
  • 网络Keep dancing;keep on dancing;Body Mix
  1. 继续跳舞

    Just keep on dancing now

  2. 只是将我抱得更紧,我们继续跳舞。

    You just held me tighter , and we kept on dancing .

  3. 但是请继续跳舞,享受我们的音乐。

    But please continue dancing and enjoying our music .

  4. 我确信如果我再继续跳舞的话,我就会失去他了。

    I am sure I would have lost him if I had continued dancing .

  5. 然而两年之后,她在纽约市芭蕾舞团继续跳舞。

    Two years later , she 's dancing for the New York City Ballet .

  6. 多年来,她继续跳舞。

    Over the years , she kept dancing .

  7. 在英国剑桥,两名剑桥大学学生在参加期末舞会后,于清晨继续跳舞。

    Cambridge University students dance at dawn after attending an end-of-term ball in Cambridge , England .

  8. 如果没有,那就请继续跳舞,坚守你的岗位,我依然为你喝彩:欧嘞!

    And if not , do your dance anyhow . And " Ol é ! " to you , nonetheless .

  9. 79岁的苏阿姨说,一个居民曾恐吓她,说如果她们继续跳舞,他会扔刀子。

    ' One resident threatened me , saying , ' If you continue to dance , I 'll throw a knife at you ! ' says the 79-year-old .

  10. 在此之前,bg应当继续“跳舞”。

    Until then , BG should keep on dancing .

  11. 他要是继续那样跳舞,会跳得皮开肉裂!

    He 'll rupture a muscle if he goes on dancing like that !

  12. 你可以继续为了兴趣跳舞,但是要把它和工作分开来。

    You can continue to dance for fun , but separately from your day job .

  13. 他们继续狂热地跳舞。

    They continued to dance frenetically .

  14. 让我们一起继续热情,继续跳舞,继续张国荣!

    Let 's keep passion for him , leslie forever !

  15. 继续放老歌曲,继续跳舞,继续贴着他的身体。

    More old songs , more dancing , more of his body against hers .