
  • 网络troy ounce;ozt
  1. 随着外界对美联储(Fed)推出新一轮定量宽松的预期逐渐降低,金价已较2月底触及的每金衡盎司1790美元的高点下跌逾10%。

    The precious metal has fallen more than 10 per cent from a peak of $ 1,790 a troy ounce at the end of February as hopes of a fresh bout of quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve faded .

  2. 约翰逊说,黄金下降至每金衡盎司1500美元时,他的基金就出手买入了。

    Mr. Johnson said his fund bought as gold dipped toward $ 1,500 a troy ounce .

  3. 3月底,虽然金价摇摆不定,高盛(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)重申了此前的预测,即三个月内金价将触及每金衡盎司1785美元。

    In late March , as gold faltered , Goldman Sachs Group Inc. reiterated a prior forecast that prices would hit $ 1785 over three months .

  4. 3月底,虽然金价摇摆不定,高盛(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)重申了此前的预测,即三个月内金价将触及每金衡盎司1785美元。

    In late March , as gold faltered , Goldman Sachs Group Inc. reiterated a prior forecast that prices would hit $ 1,785 over three months .

  5. 瑞信(CreditSuisse)最近将其对2012年黄金价格的预期下调了5%,至每金衡盎司1680美元,原因是印度和东南亚对黄块的需求低迷。

    Credit Suisse recently sliced its 2012 outlook for gold by 5 % to $ 1,680 , because of weak demand for physical bullion in India and Southeast Asia .

  6. 伦敦咨询公司凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)大宗商品研究负责人杰索普(JulianJessop)说,自己的乐观预期已经有所收敛,他把自己对金价高点的预期从每金衡盎司2500美元下调至2000美元。

    Julian Jessop , head of commodities research at Capital Economics , a London-based consulting firm , said he has ' scaled back my bullishness , ' revising his estimate for gold 's peak down from $ 2500 to $ 2000 .

  7. 在香港,金价以“两”计价,比1.2金衡盎司多一点。

    In Hong Kong , gold is traded in tael , or a little more than 1.2 troy ounces .

  8. 目前金价为每金衡盎司1090美元左右,目前为止为今年最低。

    Gold prices now are hovering around $ 1090 per troy ounce , the lowest price so far this year .

  9. 铜价一度触及每吨8490美元的两年高位,而金价飙升至每金衡盎司1387美元的历史新高。

    Copper hit a two-year high of $ 8,490 per tonne at one point , while gold surged to a record of $ 1,387 per troy ounce .

  10. 周三,黄金交易价格为每金衡盎司1510美元,较周一创下的名义纪录高点1575.79美元下跌了4%。

    On Wednesday gold was trading at about $ 1,510 a troy ounce , down 4 per cent from a nominal record high of $ 1, 575.79 reached on Monday .

  11. 金价4天内下跌了15%,周一早处于1534.49美元/金衡盎司,其后反弹并企稳在1600美元上方。

    The yellow metal dropped to a low of $ 1, 534.49 a troy ounce early on Monday , down 15 per cent in four days , before rebounding to stabilise somewhat above $ 1,600 .

  12. 主要受西方投资者需求支配的金价,似乎未受这一消息的影响,昨日微跌0.1%,报每金衡盎司1317美元。

    The gold price , which is mainly dictated by western investor demand , appeared unaffected by the news , trading at $ 1,317 a troy ounce yesterday , a 0.1 per cent decline for the day .

  13. 从大举抛售转变为买入,今年迄今为止已经推动黄金价格上涨了逾25%,在本月早些时候达到了每金衡盎司1920美元的名义价格纪录。

    The switch from large selling to buying has helped propel the gold price more than 25 per cent higher so far this year , hitting a nominal record of $ 1920 a troy ounce earlier this month .

  14. 伦敦现货金价跌至每金衡盎司1762.90美元的盘中低点,与周一尾盘创下的历史纪录&每金衡盎司1911.46美元相比,下跌了148.5美元。

    Spot gold prices in London fell to a session low of $ 1, 762.90 per troy ounce , down $ 148.5 from the all-time high of $ 1, 911.46 a troy ounce set in late trading on Monday .

  15. 今年以来黄金价格下跌超过四分之一,从每金衡盎司1674美元降至每金衡盎司1233美元,即将在近13年以来首次出现全年价格下跌。

    Gold has lost more than a quarter of its value this year , falling from $ 1,674 a troy ounce to $ 1,233 , and is on course to record its first annual price fall in 13 years .

  16. 他表示,每逢金价下跌,中国和印度消费者显然都愿意进场购买,这可能在每金衡盎司1450美元为市场提供底线支撑,并为金价突破每盎司1600美元提供平台。

    The apparent willingness of Chinese and Indian consumers to step in when prices fall could provide a floor for the market around $ 1,450 a troy ounce , he said , and underpin a rally to more than $ 1,600 .

  17. 截至周三晚些时候,在纽约,电子交易时段的金价为每金衡盎司1653.10美元,当日收盘价为1637.40美元,当日下跌0.15%。不过年初迄今,金价已上涨了4.6%。

    As of late Wednesday in New York , gold was at $ 1, 653.10 a troy ounce in electronic trading . The precious metal settled at $ 1,637.40 , down 0.15 % for the day , but up 4.6 % so far this year .

  18. 在伦敦,现货黄金触及每金衡制盎司992.55美元的盘中高位,这是2月下旬以来的最高价位。

    Spot bullion in London hit an intraday high of $ 992.55 a troy ounce , the highest since late February .

  19. 目前的金价为每金衡制盎司1300美元(当日上涨0.6%),仍比2011年每盎司1920美元的峰值低出32%。

    The current price of $ 1,300 a troy ounce – up 0.6 per cent for the day – is still 32 per cent lower than the 2011 peak of $ 1,920 an ounce .