
  • 网络continue to perform;specific performance
  1. 继续履行未暂停的合同部分。

    Continue to perform all unsuspended parts of the contract .

  2. 再次分析了责任人承担责任的形式,主要就是赔偿损失、支付违约金、继续履行。

    Thirdly , the paper analyses the forms of responsibility , including paying compensation for the losses , paying liquidated damages , continue to perform .

  3. 他们认为他应该继续履行君主的职责。

    They thought that he should resume his kingly duties .

  4. 我将继续履行CEO职责,并负责公司的主要战略决策。

    I will continue as CEO and be involved in major strategic decisions for the company .

  5. 这些会话bean将继续履行传统的对业务服务的请求,并且还担负起了消息传递的任务。

    The beans will continue to fulfill traditional requests for business services , and also take on the task of messaging .

  6. 在这次重选之前,我将继续履行FIFA主席的职责。

    I will continue to exercise my functions as FIFA President until that election .

  7. 因此,山东省应鼓励相关领域的投资;而住宿、餐饮、游览消费的增加对GDP增加的促进作用相对不明显,因此政府相关部门应该继续履行当前的有关政策与投资建设方案。

    The consumption of accommodation , catering , and visit promote the growth of GDP non-significant , so the government should continue the relevant policies and investment construction plan .

  8. 建议分公司继续履行企业社会责任,加强对利益相关者的影响能力,并将CSR融入分公司中、长期发展规划。

    Recommended that the branch should fulfill the CSR , strengthen the influence of stakeholders , put CSR into long-term development planning .

  9. 如果google认为你不能继续履行信贷条件所规定的金融上的义务,google有权取消你的参与。

    If Google has reason to believe that you cannot continue to meet your financial obligations under credit terms , Google has the right to cancel your participation under this billing option .

  10. 麻生太郎表示,他将任命日本经济财政大臣与谢野馨(kaoruyosano)接替中川昭一的财政大臣职务,同时继续履行其现有职务。

    Mr Aso said he would appoint Kaoru Yosano , Minister for economic and fiscal policy , to replace Mr Nakagawa as finance minister in addition to his current portfolio .

  11. 塔利班要求他继续履行职责。

    The Taliban asked him to continue to do his job .

  12. 大多数捐助者已承诺继续履行其对援助开支的承诺。

    Most donors have promised to keep to their commitments for aid spending .

  13. 她愿意继续履行她的职责。

    She was ready to resume her duties .

  14. 那么你们将继续履行对这个国家和人民的义务。

    then you will keep fulfilling your duty to people all across this country .

  15. 因此,在可生存性系统中怎样保障基本服务的继续履行就变的非常重要。

    Thus , it is important to deliver essential services in the survivability network system .

  16. 公司表示不再继续履行合同符合法律规定。

    Company A that no longer continues to perform the contract compliance with the law .

  17. 酒店仍将继续履行此前签署的合同及承诺。

    The hotel will continue to honor it 's commitment and contract that was signed .

  18. 年满六十五周岁或者因健康原因不能继续履行职务的;

    He is65 years old or he is unable to perform his duties continuously for health reason ;

  19. 不过,西方企业与俄罗斯客户之间的多数现有合同被允许继续履行。

    But most existing contracts between western interests and their Russian clients have been allowed to continue .

  20. 在仲裁过程中,除双方有争议正进行仲裁的部分外,本合同应继续履行。

    During the arbitration , the contract shall be executed continually by both parties except for matters in disputes .

  21. 仲裁期间,双方应继续履行合同中除需仲裁之外的所有义务。

    In the course of arbitration both parties shall continue execution of all contract obligations except those under arbitration .

  22. 许多士兵表示,纪念牺牲者最好的方法就是继续履行他们的职责。

    Many soldiers say the best way to honor those killed in the shooting is to continue doing their duty .

  23. 该科继续履行公众教育的工作,利用防止罪案展览车宣传家居保安。

    The bureau has maintained its public education role through the promotion of domestic security by the Crime Prevention Bus .

  24. 当我为人父,我应该站在小小的婴儿床边,继续履行我的责任。

    When I was a father , I should stand a little baby bed , continue to fulfill my responsibility .

  25. 我也继续履行我的八条原则,在我头上的乌云消失了。

    And when I went back to following these eight principles , the black cloud over my head disappeared altogether .

  26. 我们有这样的信念:我们社区的市民将通过图书馆的存在继续履行他们的公民权益。

    We have faith that the citizens of our communities will continue to fulfill their civic responsibility by preserving the Library .

  27. 我们应当继续履行分阶段取消矿物燃料补贴的承诺,并向21世纪的清洁能源经济转型。

    We need to move ahead with our commitment to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels and transition to21st-century clean-energy economies .

  28. 这时总会长向受派遣的传教士致以问候,并嘱咐他们要继续履行鲍思高的传教梦想。

    Here the Rector Major greeted the departing missionaries reminding them they are now continuing the missionary dream of Don Bosco .

  29. 拥有最大、最先进常规和核武库的国家应继续履行其对裁军负有的特殊责任;

    Those countries having the largest and most sophisticated conventional and nuclear arsenals should continue to fulfil their special responsibilities for disarmament ;

  30. 因此保证其稳定并继续履行初级群体功能对于个人及社会是至关重要的。

    Therefore pledging that it is kept and continues performing the elementary function can be utmost importance as for individual and society .