
  1. 要加快金融市场建设,为债务重组创造良好的金融环境;

    The financial market construction should be quickened to create an excellent financial surroundings for debts re constitution ;

  2. 这是我国利率市场化和金融市场建设取得的重大进展,对金融市场发展具有重大意义。

    This is a great progress of Chinese financial market construction , and has great significance in the development of financial market .

  3. 马克思的虚拟资本理论为我国金融市场建设和宏观货币政策选择提供了理论依据。

    Marxist theory on virtual capital offers theoretical support for the construction of China 's financial market and China 's selection of macro policy concerning currency .

  4. 短期融资券正是作为解决这一系列问题的突破口而出现的,它的出现填补了我国短期信用产品市场的空白,是我国融资方式的重大创新和金融市场建设的重要举措。

    The enterprise 's short term bond is the breakthrough in this background , its emergence filled up the blank of our short-term credit market , it 's the important breakthrough in our financing method and important act in our financing market construction .

  5. 滨海新区离岸金融市场的建设现今尚处于起步阶段,面临着建设与发展的多方面问题。

    Tianjin new coastal region , the construction of offshore financial markets today is still at the initial stage , facing the construction and development of various issues .

  6. 即:进一步丰富人民币国际化理论研究,并为人民币国际化的金融市场条件建设提供相应的对策建议。

    Which is : Enrich the theory of the RMB internationalization , and provide appropriate countermeasures for the construction of financial market conditions in the process of RMB internationalization .

  7. 特别是近几年来,中国在利率市场化和现代金融市场的建设上的步伐越来越大,衍生品市场建设步入了关键时期。

    Recently , China made bigger steps in mercerization of interest rate and construction of the modern financial market and it becomes more and more urgent to establish a comprehensive derivatives market .

  8. 证券结算支付系统是金融市场基础建设的主要构成之一,证券结算风险也被认为是金融市场系统风险的主要来源之一。

    Security settlement system ( SSSs ) are a critical component of the infrastructure of financial markets . Securities settlement and payment risks are viewed as a source of systemic disturbances to securities markets .

  9. 国外商业银行行利率风险管理的经验告诉我们要完善金融市场的建设、开发新的利率风险管理产品和培养高水平的利率技术使用人员。

    The experience of foreign commercial bank to manage interest rate risk tells us that we should improve the construction of financial markets , develop new interest rate risk management products and develop a high level staff to manage risk .

  10. 最后通过历年数据分析结果,提出构建我国商业银行利率风险的管理策略,加强金融市场的建设,完善金融政策及法规,并建立相应的管理平台,形成预测及衡量的标准系统。

    Finally give some strategies about interest risk management based on the analysis of some listed commercial banks ' data , strengthen the building of the financial market , improve financial policies and regulations and at last come to a forecasted and measured standard form .

  11. 包括加快完善港口集疏运体系,协调上海港同周边港口的建设,加强航运法律法规体系建设,加快高端航运人才培养与引进,加强信息体系建设,完善航运金融市场体系建设。

    Including improve transportation system , coordination of Shanghai port and the peripheral port construction , strengthening the shipping laws and regulations system construction , speeding up and introduce the high-end shipping talents , strengthening information system construction , improve the construction of the shipping financial market system .

  12. 大额支付系统是现代金融市场基础建设中关键的组成部分,大额支付系统安全、有效的运作不仅会影响到它直接服务的市场,还会作用于一个国家整个的金融体系。

    Payment System is a crucial component part of the modern financial market . The safe and effective operation of the High Value Payment System will not only influence the market under its direct service , but also will have certain effect on the overall financial system of a country .

  13. 但是,随着农村金融市场体系的建设及其改革的深化,现阶段农村信用社改革与发展中仍然存在着诸多问题。

    Still , with the further development and reform of rural financial system , the Rural Credit Unions at this stage are also facing many issues .

  14. 政府应该更多地关注金融市场机制的建设、激励机制和制度改革,而不是单个机构的命运。

    Government should pay more attention to the building of financial market mechanism , incentive mechanism and institution revolution but not the fate of single institutions .

  15. 是该实施艰难的新常识性道路规则的时候了,这样,我们的金融市场就能奖励建设和创新,惩罚投机和浪费。

    It is time to put in place tough , new common-sense rules of the road so that our financial market rewards drive and innovation , and punishes short-cuts and abuse .

  16. 为控制结算风险,建立中央债券托管系统成为各国金融市场基础设施建设最具革命性、最具实质性意义的举措。

    To control this kind of risk , the establishment of central securities depository ( CSD ) has become the most revolutionary and substantial measure in many countries ' infrastructure construction .

  17. 建议取消政府在公司债券市场上的不当干预、将公司债券的主要投资者定位于机构投资者、完善金融市场基础设施建设。

    Based on these insights , this paper suggests that government intervention be abolished , the main stream of corporate bond investors be focused on institutional ones , and financial infrastructure be improved .

  18. 完善金融法规和金融市场建设,推进金融市场结构改革,创新经营机制,是国有商业银行趋利避害,在竞争中实现发展的应对策略。

    The perfection of financial regulations and financial market establishment , the advance of the reform of financial market structure and the creation of managing mechanism are the tactics for commercial banks to realize their develpment in the competition .

  19. 为此,我们应汲取这一教训,积极推进国有商业银行的改革,发展各类金融市场,加强金融监管和金融市场制度建设,以确保我国银行业和房地产业的健康发展。

    China must improve soundness of stated-owned banks , develop financial markets and strengthen the regulation , for the development of China 's banking and housing industries .

  20. 本章还从机构网点布局、利率市场化、结算体系的运用等方面进行了分析,结论是印度农村金融市场基础更好,金融市场法规对印度农村金融市场建设有明显的促进作用。

    This chapter also pointed India village financial market foundation was better in the institutions distribution , interest rate marketing and usage of accounts system . Especially we emphasized the promotion of India village financial market laws to the financial market constructs .

  21. 处理好金融稳定、金融效率与社会净福利的关系是我国金融市场退出机制建设必须面对的问题。

    And so far we have not yet set up a consummated mechanism for the market withdrawal .