
jì shòu
  • consign for sale;consignment sales;on consignment;put up for sale in a secondhand shop;consign for sale on commission;put up for sale in a second-hand shop
寄售 [jì shòu]
  • [consign for sale on commission;put up for sale in a second-hand shop] 寄卖

寄售[jì shòu]
  1. 经营保税货物的储存、加工、装配、寄售业务,需经海关批准,并办理注册手续

    " The operation of the storage , processing and assembling and consignment sales of Bonded goods shall Be approved By and registered with the Customs . "

  2. 基于寄售库存的供应商能力选择与分配问题研究

    How to Choose and Allocate Supplier Capacity Based on Consignment Stock

  3. 出口商可做寄售交易。

    The exporter can enter into consignment transaction .

  4. 我们不同意寄售此货。

    We cannot agree to consign the goods .

  5. 寄售与营收分享的合约方式目前普遍流行于电子商务网站中,亚马逊(Amazon)和电子湾(eBay)的商业营运模式是个适当例子。

    Consignment-based revenue-sharing contract is prevalent in internet commerce , such as Amazon 's and eBay 's merchandising business models .

  6. 在此寄售与营收分享合约机制下,我们面对一个制造商和一位零售商的通路结构,采用Stackelberg之供应通路的决策制定模型。

    Under such a contract , we model the decision-making of a supply channel with one manufacturer and one retailer as a Stackelberg game .

  7. 目前行业的零备件库存管理大多是遵循旧的制造行业库存管理理论,比如供应商管理库存,JIT,寄售等。

    Currently , the spare parts inventory management is preferred to the traditional manufacturing industry theory , such as vendor manage inventory , the JIT , consignment and so on .

  8. 针对单供应商和单购买商的二级供应链,通过数值方法,研究了完全信息及需求价格敏感情况下寄售库存(ConsignmentStock,CS)协作对供应链系统收益的影响。

    In this paper , we evaluate the effectiveness of CS ( consignment stock ) cooperation on channel profits in simplified setting of a single-supplier , single-buyer supply chain with numerical methods . We assume that the information is symmetrical and the demand is deterministic but price-sensitive .

  9. 很多人拿来了漂亮的西装,米洛•伯恩斯坦(MiloBernstein)表示。米洛是另一家品牌二手寄售店Ina的店主,在五个地方开有分店,首家店于16年前在SoHo开业。

    A lot of people are bringing in beautiful suits , says Milo Bernstein , owner of Ina , another designer resale consignment store with five locations , the first of which opened in SoHo 16 years ago .

  10. 可要赢得寄售不仅需要有耐心、努力,还需要有运气。

    Winning a consignment takes patience , hard work and luck .

  11. 把它拿到一种寄售商店或者旧物交换会;

    Take it to a consignment shop or a swap meet ;

  12. 贵公司寄售的30箱纺织品已安然运达。

    Your consignment of 30 cases textile arrived in excellent condition .

  13. 寄售商品为供应商所有。

    The consignment goods shall be the property of SUPPLIER .

  14. 基于寄售库存的供应链协作问题研究

    Study of supply chain coordination problem based on consignment stock

  15. 他们在寄售合同中采用的是深圳目地的交货价。

    They adopt franco wagon Shenzhen in their consignment contract .

  16. 负责供应商寄售物资、其他部门寄存物品保管工作;

    Responsible for keeping the consignment goods of vendors and other departments .

  17. 寄售的方式很少在独立的出口商与进口商之间使用。

    Consignment is rarely used between independent exporters and importers .

  18. 寄售的小汽车于上周装船运往国外。

    The consignment of car was shipped abroad last week .

  19. 这两家签订了一份寄售贸易合同。

    The two company have sign a contract to do consignment trade .

  20. 承销人对所收到的寄售货物负责。

    The consignee holds responsible for the goods he has received on consignment .

  21. 我们认为没有必要发货寄售。

    We do not see the necessity of sending any goods on consignment .

  22. 你可以用寄售的方式。

    You could have the goods sent on consignment .

  23. 我们愿以寄售的方式接受本交易。

    We entertain the business on a consignment basis .

  24. 下面是一份可口可乐软饮料寄售合同。

    Here is a contract of Coca - Cola soft drink on consignment .

  25. 在寄售店,你或许能找到货真价实的宝贝。

    You can find real treasures at consignment shops .

  26. 我们通常只能订购寄售的货物。

    We usually only order goods on consignment .

  27. 大量的寄售货物正从别处运到。

    Large consignment is arriving from other source .

  28. 请放心,对于本次寄售,我们一定会尽力而为。

    You may rest assured that we shall do our utmost with this consignment .

  29. 寄售的意思是企业以委托销售为基础经营商品。

    Sales on consignment mean that a business markets goods on a consignment basis .

  30. 商业零售(包括代销、寄售)经营;

    Commercial retail operation ( including sell on a commission basis or sell by mail );