
jì diàn bǎo hù
  • relaying
  1. 基于SEL装置的微机继电保护系统研究

    The Research of the Protective Relaying System Based on the Sel Device

  2. 计算机继电保护中卡尔曼滤波算法的估计误差分析

    Estimated Error Analysis of Kalman Filtering Algorithm Used in Computer Relaying

  3. 有关继电保护的INTERNET网址扫描

    Internet web sites on relaying protection

  4. 暂态过程中TV二次回路接线对继电保护影响及对策

    Influence of TV Secondary Circuit Connection on Relay during Transient Process and Its Countermeasures

  5. PC工业总线型继电保护测试系统

    A Novel Industrial PC Based Relay Test System

  6. 基于Matlab与VB数据交换的继电保护仿真

    Protection simulation based on data exchange between Matlab and VB

  7. 基于ASP的继电保护实验室仪器仪表管理系统

    A management system for instruments and meters in relay protection laboratory based on ASP

  8. 该文介绍了在新研制的DSP继电保护装置中,基于uC/OS-II实时操作系统的以太网通讯模块。

    The paper introduces embedded the Ethernet communication module , which bases on uC / OS-II real-time operating system .

  9. PT二次电压回路故障对继电保护的影响及对策

    Effects on relay protection resulted from fault of PT secondary voltage circuit and the countermeasures

  10. 介绍了基于DSP的微机继电保护装置中频率测量的CPLD实现。

    This paper introduces CPLD realization of frequency measure in digital relay protection equipment powered by DSP .

  11. 基于EMTP和MATLAB的继电保护仿真系统

    Relay Protection Simulation System Based on EMTP and MATLAB

  12. 基于SaaS的继电保护定值管理系统的研究

    Study of Relay Protection Setting Management System Based on SaaS

  13. 将新型的32位ARM核微处理器和嵌入式实时操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ引入系统中来,使继电保护装置的可靠性和灵敏性大幅提高。

    This system engaged the new 32-bit microcontroller and embedded real-time operation system , which can improve the relay protection device 's reliability and susceptibility greatly .

  14. 地区电网DTS及继电保护仿真的研究

    Research of DTS and Relay Protection Simulation in Local Grid

  15. 220kVBOT开关站继电保护危险点分析

    Analysis about Dangerous Point on Relay Protection in 220 kV BOT Switching Station

  16. 广东电网继电保护Y2K问题的处理

    Dealing with Y2K Problem on Relay Protection of Guangdong Power Network

  17. 实践证明,在继电保护测试仪的数据采集系统中用USB传输取代串口传输是势在必行的。

    It is proved in practice that for the data acquisition system of protective relaying testing instrument replacing the serial transmission by USB communication is imperative .

  18. DMIS继电保护统计报表及评价规程应用

    Application of relay protection statistical reports and evaluation rules in DMIS

  19. 厂用电继电保护系统仿真建模研究DF(4B)型机车辅助发电跳固定发电原因分析

    Relay-protect Modelling of Generating Auxiliary Power System Reason analysis of abnormal changeover from auxiliary generating to fixed generating

  20. 浅论10kV供电系统的继电保护

    Discussion on the Relay Protection of 10 kV Electric Power Supply System

  21. IEC61850在继电保护故障信息处理子站系统中的应用

    Application of IEC 61850 on substation relay protection and fault information subsystem

  22. 220kV电网的继电保护整定计算探讨

    Discussion about setting of protective relaying in 220 kV power network

  23. 基于图形界面的110kV电网继电保护开关状态仿真系统

    The Graphic-Interface-Based Breaker Status Simulation System of 110 kV Network Protection

  24. 500kV万县变电站一组35kV电抗器故障继电保护动作情况分析

    Analysis of relay operation when a group of 35 kV reactors fault in Wanxian 500 kV substation

  25. 它以基于FPGA技术的专用保护芯片为芯核,与16位微处理器配合完成交流采样、全波傅里叶变换、频率测量、继电保护、录波等功能。

    A specific protection chip based on FPGA technique is designed as the chip core to implement the functions of AC sampling , whole wave 's FFT , frequency measurement , relay protection , recording etc with a 16-bit microprocessor .

  26. 四川洪龙500kV同塔双回线继电保护及自适应重合闸装置RTDS实时仿真试验

    RTDS Real-time Simulation Test for Relay Protection and Self-adapting Automatic Recloser of 500 kV Sichuan Hong-Long Double-circuit Lines on Same Tower

  27. 介绍了2004年全国电网继电保护与安全自动装置运行情况,包括220kV及以上系统一次设备的发展、故障率的统计及元件保护、线路主保护的运行情况。

    The nationwide operation situation of protective relayings and automation devices in the year of 2004 is summarized .

  28. 为了更好地对继电保护装置录波数据进行分析,使用基于COM代码组件的VB和Matlab的混合编程,并使程序最终脱离了Matlab的环境,实现了两者优势的结合。

    In order to better analyze fault data record from protective relaying device , the authors use both VB based on COM and Matlab as program language , which can run without Matlab environment and achieve the both advantage of them .

  29. 通过实例分析数字微波PCM时钟同步方式对传输继电保护信号的影响,以确保通信通道安全可靠地传输电网保护信号。

    Through some examples , the paper analysised the influence of digital PCM clock synchronization mode on transmitting the relay protection signal , in order to ensure the channel transmit the power grid protection signal reliably .

  30. 算例分析表明:文中提出的广域继电保护算法原理简单、运算方便、判断结果准确,能较好地克服N?1运行状况带来的影响,可明显提高继电保护系统的性能。

    The results of case study show that the wide area relaying protection algorithm based on longitudinal comparison principle is simple and convenient for fault determination , the fault estimation results are exact and immune against N-1 operation statuses , which can improve the performance of relaying protection system markedly .