
  • 网络Financial Service Trade;trade in financial service
  1. WTO金融服务贸易法律是WTO法律体系的一个重要组成部分,是GATS的核心内容。

    WTO financial service trade law is an important component of WTO law system and the key content of GATS .

  2. 在定量分析中,研究了金融服务贸易与GDP的关系,表明我国金融服务贸易自由化能够促进金融效率的提高。

    In quantitative analysis , it mainly bases on the relationship of financial service trade and GDP data , which shows that the liberalization of financial service trade can promote the financial efficiency .

  3. WTO金融服务贸易法律与我国金融服务法律的完善

    WTO Financial Services Trade Law and the Improvement of Chinese Financial Services Law

  4. WTO框架下的金融服务贸易与资本流动和金融稳定

    Take in Finacial Service and Capital Circulation and Financial

  5. 第一章首先回顾了WTO金融服务贸易法律体系的产生;

    The first chapter reviews the origination of WTO financial services trade law .

  6. WTO金融服务贸易法律制度

    WTO Legal System of Trade of Monetary Service

  7. 开放我国银行业市场,作为WTO中金融服务贸易谈判的一个主题。

    Being open our banking market is a subject of finance service in WTO negotiation .

  8. 加入WTO与我国金融服务贸易改革

    Post-WTO China and its Financial Service Reform

  9. WTO法律体系是规范成员方之间经济与贸易交往的多边经济条约群,金融服务贸易也在其管辖之列。

    WTO Laws is a set of multilateral treaties regulating trade activities including financial services between WTO members .

  10. 我国加入WTO,意味着我国保险业将全面地与国际保险体系接轨,并且按照全球金融服务贸易协议规定,在保险市场准入、国民待遇等方面承担相应的义务。

    Since our country joined in WTO , our insurance has begun to mingle with the international insurance system .

  11. WTO金融服务贸易目标和监管目标的冲突之协调

    The Harmonization of the Conflict between the Goal of WTO Financial Services Trade and the Goal of Financial Regulation

  12. 文章结论认为,WTO下的成员国金融服务贸易自由化不会引致本国经济的不安全。

    Therefore , the liberalization of trade in financial services in the WTO framework will not lead to national economy crises .

  13. 在长达数百页的中国加入WTO议定书中,金融服务贸易占有很重的份量。

    The ratio of financial trade service is more than others in the contracts , longer than hundreds pages , of China entering into WTO .

  14. 因此,WTO体制下的金融服务贸易自由化并不必然影响一国维护本国资本流动的能力。

    Therefore , liberalization of trade in financial services under WTO system does not necessarily affect a country 's ability to maintain its capital movement .

  15. 后者则使成员方在金融服务贸易领域的开放承诺得以具体化,反映了WTO成员的金融服务贸易自由化程度。

    FSA is mainly composed of schedules of specific commitment concerning financial services by WTO member governments and embodies their level in liberalizing trade in financial services .

  16. 在此基础之上,本文第二章运用理论联系实际的方法分析了我国银行业适用WTO金融服务贸易法律的背景及所面临的机遇和挑战。

    And also , in this chapter , the paper analyzes the opportunity and challenge that Chinese banking industry faces the application of WTO financial services trade law .

  17. WTO关于银行服务贸易的主要规则,是在《服务贸易总协定》的基础上对金融服务贸易规则的深化。

    The main rules about the banking trade in services of WTO has deepened the rules of the financial trade in services based on General Agreement on Trade in Services .

  18. 在2000年正式发起的WTO新一轮服务贸易谈判中,金融服务贸易法律也取得了很大进展。

    In addition , WTO Financial Services Trade Law has making progresses in the new services negotiations , which was formally launched in 2000.On Dec.11 , 2001 , China formally joined WTO .

  19. 正因为如此,在加入WTO的谈判中,服务贸易特别是金融服务贸易的开放,一直是各国讨价还价最为重要和敏感的议题。

    That is why when joining the WTO negotiations , the opening up of trade in services especially in the financial sector has been the most important and sensitive issues to bargain .

  20. 进一步,文章基于波特的钻石模型分析了BOP统计下和FATS统计下金融服务贸易竞争力的不同的影响因素。

    Furthermore , based on Porter ' diamond model analysis , the paper analyzes the different influencing factors of competitiveness of financial service trade under both statistical methods .

  21. 对于金融服务贸易自由化中的监管问题,金融服务附录有原则规定,概括起来就是审慎监管措施不受服务贸易总协定(GATS)其他条款的限制。

    Financial service appendices give a principle specification on regulation in trade liberalization of financial service , namely , prudent supervising measures are not subject to other provisions of GATS .

  22. 自1947年GATT建立开始,世界贸易体系一直注重实体物品的贸易,很少把服务贸易,特别是金融服务贸易纳入该体系。

    Since the establishment of GATT in 1947 , the world trading system has been focusing on trade in physical goods , rarely care about services trade , particularly trade in financial services .

  23. 本文第一章介绍了WTO金融服务贸易法律的基本原则和具体规则。

    The first chapter reviews the basic principles and the specific rules of WTO financial services trade law . Then , the second chapter analyzes the environments of the application of WTO financial services trade law to Chinese banking industry by the means of integrating theory with practice .

  24. 根据中国入世承诺,2006年银行业将实现全面对外开放,GATS与《全球金融服务贸易协定》、《金融服务贸易承诺谅解》中都确定了关于金融服务贸易市场准入的准则。

    According to the Commitments under WTO , Chinese banking business should be completely opened to foreign capital in 2006 . There are provisions on market access and national treatment in The GATS , the International Agreements on Trade in Financial Service and the Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services .

  25. 我国金融服务贸易竞争力和开放度的关系研究

    The Relation Research of Financial Competitive Power and Openness in China

  26. 论金融服务贸易自由化的国际收支效应

    On the Balance of Payment Effect of Financial Service Trade Liberalization

  27. 国际金融服务贸易壁垒比较研究

    The Comparative Study on the Trade Barrier of International Financial Service

  28. 金融服务贸易模式、国际竞争力与政策选择

    Trade Patterns , International Competitiveness and Policy Countermeasures of Financial Services

  29. 我国金融服务贸易市场准入的立法重构

    Reconstruction of Legislation of Admission into the Financial Service Market in China

  30. 中国金融服务贸易国际竞争力的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis on the International Competitiveness of China 's Financial Service