
  1. 但他说,只要有经济意义,他本人以及合作伙伴伯克希尔副董事长芒格(CharlieMunger)会继续收购报业资产。

    But he said he and his partner , Berkshire Vice Chairman Charlie Munger , would continue to buy papers if the ' economics made sense . '

  2. 如果任何机会出现的话,我们有实力继续收购。

    We 'll have the firepower to continue to make acquisitions if any opportunities arise .

  3. 董事会正在决定是否继续收购。

    The board are in the process of deciding whether to go ahead with the takeover .

  4. 你的购买行动到那种程度了,你会继续收购下去吗?

    How close have you been to acquiring a team , and is it something you will continue to pursue ?

  5. 如果中国继续收购外国公司的大量股权,就会引发大量此类争议。

    This is just one of the controversies that will arise if the Chinese state keeps buying large stakes in foreign companies .

  6. 巴普蒂斯塔不愿同塞维利亚续约,阿森纳可以继续收购这名巴西人。

    Arsenal could be prepared to renew their interest in Brazilian striker Julio Baptista as the striker seems unwilling to renew his contract with Sevilla .

  7. 每个人都要站在理解俱乐部的立场上,那就是球场上的成功是每个人的动力和目标,所以我们会继续收购新的球员来使得我们继续前进的。

    Everyone associated with the club understands that success on the pitch drives everything so we have to buy new players to continue moving forward .

  8. 为了降低对海外供应商的依赖,中国国家发展和改革委员会(简称:发改委)上个月公开敦促中国钢铁企业继续收购海外铁矿石资产。

    Sensitive to reducing its dependence on foreign suppliers , the country 's top economic planners last month publicly urged Chinese steelmakers to continue shopping for ore assets abroad .

  9. 这一消息的披露将使一些人感到意外,这些人认为,由于梁伯韬获得电讯盈科控股权的方式独特,麦格理不会有兴趣继续收购电讯盈科了。

    The revelation will surprise those who believed the Australian investment bank would not pursue its interest in PCCW because of the manner in which Mr Leung gained control of it .

  10. 卡特彼勒在花旗(citi)的建议下继续推进收购。

    Caterpillar , which was advised by Citi , pressed ahead .

  11. 可口可乐表示,还会继续寻求收购,其最近收购了英国果昔厂家InnocentLtd。价值4400万美元的股份。

    Coke said it would also be on the lookout for acquisitions , citing its recent $ 44 million stake in British smoothie maker Innocent Ltd.

  12. 今年前9个月,CHS的净营收增长9.8%达到了102亿美元,预计它还会继续四处收购。

    CHS would continue to make acquisitions of hospitals here and there , with net revenue for the year climbing 9.8 % to $ 10.2 billion after the third quarter .

  13. 然而,阿布拉莫夫前进的步伐还远没有停止,耶弗拉兹控股集团计划通过上市募集到更多的资金,完成厂房的现代化改造,并且继续进行收购行动。

    Evraz plans to use the proceeds of the IPO on further plant modernizations and acquisitions .

  14. 信贷紧缩继续导致收购交易投资者无法获得其购买昂贵资产所需的债务。

    The credit crunch continues to render buy-out investors unable to secure the debt they need to buy expensive assets .

  15. 本月,阿里巴巴继续其收购步伐,宣布对在线视频网站优酷和土豆网剩余的股份进行全面收购。

    This month , Alibaba continued its acquisition streak by making an offer to buy the remainder of a Chinese online video site , Youku Tudou .

  16. 科尼赛克收购财团解散后,北汽继续洽谈收购意愿,但据信它不愿接手萨博的瑞典生产设施。通用汽车已警告说,如果在年底前找不到买家,萨博将进入破产清算程序。

    It has pursued its interest alone since the Koenigsegg deal collapsed but is thought to be reluctant to take on Saab 's Swedish production facilities . GM has warned that Saab will be liquidated if a buyer is not found by the end of the year .

  17. 瑞银(UBS)亚洲区主席贺利华(RodneyWard)表示:中国企业将继续寻求海外收购,以发掘规模效应。

    Rodney Ward , UBS Asia chairman , said : Corporate China will continue to seek overseas acquisitions to exploit economies of scale .

  18. 雅虎的首席执行长玛丽莎・梅耶尔(MarissaMayer)曾表示,雅虎将是资本的“好管家”,将继续执行其收购策略,并保留采取其他行动(可能是指回购)的余地。所有这些都将取决于董事会的考量。

    Chief Executive Marissa Mayer has said Yahoo would be ' good stewards ' of its capital and continue its strategy of making acquisitions , leaving other moves -- buybacks , perhaps ? -- up to the discretion of its board .

  19. 海航集团董事局主席陈峰在今年7月表示将继续这股收购热潮。

    Chen Feng , HNA 's chairman , said in July the buying spree was set to continue .

  20. 中海油称,它将继续寻找海外收购机会,但没有提及具体目标。

    CNOOC said it would continue to look for overseas acquisition opportunities but did not mention any specific target .

  21. 毫无疑问,中国将继续在海外收购资源,因为仍存在需求,而且价格可能变得更有吸引力。

    It will continue buying up resources overseas , of course , as the need is still there and prices may become attractive .

  22. 英国是其主要的盈利来源,但是受制于反垄断法规,他也无法继续在英国收购更多的报纸。

    Nor could he buy more newspapers in Britain , where he earns most of his profits , without bumping up against monopoly restrictions .

  23. 这家电信运营商表示,激烈的竞争也会给全行业带来打击,但补充说,其强大的现金流使其能够继续寻找海外收购机会。

    The telecoms operator said fierce competition would also hurt the sector , but added that its strong cash flow would allow it to continue looking for overseas acquisitions .

  24. 我们会继续着眼于收购其他国家及中国的公司和农场,进一步提升我们提供高质量产品和商品的能力。

    We continue to eye buying companies or farms in other countries , and also in China to give more scale to our ability to provide high-quality products and goods .

  25. 为此,应借鉴国外经验,继续深化粮食收购政策的市场化改革,从粮食价格形成机制、粮食收购渠道、农业生产资料限价、农业补贴等方面采取相应的措施。

    Therefore , should learn from foreign experience . This paper advise that our country should take measures from food price formation mechanism , grain purchasing channels , price of agricultural production , agricultural subsidies .

  26. 单伟建表示,他的基金不会只关注中国,他计划利用他在亚洲市场的投资经验,并可能会继续他对收购交易的偏好。

    Mr Shan said that his fund would not solely focus on China and that he planned to draw on his investment experience across Asian markets and would likely continue his preference for buy-out deals .

  27. 之后他继续在海外进行收购浪潮,其主要目标为东欧。

    He then went on a buying spree abroad , chiefly in Eastern Europe .

  28. 只有这个货币化的估值模型继续有效,这次收购的估值才算合情合理。

    The monetization models need to work out about the same to justify the valuations .

  29. 我们将继续寻找机会,收购中国的其它煤矿资产。

    We will continue to seek opportunities to buy other coal mine assets in China .

  30. 股东喜欢,我们也喜欢,我们将继续进行更多的收购。

    The shareholders love it . We love it . We will continue to do more .