
jū jiān rén
  • go-between
  • broker;mediator;intermediate;intermediary
  1. 居间人合同诈骗之司法认定

    Judicial Determination of The Act On The Broker 's Contractual Fraud

  2. 第二章对期货居间人的历史和现状进行追根溯源。

    Tracing to its source , Chapter Two characters the history and current status of the futures intermediary person .

  3. 居间人促成合同成立的,居间活动的费用,由居间人负担。

    Where the intermediator has facilitated the conclusion of the contract , the expenses for the intermediate service shall be borne by the intermediator .

  4. 在不同的条件下它分别以四种面孔出现,代理人、居间人、无船承运人和国际多式联运经营人。

    They will come forth in four kinds of different roles in different situations , respectively as agent , intermediary , NVOCC and international multimode transportation operator .

  5. 在现今的货运代理市场中,它已经从传统的单纯的代理人、居间人角色发展到今天的无船承运人、国际多式联运经营人。

    Freight forwarding , in today 's Shipping markets , has been developed from the traditional roles acting as a pure agent or intermediary to today 's NVOCC and international multimode transportation operator .

  6. 居间信用规则对居间行为人有一定的约束作用。

    The rules of mediacy credit had some restriction effect on people engaged in mediacy .

  7. 同时,大量的居间行为存在不规范的地方,例如居间人不履行如实告知义务,损害委托人的利益。

    Meanwhile , a large number of mediacy have non-criterion activities in actual running , such intermediary fails to perform the obligations of declaring the facts , damaging the trustee ' property .