
  • 网络Price Leadership;barometric price leadership
  1. 支配型企业的价格领导模型研究

    Study of Dominant Firm 's Price Leadership Model

  2. 晴雨表式价格领导的特点是决定于价格领导者身份的变化。

    Barometric price leadership is distinguished by change in the identity of the leader .

  3. 串通式价格领导具有寡占市场的特征。

    Collusive price leadership characterizes oligopolistic markets .

  4. 应用支配型企业价格领导模型的关键是主导厂商能确定出自己的需求函数。

    The key to applying price leadership model is that dominant firm can determine its demand function .

  5. 国外银行贷款定价方法主要有成本相加法、价格领导法、客户盈利性分析法等三种模式。

    Cost-plus Loan Pricing , Price Leadership , and Customer Profitability Analysis are the three main methods of loan pricing in foreign banks .

  6. 随着餐桌旁的抱怨越来越多,猪肉价格也成为中国领导层近几周的工作重点。

    Pork prices have also become a priority for the Chinese leadership in recent weeks as complaints around the dinner table grow .

  7. 中国房地产市场价格卡特尔的反垄断法规制&以价格领导行为为例证的分析高科技产品市场多产品完全垄断研究

    Legal Regulation on Price Cartel of Chinese Real Estate Market in Antimonopoly Analysis of Multi-product Monopoly in the Market of High-tech Products