
jīn bì
  • species;gold;gold coin
金币 [jīn bì]
  • [gold coin] 金制的货币

金币[jīn bì]
  1. 以前人们常用金币交易。

    People used to pay in gold .

  2. "我们可能会发现他埋了他的金币!"

    " We may find he buried his gold coins ! "

  3. 商鞅信守诺言,给了那人50枚金币。

    True to his word , Shang Yang gave the man 50 gold pieces .

  4. 我总是随身带着薄荷糖,就好像它是一枚金币一样。

    I carried the peppermint with me as if it was a gold coin .

  5. 随后,在众人面前,尚阳大声说:"拿着这根杆子去北门的人,会得到10块金币。"

    Then , in front of the crowd , Shang Yang said loudly , " The man who takes this pole to the north gate will get 10 gold pieces . "

  6. 经过一番简短的讨论,他们同意这个梦以300枚金币成交。

    After a brief discussion , they agreed to the sum of 300 coins .

  7. 这两个生意人都惊呆了:他们挖出了一个装满金币的陶罐!

    What a surprise for the two merchants when they uncovered an earthen pot full of gold coins !

  8. !’于是我开始挖起来,结果挖到了一个装满金币的罐子。我这一生还从来没有见过那么多的钱!”

    I started digging and found a big pot full of gold coins . I have never in my life seen so much money ! "

  9. 这一次,两人都奋力挖起来,果然,一个接一个地,他们挖出了另外六个陶罐,每一个都装满了金币。

    This time both of them dug with energy and , sure enough , they found the six pots , one after another , each one filled to the brim with gold coins .

  10. “你刚才说过,这里埋着一大堆金币。我是你的朋友,不想坑骗你。你说说,你估计这个梦值多少钱?”

    You have said that there is a big pile of gold coins . I am your friend and I do not want to wrong you . You tell me how much you estimate to be the price of your dream .

  11. 《超级玛丽》(SuperMario)中的闯关机制和游戏金币就是一个例子,它们能促使玩家不断前进,积累奖励。

    Think the levels and coins in Super Mario , which create a building sense of progress and reward .

  12. 因此,旁观者能够快速,轻松的看到任何一个队伍的统计资料、技能CD、金币数、装备顺序。

    Additionally the spectator will be able to quickly and easily reference information on either team such as in-game stats , item builds , gold totals , and ability cooldowns .

  13. 该公司即将打捞名舰胜利号(HMSVictory),后者沉没于英吉利海峡,可能装载着多达三吨的金币。

    The company will soon excavate the HMS Victory , which sank in the English Channel and could hold as much as three tons of gold coins .

  14. 美国哥伦比亚搜寻公司组织了一个打捞团队来寻找残骸地点,在1987年的9月找到了SS中美洲号,大量的金条和金币重现天日。

    The Columbus-America Discovery Group , a salvage operation assembled to locate the wreck , found the SS Central America in September 1987 , recovering vast quantities of gold worth .

  15. 我们的团队将通过邮件,线上聊天或者qq为您服务,解答您有关金币订单或者其他任何的相关问题。

    Our team is at your service via email , live chat or QQ to answer all of your questions concerning your wow gold orders or any other concern .

  16. 金融市场的紧张情绪、经济的不确定性、对纸币价值可能会重挫的担心,都使得投资者把目光转向了金币、金条和以黄金为担保的交易所交易基金(ETF)。

    Nervousness in financial markets , economic uncertainty and fears that paper currencies could tumble in value have all drawn investors to gold coins , bars and exchange-traded funds backed by gold .

  17. 瑞银(UBS)驻伦敦贵金属策略师埃德尔塔利(EdelTully)补充称:金币需求非常强劲,以致于供应难以跟上。

    Edel Tully , precious metals strategist at UBS in London , added : Coin demand is so intense that supply is struggling to match .

  18. 电脑技术人员托马斯(tomas)已经将自己的欧元储蓄都换成金币:“我把它们放在家里,就像我奶奶在第二次世界大战期间所做的那样。”

    Tomas , a computer technician , has exchanged his Euro savings for gold coins : " I keep them at home just like my grandmother did in the Second World War . "

  19. 据黄金交易商Tanaka和贵金属咨询机构ThomsonReutersGFMS统计,1993年日本进口的黄金总计超过160吨,其中包括对金币和首饰的大举采购;但10年后,日本进口的黄金降至约55吨。

    In 1993 , gold imports to Japan totaled more than 160 metric tons , including heavy buying of coins and jewelry , but a decade later imports had fallen to about 55 tons , according to data from gold dealer Tanaka and precious-metals consultancy Thomson Reuters GFMS .

  20. J.K.罗琳现下已经写好了《混血王子》,《魔法金币》还有甚至一两剂新魔药,确保你没有错过——快来访问pottermore.com来猜猜我们押韵的谜语吧!

    With wonderful writing by J.K. Rowling in Moments from Half-Blood Prince , shiny gold Galleons and even a new potion or two , make sure you don 't miss out - just visit pottermore.com and answer our rhyming riddles .

  21. 无论是本来就有关联还是因此结缘,贝克碰巧得到了金币销售公司Goldline的大力资助(之前在福克斯新闻频道以及如今在他的互联网公司都是如此)。

    Whether by correlation or causation , Beck also happens to be heavily sponsored ( both in his Fox News days and now in his Internet enterprise ) by Goldline , a company selling gold coins .

  22. 那位老太太拥有一些金币。

    The old lady is in possession of some gold coins .

  23. 本文对此金币作一简单考证。

    This paper makes a textual study on this gold coin .

  24. 我能把明天的金币放进今天的钱袋里吗?

    Can I place tomorrow 's gold in today 's purse ?

  25. 皮诺奇给了客栈老板一枚金币后,就跑了出去。

    Pinocchio gave the innkeeper one gold coin and ran outside .

  26. 他只为一个目的,100个金币。

    He 's after the same thing : 100 gold coins .

  27. 他在某处藏了很多金币。

    He 's got lot of gold coins hidden away somewhere .

  28. 金币虽然没丢,但这件事却传了出去。

    The thing that wasn 't saved though was the coins .

  29. 洛阳发现的利奥一世金币考释

    The gold coin of Leo I found in Luo Yang City

  30. 他们不知道金币就藏在皮诺奇的嘴里。

    They didn 't know it was in pinocchio 's mouth .