
  • 网络golden card project
  1. 金卡工程与标准化

    The Golden Card Project and Standardization

  2. 随着国家金卡工程工作的不断推进,国内各大商业银行已经开始大量推出金融IC卡。

    With the gradual development of national golden card project , major domestic banks begin to bring out large amount of financial IC cards .

  3. DES是我国信息传递领域中通常采用的密码算法,在金卡工程中得到广泛应用。

    DES , as the normally used password algorithm , is widely used in electronic engineering .

  4. 将儿童免疫接种用的逻辑加密卡与社保COS合二为一可以提高我国金卡工程中卡资源与信息资源的利用率。

    Combining logic encryption card for children immunity and inoculability with COS for social security is meaningful to improve the using rate of smart card and Information resource .

  5. 方案对传统的一卡通安全机制和IPSec实现方式进行了改进,本项目的成功实施无论是对于2008数字奥运还是对于其它金卡工程都具有广泛的意义。

    IPSec was implemented on a Sports IC system in VPN environment for the first time , and it 's of great benefit to 2008 digital Olympiad and the other IC projects .

  6. 针对金卡工程中EEPROM单元的可靠性问题,本文给出了可以对其编程窗口进行测试和分析的测试系统的软、硬件描述。

    In accordance with the reliability issues of the EEPROM cells that are used in the IC Card , this paper describes the hardware and software of the test system , which is developed to test and analyze the programming windows of the cells .

  7. 随着金卡工程建设的不断深入发展,种类繁多的卡基应用系统工程也得到蓬勃发展。

    With the continuous and increasing development of the construction of the " gold-card project ", various c ard-base application system projects grow vigorously .

  8. IC卡技术是金卡工程的主导技术,同磁卡等其它卡片相比,其具有较高的安全性。

    IC card is the dominant technology in " Project of Financial Card " . Its security is better than other cards such as magnetic card .

  9. 随着国家系列金卡工程、金融电子化和交通一卡通进程的加速,公路收费中非现金付费(电子支付)的需求被提上了议事日程。

    With rapid progress of the national series gold card project , computerize financial series and traffic smart card . the demand of charge regime without cash ( Electronic Payments ) was on the schedule .

  10. 随着我国金卡工程的不断深入开展,智能卡必将取代目前广泛使用的磁卡而成为电子信息的主要载体和工具。

    With the development of our country 's ' Gold Card ' project , Smart IC card must become a central carrier and tool of electronic information in place of magcard which used widely at present .

  11. 而在内部因素中,顾客满意度低下、银行卡部门管理体制的陈旧、持卡人市场的滞后、特约商户市场的不完善以及金卡工程运行中的问题制约了北京银行卡市场的发展。

    Among those internal factors are the low customer satisfaction , the out-of-date management system of banking cards division , the underdeveloped markets of cards users and business partners engaged , and problems in " golden Cards Project " .

  12. 1993年,国家启动了以金字工程为代表的一系列信息化的重大工程项目,尤其是金卡工程,有力地促进了我国整个社会信息化的建设进程。

    In 1993 , the nation started with " gold " word engineering for representative of important engineering item that a series of information turn , particularly is " gold card engineering ", promoted our country whole a developments for social information turning progress greatly .

  13. 近年来,随着国际卡业务的快速增长和新型金融服务的出现以及我国金卡工程的实施,各银行原有的基于传统服务概念的零售网络已难以适应新环境下的需要。

    Recently , with the rapid growth of international card operations and emergency of new financial services , especially the execution of the National Golden Card Engineering , banks ' retail network based on traditional service conceptions becomes more and more difficult to meet the new requirements .