
  1. 我们自己设计的魔鬼:市场、对冲基金和金融创新的危险。

    A demon of our own design : markets , hedge funds , and the perils of financial innovation .

  2. 华尔街暴露出了金融创新的危险,我们需要警惕,认真应对。

    Wall Street has exposed the dangers of financial innovation , and we need to take heed and serious actions .

  3. 一个更明显基于市场的金融体系的危险,在于顺周期性的加强,这意味着更多非理性繁荣和更多令人沮丧的萧条。

    The danger in a more explicitly market-based financial system is in heightened procyclicality more euphoric booms and more depressed busts .

  4. 某种程度上说,中东时间和欧洲金融体系的危险状况已在当前股价之中得到了反映。

    To some extent , Middle East News and the perilous state of the European financial system are already reflected in current prices .

  5. 默克尔总理接受私营部门应该实施自愿原则意味着希腊经济引发金融灾难的危险性稍微减少了一点。

    Chancellor Merkel 's acceptance that any private sector contribution should be voluntary means there 's slightly less danger of that drama turning to financial tragedy .

  6. 尽管美国金融体系陷于危险境地,并且新海外投资可能会带来政治问题,但美国的银行还是渴望在中国扩展业务。

    In spite of the parlous state of the US financial system and the political questions new overseas investments might raise , US banks remain keen to expand their operations in China .

  7. 当支出模式和收入分配使经济活动的成果能被吸收,而不引起金融系统的危险失衡,产出在金融方面就是可持续的。

    Output is financially sustainable when spending patterns and the distribution of income are such that the fruit of economic activity can be absorbed without creating dangerous imbalances in the financial system .

  8. 和许多银行家一样,他认为目前金融系统最大的危险是禽流感。

    Like many bankers , he thinks that the biggest danger to the financial system at present is avian flu .

  9. 如果用利率工具来控制通胀,那么用它们来支持部分金融体系就比较危险。

    If interest rates control inflation , it is dangerous to use them to support parts of the financial system .

  10. 当金融体系面临崩盘危险时,央行能够提供流动性,但只有财政部才能处理偿付能力问题。

    When the financial system is in danger of collapsing , the central bank can provide liquidity , but only a Treasury can deal with problems of solvency .

  11. 上周六,欧元区各国财长拒绝了希腊的请求,即延长本应在明日到期的现有纾困计划,这使希腊脆弱的金融体系暴露于危险之中。

    Eurozone finance ministers on Saturday refused a Greek request to extend the current bailout programme beyond its scheduled expiry tomorrow , leaving the fragile Greek financial system exposed .

  12. 这三人全都指控称,如果正确地对头寸估值(头寸名义价值1300亿美元),德银的资本就将在金融危机期间降至危险水平,可能需要政府纾困才能生存下去。

    All three allege that if Deutsche had accounted properly for its positions – worth $ 130bn on a notional level – its capital would have fallen to dangerous levels in the financial crisis and it might have required a government bail-out to survive .

  13. 政府主要关注本国的经济,这就助长了金融保护主义,有扰乱甚至有可能破坏全球金融市场的危险。

    The governments are primarily with their own economies . This tends to give rise to financial protectionism , which threatens to disrupt and perhaps destroy global financial markets .

  14. 随着2006年的迫近,中国金融系统相对封闭的防火墙将逐步被拆除,中国的经济体系必将直面被金融风暴袭击的危险。

    By the impending of the year 2006 , when the firewall of the relatively closed financial system of China will have to be backed out , the whole economic system will be faced with unpredictable fluctuations from outside .