
  • 网络financial internationalization;financial globalization
  1. 当今世界,金融国际化已成为一种趋势和潮流。

    Today , the financial globalization has already become a trend .

  2. 这5年是中国金融业迎接金融国际化挑战,全面深化金融改革,强化金融监管,提高防范和化解金融风险能力,确保金融安全的关键5年。

    This is a crucial period for China 's financial industry because it has to meet the challenge from the international financial globalization , to deepen the overall financial reform and to intensify the financial supervision in order to guarantee the financial security .

  3. GATS与我国金融国际化

    GATS and China 's Financial Internationalization

  4. 随着经济全球化,金融国际化以及中国加入WTO,我国银行业将面临前所未有的发展机遇与挑战,同时,随着我国金融业、保险业的逐步放开,银行风险也有加大的可能。

    With the globalization of economy and finance , China 's entry into WTO , the national banks will be confronted with the unexpected development opportunity and competitive challenges . Meanwhile , the financial and insurance Industries open gradually , therefore the bank risk will be increased .

  5. 金融国际化与中国金融发展取向

    Finance Internationalization and Developmental Direction of China 's Finance

  6. 金融国际化推动了资本在国际间的转移。

    Financial internationalization promotes the international transfer of capital .

  7. 上海金融国际化的重点领域

    On Key Aspects of Financial Internationalization in Shanghai

  8. 国际监管合作是金融国际化的客观要求和必然结果。

    International regulatory cooperation in international finance is the inevitable result of the objective requirements .

  9. 金融国际化和自由化使得世界性的金融资产面临巨大的风险。

    The internationalization and freedom of finance make world 's financial capital face great risks .

  10. 1980年代以来,金融国际化浪潮席卷全球。

    Since the 1980s , the financial internationalization tide has swept over the entire world .

  11. 可见,随着金融国际化浪潮的推进,发展离岸金融市场已经成为各国金融竞争的焦点。

    Now the offshore financial market has developed to be anew characteristic of the counties ' competition .

  12. 相比于国外先进银行,我国的商业银行风险管理更不完善,随着金融国际化的深入,商业银行迟早要面临相同的风险。

    Comparing to foreign advanced banks , commercial banking risk management in our countries are more imperfect .

  13. 其中,货币国际化是大国金融国际化进程中的最高层级。

    And the currency internationalization is the topmost level in the process of financial internationalization for a big country .

  14. 第8章研究了中国债券市场国际化的有关问题。提出我国金融国际化发展应当以债券市场为突破口。

    The conclusion is that China 's bond market has great potential growth according to the financial structure 's evolution feature .

  15. 适应金融国际化和防范金融风险的需要,我国的金融体制应继续进行改革。

    Suiting the needs of financial internationalization and guarding against financial risk , our financial system should be going on reforming .

  16. 想要达到的研究目的是,为中国今后一段时期推进金融国际化进程提供一定的实践指导,以期尽可能地发挥金融国际化提升国家金融安全状态的正向作用。

    Its research goal is to provide certain practice guidance for China promoting the process of financial internationalization in the future .

  17. 金融国际化和自由化的发展,促使由传统金融工具衍生出来的金融衍生产品不断创新。

    The development of financial internationalization and liberalization urges the continuous innovation of the financial derivatives deriving from the traditional financial tools .

  18. 伴随着经济一体化的发展,金融国际化也迈出了实质性的步伐,并逐渐起到越来越重要的作用。

    With he development of economic integration , financial internationalization has taken a substantial pace , and gradually plays an increasingly important role .

  19. 本篇完成的工作主要有五个方面:1.从国别视角,定义了金融国际化。

    This chapter accomplishes the work of five aspects : 1.From the perspective of nationality , it defines the conception of financial internationalization .

  20. 为此,要研究金融国际化条件下中国金融改革的方向,走有中国特色的金融深化之路。

    We must formulate scientific financial strategy of deepening development under the new international circumstances and carry out financial deepening development with Chinese characteristics .

  21. 金融国际化在整个世界经济乃至世界各国的经济发展中已成为一个事关全局的核心问题。金融国际化的作用和影响已超越一国国界,越来越影响甚至改变着世界经济的格局。

    The effects and influences of financial internationalization have surpass nation border and become one of the major forces which determine the world economic structure .

  22. 金融国际化的浪潮在极大地活跃和繁荣各国的金融业、促进各国经济发展的同时,也给各国的经济和金融带来了更多的不稳定性和金融风险。

    While greatly flourishing the financial business in every country and stimulating their economic development , this trend also brings economic instability and financial risks .

  23. 20世纪末,经济全球化与金融国际化已经势不可挡。

    Ever since the latter half of the 20th century , the economic integration , globalization and the internationalization of capital flow have become an unstoppable trend .

  24. 探讨如何在分业管制下运作,如何适应金融国际化的趋势,逐步向混业经营模式过渡。

    Explore ways to operate under separate control , how to adapt to the trend of internationalization of financial and gradually transition to the mixing operation mode .

  25. 随着金融国际化,金融创新的日新月异,金融竞争日益激烈,金融风险明显加大。

    With the financial internationalization , the change that the finance innovates and the financial competition is fierce day by day , financial risks are obviously strengthened .

  26. 在金融国际化的大背景下,金融的开放必然伴随着开放国对金融运行效率改善的期望与金融控制权丧失的风险之间的艰难平衡。

    Under the background of financial internationalization , it is very hard for the opening country to balance between the risk and the efficiency in finance opening process .

  27. 为此,本章主要进行了四个方面的工作:1.选取美国、韩国分别作为发达国家和发展中-市场经济国家的代表国,梳理了各自金融国际化的发展历程。

    Therefore , this chapter carries out research work in four aspects : 1.It sorts out the process of financial internationalization in America and South Korea . 2 .

  28. 指出,虽然同时存在金融国际化正、负向影响金融安全的渠道,但金融安全问题与金融国际化并没有必然联系。

    It points out that , although financial internationalization can positively and negatively affect financial security simultaneously , there is necessary connection between the former and the latter .

  29. 汇率问题是我国金融国际化的枢纽之一,而购买力平价理论构成了货币主义汇率决定模型的基础。

    Exchange rate is one of hinges in financial internationalization , and purchasing power parity ( PPP ) theory is the basis of exchange rate determination model in monetarism .

  30. 随着经济全球化和金融国际化的推进,风险管理成为近年来全球金融界最为热门的话题之一。

    With the globalization and internationalization of the world finance , risk management has become one of the most popular topics in the world of global finance in recent years .