
  • 网络financial accounting;Accounting with Finance;Finance Accounting;Accounting and Finance
  1. 略论我国金融会计风险防范体系的建立

    Discussion on the Establishment of Our Country 's Financial Accounting Risk Preventing System

  2. 金融会计信息的经济学思考

    Economic Contemplation on Financial Accounting Information

  3. 有效实施金融会计监督需要解决的十个问题

    The 10 topics need to be resolved for the effectively implementing financial accountancy supervision

  4. 论文最后对衍生金融会计计量的发展进行了展望。

    Finally , the thesis put a vision for the development of derivative accounting measures .

  5. 金融会计风险及其防范

    Finance Accounting Risk and Keeping It away

  6. 对金融会计软件有一定的了解,熟悉数据库的开发和维护方面的知识?

    Knowledge of Finance and Accounting software , including in-depth knowledge of database development and maintenance ?

  7. 由于一些因素的制约,导致金融会计监督的效用受到一定程度的削弱。

    Due to the restriction of some ingredients , the availment of financial accountancy supervision have been weakened for some degree .

  8. 面向21世纪,中国金融会计改革与发展正处于跨世纪的关键时期。

    Faced 21 Century , the reform and development of China financial accounting lies in the key period for trans century .

  9. 许多人觉得“评估”这个词遥不可及,认为这与项目管理无关,与金融会计有关。

    Many people are thrown off by the word " assessment " it 's a word that is usually associated with finances or accounting , not with project management .

  10. 本书旨在提供金融和会计方面的实用知识。

    This book was designed in order to provide a working knowledge of finance and accounts

  11. (加利福尼亚州的米尔斯女子大学(MillsCollege)也开设了类似课程。)西蒙斯的学科设置都是典型的MBA课程,包括金融、会计和营销等科目。

    ( Mills College in California also has one . ) Simmons ' course of study is the stuff of a typical MBA with classes on finance , accounting and marketing .

  12. 第一学期,她选择了标准MBA核心课程中常见的三个课题:管理、商业道德和领导力,另外还包括金融与会计。

    Her first semester tackles three topics generally found in a standard MBA core curriculum : management , business ethics and leadership , as well as finance and accounting .

  13. 如今的MBA学生在参加金融、会计和营销等通常科目的学习之外,开始选修环境政策和服务课程。

    Along with customary classes on subjects such as finance , accounting , and marketing , today 's MBA students are enrolling on courses for environmental policy and stewardship .

  14. 磋商期间,各方都将意见及时反馈给了IASB,推动了草案的修订,这表明各方十分关注金融资产会计准则的制定,希望提高会计准则的质量。

    The views expressed to the IASB during its consultations resulted in the proposals being modified to address concerns raised and to improve the standard .

  15. 出于这一原因,一些人认为,希望进入社会企业的mba学员应该关注金融、会计和市场营销等课程,同时将重点放在专门开设的选修课上。

    For this reason , some argue that MBA students who want to work in social enterprises should pay attention in the finance , accounting and marketing classes , as well as focusing on the specialised electives .

  16. 他在业余时间还会学习一些金融和会计知识。

    He also studies finance and accounting in his spare time .

  17. 衍生金融工具会计问题研究:确认、计量与披露

    Accounting for Derivative Financial Instruments : Recognition , Measurement and Disclosure

  18. 第二部分:国际上金融工具会计计量的研究成果这一部分也是本文的重点章节。

    Pant three : international research achievements of measurement of financial instrument .

  19. 衍生金融工具会计管理问题探讨

    Exploration of the accounting management of the derivative financial instrument

  20. 英语是财务金融和会计的国际通用语。

    English is the international language of finance and accountancy .

  21. 金融工具会计准则公允价值计量属性研究

    Study on the Fair Value Measurement Attribute of Financial Instrument Accounting Standard

  22. 中国衍生金融工具会计现状及建议

    Present Situation and Suggestions on Chinese Financial Deprived Instrument Accountants

  23. 衍生金融工具会计信息披露问题的思考

    Thoughts on Revelation of Derivative Financial Instrument Accounting Information

  24. 上市银行衍生金融工具会计信息披露问题研究

    The Research on Accounting Information Disclosure of Derivatives Financial Instruments in Commercial Bank

  25. 我国上市商业银行衍生金融工具会计计量模式研究

    Research on Accounting Measurement Model of Derivatives Which Listed Commercial Bank in China

  26. 金融企业会计与商品流通企业会计的比较

    Comparison in Accounting between Financial and Commodity Circulation Enterprises

  27. 从传统会计看金融商品会计的处理

    On Processing of Financial Commodity Accounting From Traditional Accounting

  28. 试析衍生金融工具会计准则确认问题

    On Recognition of Derivative Financial Instrument Accounting Standards

  29. 金融工具会计是当今会计界的热点和难点。

    Financial instruments accounting is a popular and focus issue in present financial accounting .

  30. 对衍生金融工具会计核算理论的探讨

    On the Accounting Theory of Derivative Financial Tools