
jià ɡé jìnɡ zhēnɡ
  • Price competition;price war
  1. 恶性价格竞争成因探讨

    A Probe into the Origin of Malignant Price War

  2. 连锁药店应对药品价格竞争的策略探讨

    Discussion on the Strategy of Chain Drug stores in Replying to Drug Price War

  3. 价格竞争这个概念对于许多学校都很陌生。

    The very notion of price competition is foreign to many schools

  4. RD/产品问题模型对于价格竞争的包容性探讨价格竞争也是一种数量竞争

    Does Price Competition Fit in with R D / Product Model ? Price Competition is Another Kind of Quantity Competition

  5. PCB价格竞争的实质

    The Nature of Price-competition in PCB

  6. 随着国家相关政策、标准的发布实施,以及我国加入WTO的要求,建筑防水材料市场的竞争方式逐渐由价格竞争转向质量、服务的非价格因素竞争。

    Along with the promulgation of related national policies and standards , as well as we joined the WTO , the competition mode changed from price to quality and service in building waterproofing materials market .

  7. 因此,促进机电产品出口的健康发展,既要注意提高自身的技术含量,注重非价格竞争,发展自己的品牌,又要利用WTO规则应对各种贸易壁垒。

    Therefore , for healthy development of export to US , the enterprises should pay attention to improvement of technology , non-price competition , development of our own brands , and fully utilization of WTO rules against trade barriers .

  8. 进一步对模型中的产品替代性进行讨论,可以说明Bertrand式的价格竞争也可以映射一种数量竞争。

    With further discussion of product substitution , we conclude that Bertrand format price competition can map a kind of quantity competition .

  9. 本文以SCP模型为基础,通过市场结构以及市场绩效等方面的因素对市场行为的影响,分析了我国旅行社普遍采取价格竞争的内在原因。

    Based on the SCP paradigm , the paper analyses why travel agencies choose price competition as their competitive conduct from two angles of structure and performance .

  10. 电子商务B2B反向拍卖采购模式能够为采购方在价格竞争条件下提供更广泛的产品和服务,因此这种采购模式将会更加灵活。

    Under the circumstance of price competition , the reverse auction in electronic commerce can offer purchaser more products and services , therefore it will be more flexible .

  11. 文章对经典Hotelling模型进行改进,引入产品满意度因素,并据此建立了基于满意度的Hotelling价格竞争模型。

    This paper improved classic Hotelling model , introducing product satisfaction factor established a price competition Hotelling model based on the satisfaction .

  12. 本文从产品市场竞争的产量竞争和价格竞争出发,研究了债务融资在Cournot产量竞争和Bertrand价格竞争中的作用,通过构建模型发现:在产量竞争中,债务能使企业更具攻击性;

    The article embarks from the output competition and the price competition , studied the function of debt financing in the Cournot output competition and the Bertrand price competition .

  13. 在Hotelling模型的基础上,发展了一个简单双寡头模型来分析配额限制与质量选择的关系,考察了企业既选择数量竞争又选择价格竞争和两类成本类型下配额限制对质量的影响。

    In this paper , we develop a simple duopoly model of endogenous quality location with price and quantity competition based on Hotelling model to explore the relationship between quotas restriction and quality choice .

  14. 中国B2B国际贸易媒体产业,经过半个多世纪的发展,已具有相当的市场规模,与此同时,行业内的竞争也愈加激列,价格竞争开始出现。

    The industry of B2B International Trade Medium in China has reached a considerable market scale coming through over half century development , at the same time , the internal competition of this industry has become more intense , lower price competition was showed up .

  15. 分析三阶段Bertrand-Stackelberg市场价格竞争与产品差异化选址策略,将之与Bertrand-Nash市场均衡进行静态比较;

    This paper analyses the three-period Bertrand-Stackelberg market price competition and the strategy of product differentiation location , and makes a static contrast with Bertrand-Nash market equilibrium ;

  16. 内包装环保产品受制于激烈的价格竞争,而「绿色工程」(greenworks)产品的销量,因下半年度经济环境进一步恶化而受影响。

    Products for interior packaging usage encountered strong price competition , whereas sales of " greenworks " brand products were affected by the unfavorable economic conditions in the second half of the year .

  17. 移动话音业务的价格竞争与策略建议

    Suggestions on the Price Competition and Strategy of Mobile Voice Services

  18. 反倾销中的价格竞争及被诉企业策略研究

    Study on Price Competition and Effected Company 's Strategy in Antidumping

  19. 局部垄断下的价格竞争与管制政策效应分析

    Analysis on Price Competition and Regulation Policy in Partial Monopoly Market

  20. 国际价格竞争与人民币汇率传递的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on International Price Competition and Exchange Rate Pass-through

  21. 价格竞争是市场竞争中最常用的手段。

    Price competition is the common ways used by market competition .

  22. 厂商经常采取各种形式的非价格竞争。

    Firms commonly resort to various forms of nonprice competition .

  23. 高科技企业非价格竞争的博弈分析

    The analysis of game in high-tech business ' non-price competition

  24. 分销市场价格竞争的博弈论分析

    Analysis on the Price Competition in Distribution Using Game Theory

  25. 价格竞争在我国航运市场的运用及影响

    Application and Influence of the Price Competition to China 's Shipping Market

  26. 广告是企业营销管理中非价格竞争策略的重要组成部分。

    Advertising is one of important non-price policies for enterprises .

  27. 价格竞争是市场竞争的必然现象。

    Price competition is an inevitable phenomenon of market competition .

  28. 厂商之间的“信息不对称”会引起恶性价格竞争。

    Asymmetric information among firms will bring out disordered price-competition .

  29. 营销创新:低价竞争向非价格竞争转变的基本途径

    Marketing Innovation to Change Low Price Competition Toward Non - Price Competition

  30. 移动通信市场非价格竞争的博弈分析

    The Analysis of Non-price Game in the Mobile Telecom Market