
  • 网络Consignment stock;consignment inventory
  1. 买方应本着敬业的原则妥善管理寄售库存商品。

    BUYER shall manage the consignment stock with the care proper to a respectable businessman .

  2. 基于寄售库存的供应商能力选择与分配问题研究

    How to Choose and Allocate Supplier Capacity Based on Consignment Stock

  3. 针对单供应商和单购买商的二级供应链,通过数值方法,研究了完全信息及需求价格敏感情况下寄售库存(ConsignmentStock,CS)协作对供应链系统收益的影响。

    In this paper , we evaluate the effectiveness of CS ( consignment stock ) cooperation on channel profits in simplified setting of a single-supplier , single-buyer supply chain with numerical methods . We assume that the information is symmetrical and the demand is deterministic but price-sensitive .

  4. 基于寄售库存的供应链协作问题研究

    Study of supply chain coordination problem based on consignment stock

  5. 如果你从寄售库存和管道中提取物料后,就要相应地要给供应商付款。

    If you have withdrawals from consignment stock and from pipeline , payables to suppliers ensue .

  6. 一对多供应链中寄售库存协作效益研究

    On Performance of Consignment Stock Cooperation in a Distribution System with One Supplier and Multiple Buyers

  7. 你可以使用这个移动类型来执行一个从自有非限制库存,其它销售订单库存,寄售库存,或项目库存到一个销售订单的转储过帐。

    You can use this movement type to carry out a transfer posting from your own unrestricted-use stock , other sales order stock , consignment stock , and project stock to a sales order stock .