
jià ɡé tiáo zhěnɡ tiáo kuǎn
  • price adjustment clause;escalation clause
  1. 据此,通过对FIDIC合同中有关价格调整条款以及调价公式的分析,探讨建材价格波动较大时,业主、承包商风险规避的合理途径。

    In that case , according to the terms and conditions on adjusting of price in the contracts of FIDIC , when fluctuating of the material price , the author should analyze the reasonable means of avoiding the challenge of employers and contractors .

  2. 合同执行期内适用的价格调整条款在评标中不予以考虑。

    Price adjustment provisions applying to the period of execution of the contract shall not be taken into account in tender evaluation .

  3. 然而,参与该项目的一位主管表示,自投标结束以来,建设成本已增加了85%,由于双方同意的价格自动调整条款可能无法覆盖上升的成本,因此,仍需重新商议。

    However , an executive involved in the project said that building costs had risen by 85 per cent since the tender , requiring renegotiation , as the agreed price-escalation clause would be insufficient to cover the rise .

  4. 价格或工资自动调整条款浅谈如何合理调整工程施工合同价款

    Escalation clause How to rationally adjust the construction contract price

  5. 文章通过比较分析17家公司的可转换债券发行条款中转换价格、转换价格调整条款,发现我国可转换债券发行条款设计大多雷同,并没有根据实际情况进行创新。

    After comparing and analyzing 17 companies ' conversion price item and the adjusted of conversion price , the paper indicates the issue item of Chinese convertible bonds are samely and haven 't own feature in terms of their practical conditions .