
jì mǔ
  • stepmother;step-parent
继母 [jì mǔ]
  • [stepmother] 生父再婚后的妻子

继母[jì mǔ]
  1. 过了一段时间之后他们学会了接受他们的继母。

    They learned to accept their stepmother in time .

  2. 我父亲死后,我的继母一下就垮了。

    Immediately after my father 's death my stepmother was prostrate

  3. 我的继母得心应手地料理着一切。

    My stepmother was in her element , organizing everything

  4. 她担心她继承的遗产会被继母夺走。

    She feared losing her inheritance to her stepmother .

  5. 他的继母发出无线电求救信号的时候,他飞跑着去拿救生衣。

    He raced to pick up the lifejackets while his stepmother sent out a Mayday call .

  6. 她对继母怀有怨恨。

    She harboured resentment against her stepmother .

  7. 后来,他发现灰姑娘在家为继母干活。

    Later , he finds Cinderella at home doing work for her stepmother .

  8. 你好,我是EleanorMason。Bree的继母。

    Hello , I 'm Eleanor Mason , Bree 's stepmother .

  9. 欧普拉八岁时,妈妈把她送到了田纳西州的那斯维尔(Nashville)的生父和继母那里。

    When Oprah was eight , Vernita sent her to live her fatherandstepmother in Nashville , Tennessee .

  10. 佩奇的继母、67岁的劳拉·佩奇(LauraPage)在十多年前和佩奇的父亲离婚。她说佩奇是“一个宝贝小男孩,非常温柔,说话很温和。”

    Mr. Page 's stepmother , Laura Page , 67 , who divorced his father more than a decade ago , described Mr. Page as " a precious little boy , a very mellow and soft-spoken person . "

  11. Piyah继母因肺癌在两周前去世,歌迷们向她表示了极大的支持与鼓励。

    Piyah 's fans have been an amazing support to her this year after her devoted stepmother Brenda was diagnosed with lung cancer and sadly passed away two weeks ago .

  12. 在多年的内心煎熬之后,Piyah终于向父亲和继母开诚布公,称自己想要做一个女人。

    After years of heartache , 15-year-old Piyah finally had the courage to tell Brenda and her dad that she was transgender , and wanted to transition to become a woman .

  13. 他永远也不会接受有一个继母的想法。

    He never adapts to the idea of having a stepmother .

  14. 幸运的是他的继母待他很好。

    Happily for him , his step-mother treated him very kindly .

  15. 他继母爱他像他生母一样深切。

    His stepmother loved him as dearly as his own mother .

  16. 他的继母咬牙切齿地责骂他。

    His stepmother clenched her teeth with hatred and scolded him .

  17. 他的继母就让他向上帝祈祷。

    His stepmother told him to pray to God for it .

  18. 高兴的是,她的继母对她很好。

    Happily for her , her stepmother was kind to her .

  19. 继母天一亮就叫醒他们。

    Their stepmother woke them up at the crack of dawn .

  20. 我的继母总是使他的儿子比我占优势。

    My step-mother always gives her son an advantage over me .

  21. 你长久以来一直是他的继母。

    You were his stepmother for a long , long time .

  22. 一天,继母决定把她打发走。

    One day her step-mother decided to be rid of her .

  23. 所以,当她的继母她们发现身上奇痒难耐时。

    So , as her stepfamiiy scratched their Newiy found itches .

  24. 继母无缘无故地打了那男孩一顿。

    The step-mother gave the boy the stick without any reason .

  25. 等等继母继姐妹自己是女佣

    Wait . A stepmom stepsisters and she 's a maid ?

  26. 她的继母和继姐妹对灰姑娘非常憎恶。

    Her stepmother and stepsisters were very horrid to Cinderella .

  27. 这个13岁小男孩的爸爸和继母将陪他一同前往。

    The13-year-old 's father and stepmother are also going along .

  28. 大致上,一个拥有可怕的魔法为权力疯狂的邪恶的继母

    Basically , a power-mad evil stepmother with awesome magic ...

  29. 嫂子布隆德康尼,还有五个侄子,继母方面的兄弟姐妹以及他们的孙儿女

    In-law blonde Connie , five nephews , stepbrothers & sisters

  30. 《继母》由哥伦比亚三星影片公司出品。

    " Stepmom " was distributed by Columbia Tristar Company .