寄托希望的子孙。

    A mule has neither pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity .

  26. 现在土耳其的希望完全寄托在美国人身上了。

    Turkey 's hopes are now pinned on the americans .

  27. 我相信你觉得是一种精神寄托罢了。

    I am sure it was a consolation to you .

  28. 那个寡妇把希寄托在独子身上。

    The widow pinned her hopes on her only son .

  29. 我们把很大希望寄托于这项计划。

    We repose a lot of hope in this project .

  30. 把所有的幻想寄托在更为美好的未来之上。

    And usher in a future brighter that anything we can imagine .